Yingjun Zhang
Yingjun Zhang
College of Grassland Science and Technology, China Agricultural University
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Rangeland degradation and restoration management in China
JG Han, YJ Zhang, CJ Wang, WM Bai, YR Wang, GD Han, LH Li
The Rangeland Journal 30 (2), 233-239, 2008
Innovative grassland management systems for environmental and livelihood benefits
DR Kemp, H Guodong, H Xiangyang, DL Michalk, H Fujiang, W Jianping, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (21), 8369-8374, 2013
The interaction between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and soil phosphorus availability influences plant community productivity and ecosystem stability
G Yang, N Liu, W Lu, S Wang, H Kan, Y Zhang, L Xu, Y Chen
Journal of Ecology 102 (4), 1072-1082, 2014
Changes in plant, soil, and microbes in a typical steppe from simulated grazing: explaining potential change in soil C
N Liu, HM Kan, GW Yang, YJ Zhang
Ecological Monographs 85 (2), 269-286, 2015
Soil aggregates regulate the impact of soil bacterial and fungal communities on soil respiration
C Yang, N Liu, Y Zhang
Geoderma 337, 444-452, 2019
Impact of grazing on soil carbon and microbial biomass in typical steppe and desert steppe of Inner Mongolia
N Liu, Y Zhang, S Chang, H Kan, L Lin
PloS one 7 (5), e36434, 2012
Impact of Grazing on Soil Carbon and Microbial Biomass in Typical Steppe and Desert Steppe of Inner
N Liu, Y Zhang, S Chang, H Kan, L Lin
Improved grazing management may increase soil carbon sequestration in temperate steppe
W Chen, D Huang, N Liu, Y Zhang, WB Badgery, X Wang, Y Shen
Scientific reports 5, 10892, 2015
Trichoderma biofertilizer links to altered soil chemistry, altered microbial communities, and improved grassland biomass
F Zhang, Y Huo, AB Cobb, G Luo, J Zhou, G Yang, GWT Wilson, Y Zhang
Frontiers in microbiology 9, 848, 2018
紫花苜蓿的需水量, 耗水量, 需水强度, 耗水强度和水分利用效率研究
孙洪仁, 刘国荣, 张英俊, 高飞, 逯涛林, 韩建国
草業科學 22 (12), 24-30, 2005
Livestock grazing regulates ecosystem multifunctionality in semi‐arid grassland
H Ren, VT Eviner, W Gui, GWT Wilson, AB Cobb, G Yang, Y Zhang, S Hu, ...
Functional Ecology 32 (12), 2790-2800, 2018
Plant diversity is coupled with beta not alpha diversity of soil fungal communities following N enrichment in a semi-arid grassland
W Chen, R Xu, Y Wu, J Chen, Y Zhang, T Hu, X Yuan, L Zhou, T Tan, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 116, 388-398, 2018
Reduced grazing pressure delivers production and environmental benefits for the typical steppe of north China
Y Zhang, D Huang, WB Badgery, DR Kemp, W Chen, X Wang, N Liu
Scientific Reports 5, 16434, 2015
Interspecific interactions contribute to higher forage yield and are affected by phosphorus application in a fully-mixed perennial legume and grass intercropping system
Y Bi, P Zhou, S Li, Y Wei, X Xiong, Y Shi, N Liu, Y Zhang
Field Crops Research 244, 107636, 2019
刘楠, 张英俊
草業科學 27 (4), 11-14, 2010
Establishing the carrying capacity of the grasslands of China: a review
YJ Zhang, XQ Zhang, XY Wang, N Liu, HM Kan
The Rangeland Journal 36 (1), 1-9, 2014
Multiple mechanisms contributed to the reduced stability of Inner Mongolia grassland ecosystem following nitrogen enrichment
W Chen, Y Zhang, X Mai, Y Shen
Plant and soil 409 (1-2), 283-296, 2016
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi affect plant community structure under various nutrient conditions and stabilize the community productivity
G Yang, X Yang, W Zhang, Y Wei, G Ge, W Lu, J Sun, N Liu, H Kan, ...
Oikos 125 (4), 576-585, 2016
Consistent responses of surface-and subsurface soil fungal diversity to N enrichment are mediated differently by acidification and plant community in a semi-arid grassland
W Chen, R Xu, J Chen, X Yuan, L Zhou, T Tan, J Fan, Y Zhang, T Hu
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 127, 110-119, 2018
Effects of heterogeneous salinity on growth, water uptake, and tissue ion concentrations of alfalfa
J Sun, G Yang, W Zhang, Y Zhang
Plant and soil 408 (1-2), 211-226, 2016
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Articles 1–20