michael behrenfeld
michael behrenfeld
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Primary production of the biosphere: integrating terrestrial and oceanic components
CB Field, MJ Behrenfeld, JT Randerson, P Falkowski
science 281 (5374), 237-240, 1998
Photosynthetic rates derived from satellite‐based chlorophyll concentration
MJ Behrenfeld, PG Falkowski
Limnology and oceanography 42 (1), 1-20, 1997
Climate-driven trends in contemporary ocean productivity
MJ Behrenfeld, RT O’Malley, DA Siegel, CR McClain, JL Sarmiento, ...
Nature 444 (7120), 752-755, 2006
Scientists’ warning to humanity: microorganisms and climate change
R Cavicchioli, WJ Ripple, KN Timmis, F Azam, LR Bakken, M Baylis, ...
Nature Reviews Microbiology 17 (9), 569-586, 2019
Carbon‐based ocean productivity and phytoplankton physiology from space
MJ Behrenfeld, E Boss, DA Siegel, DM Shea
Global biogeochemical cycles 19 (1), 2005
A consumer's guide to phytoplankton primary productivity models
MJ Behrenfeld, PG Falkowski
Limnology and oceanography 42 (7), 1479-1491, 1997
Biospheric primary production during an ENSO transition
MJ Behrenfeld, JT Randerson, CR McClain, GC Feldman, SO Los, ...
Science 291 (5513), 2594-2597, 2001
A comparison of global estimates of marine primary production from ocean color
ME Carr, MAM Friedrichs, M Schmeltz, MN Aita, D Antoine, KR Arrigo, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 53 (5-7), 741-770, 2006
Carbon‐based primary productivity modeling with vertically resolved photoacclimation
T Westberry, MJ Behrenfeld, DA Siegel, E Boss
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 22 (2), 2008
Abandoning Sverdrup's critical depth hypothesis on phytoplankton blooms
MJ Behrenfeld
Ecology 91 (4), 977-989, 2010
Confirmation of iron limitation of phytoplankton photosynthesis in the equatorial Pacific Ocean
MJ Behrenfeld, AJ Bale, ZS Kolber, J Aiken, PG Falkowski
Nature 383 (6600), 508-511, 1996
Seasonal rhythms of net primary production and particulate organic carbon flux to depth describe the efficiency of biological pump in the global ocean
MJ Lutz, K Caldeira, RB Dunbar, MJ Behrenfeld
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 112 (C10), 2007
Global assessment of ocean carbon export by combining satellite observations and food‐web models
DA Siegel, KO Buesseler, SC Doney, SF Sailley, MJ Behrenfeld, PW Boyd
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 28 (3), 181-196, 2014
Resurrecting the ecological underpinnings of ocean plankton blooms
MJ Behrenfeld, ES Boss
Annual review of marine science 6 (1), 167-194, 2014
Widespread iron limitation of phytoplankton in the South Pacific Ocean
MJ Behrenfeld, ZS Kolber
Science 283 (5403), 840-843, 1999
Satellite-detected fluorescence reveals global physiology of ocean phytoplankton
MJ Behrenfeld, TK Westberry, ES Boss, RT O'Malley, DA Siegel, ...
Biogeosciences 6 (5), 779-794, 2009
Comparison of algorithms for estimating ocean primary production from surface chlorophyll, temperature, and irradiance
J Campbell, D Antoine, R Armstrong, K Arrigo, W Balch, R Barber, ...
Global biogeochemical cycles 16 (3), 9-1-9-15, 2002
Revaluating ocean warming impacts on global phytoplankton
MJ Behrenfeld, RT O’Malley, ES Boss, TK Westberry, JR Graff, KH Halsey, ...
Nature Climate Change 6 (3), 323-330, 2016
Regional variations in the influence of mesoscale eddies on near‐surface chlorophyll
P Gaube, DJ McGillicuddy Jr, DB Chelton, MJ Behrenfeld, PG Strutton
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 119 (12), 8195-8220, 2014
Controls on tropical Pacific Ocean productivity revealed through nutrient stress diagnostics
MJ Behrenfeld, K Worthington, RM Sherrell, FP Chavez, P Strutton, ...
Nature 442 (7106), 1025-1028, 2006
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