Miranda Holmes-Cerfon
Cited by
Cited by
Evolutionary games and population dynamics: maintenance of cooperation in public goods games
C Hauert, M Holmes, M Doebeli
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 273 (1600), 2565-2571, 2006
Tetrahedral colloidal clusters from random parking of bidisperse spheres
NB Schade, MC Holmes-Cerfon, ER Chen, D Aronzon, JW Collins, ...
Physical review letters 110 (14), 148303, 2013
Freely jointed polymers made of droplets
A McMullen, M Holmes-Cerfon, F Sciortino, AY Grosberg, J Brujic
Physical review letters 121 (13), 138002, 2018
A geometrical approach to computing free-energy landscapes from short-ranged potentials
M Holmes-Cerfon, SJ Gortler, MP Brenner
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (1), E5-E14, 2013
Monte Carlo on manifolds: sampling densities and integrating functions
E Zappa, M Holmes‐Cerfon, J Goodman
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 71 (12), 2609-2647, 2018
Two-dimensional clusters of colloidal spheres: ground states, excited states, and structural rearrangements
RW Perry, MC Holmes-Cerfon, MP Brenner, VN Manoharan
Physical review letters 114 (22), 228301, 2015
Decay of an internal tide due to random topography in the ocean
O Bühler, M Holmes-Cerfon
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 678, 271-293, 2011
Enumerating rigid sphere packings
MC Holmes-Cerfon
SIAM Review 58 (2), 229-244, 2016
Sticky Brownian Motion and Its Numerical Solution
N Bou-Rabee, MC Holmes-Cerfon
SIAM Review 62 (1), 164-195, 2020
Sticky-sphere clusters
M Holmes-Cerfon
Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics 8, 77-98, 2017
Low Rossby limiting dynamics for stably stratified flow with finite Froude number
BA Wingate, P Embid, M Holmes-Cerfon, MA Taylor
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 676, 546-571, 2011
Particle dispersion by random waves in the rotating Boussinesq system
M Holmes-Cerfon, O Bühler, R Ferrari
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 670, 150-175, 2011
Free energy of singular sticky-sphere clusters
Y Kallus, M Holmes-Cerfon
Physical Review E 95 (2), 022130, 2017
Internal wave attractors over random, small-amplitude topography
Y Guo, M Holmes-Cerfon
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 787, 148-174, 2016
Particle dispersion by random waves in rotating shallow water
O Bühler, M Holmes-Cerfon
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 638, 5-26, 2009
Comprehensive view of microscopic interactions between DNA-coated colloids
F Cui, S Marbach, JA Zheng, M Holmes-Cerfon, DJ Pine
Nature communications 13 (1), 2304, 2022
Modeling the relative dynamics of DNA-coated colloids
JP Lee-Thorp, M Holmes-Cerfon
Soft matter 14 (40), 8147-8159, 2018
Strong particle dispersion by weakly dissipative random internal waves
O Bühler, N Grisouard, M Holmes-Cerfon
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 719, R4, 2013
Development of knife-edge ridges on ion-bombarded surfaces
M Holmes-Cerfon, W Zhou, AL Bertozzi, MP Brenner, MJ Aziz
Applied Physics Letters 101 (14), 2012
Dynamics and unsteady morphologies at ice interfaces driven by D2O–H2O exchange
R Drori, M Holmes-Cerfon, B Kahr, RV Kohn, MD Ward
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (44), 11627-11632, 2017
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Articles 1–20