Crustose coralline algae: a re-evaluation in the geological sciences WH Adey, IG Macintyre Geological Society of America Bulletin 84 (3), 883-904, 1973 | 577 | 1973 |
Coral Reef Morphogenesis: A Multidimensional Model: New data from coring and carbon-14 dating provide keys for unraveling some classical enigmas. WH Adey Science 202 (4370), 831-837, 1978 | 367 | 1978 |
Dynamic aquaria: building living ecosystems WH Adey, K Loveland Elsevier, 2011 | 331 | 2011 |
Studies on the biosystematics and ecology of the epilithic crustose Corallinaceae of the British Isles WH Adey, PJ Adey British phycological journal 8 (4), 343-407, 1973 | 317 | 1973 |
The crustose coralline algae Rhodophyta:(Corallinaceae) of the Hawaiian Islands WH Adey, R Townsend, W Boykins | 310 | 1982 |
Coral reefs: algal structured and mediated ecosystems in shallow, turbulent, alkaline waters WH Adey Journal of Phycology 34 (3), 393-406, 1998 | 309 | 1998 |
Colonization, succession and growth rates of tropical crustose coralline algae (Rhodophyta, Cryptonemiales) WH Adey, JM Vassar Phycologia 14 (2), 55-69, 1975 | 289 | 1975 |
Studies on the Maerl Species Phymatolithon calcareum (Pallas) nov. comb. and Lithothamnium coralloides Crouan in the Ria de Vigo WH Adey, DL McKIBBIN Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/New York 13 (2), 100-106, 1970 | 288 | 1970 |
The effect of micrograzers on algal community structure in a coral reef microcosm SH Brawley, WH Adey Marine Biology 61, 167-177, 1981 | 268 | 1981 |
The algal ridges and coral reefs of St. Croix: their structure and Holocene development WH Adey Atoll Research Bulletin, 1975 | 250 | 1975 |
Phosphorus removal from wastewater using an algal turf scrubber RJ Craggs, WH Adey, KR Jenson, MSS John, FB Green, WJ Oswald Water Science and Technology 33 (7), 191-198, 1996 | 244 | 1996 |
Coralline algae as indicators of sea-level WH Adey Sea-level research: a manual for the collection and evaluation of data, 229-280, 1986 | 230 | 1986 |
Territorial behavior of threespot damselfish (Eupomacentrus planifrons) increases reef algal biomass and productivity SH Brawley, WH Adey Environmental Biology of Fishes 2, 45-51, 1977 | 229 | 1977 |
Algal turf scrubbing: cleaning surface waters with solar energy while producing a biofuel WH Adey, PC Kangas, W Mulbry Bioscience 61 (6), 434-441, 2011 | 220 | 2011 |
A revision of the Foslie crustose coralline herbarium. WH Adey Det Kongelige Norske Vidensk. Selsk, Skr. 1970 (1), 1-46, 1970 | 219 | 1970 |
Holocene bioherms (algal ridges and bank-barrier reefs) of the eastern Caribbean WH Adey, R Burke Geological Society of America Bulletin 87 (1), 95-109, 1976 | 210 | 1976 |
Phosphorus removal from natural waters using controlled algal production W Adey, C Luckett, K Jensen Restoration Ecology 1 (1), 29-39, 1993 | 202 | 1993 |
Thermogeography over time creates biogeographic regions: a temperature/space/time‐integrated model and an abundance‐weighted test for benthic marine algae WH Adey, RS Steneck Journal of Phycology 37 (5), 677-698, 2001 | 199 | 2001 |
The Role of Environment in Control of Morphology in Lithophyllum congestum, a Caribbean Algal Ridge Builder RS Steneck, WH Adey Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/New York 19 (4), 197-216, 1976 | 199 | 1976 |