Juliana Chacon
Juliana Chacon
Former Postdoc at the University of Munich (LMU)
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Cited by
A DNA barcode for land plants
CBOL Plant Working Group
Proceedings of the National academy of Sciences of the United States of …, 2009
The borage family (Boraginaceae s. str.): A revised infrafamilial classification based on new phylogenetic evidence, with emphasis on the placement of some enigmatic genera
J Chacón, F Luebert, HH Hilger, S Ovchinnikova, F Selvi, L Cecchi, ...
Taxon 65 (3), 523-546, 2016
From east Gondwana to Central America: historical biogeography of the Alstroemeriaceae
J Chacón, MC de Assis, AW Meerow, SS Renner
Journal of Biogeography 39 (10), 1806-1818, 2012
Ribosomal DNA distribution and a genus‐wide phylogeny reveal patterns of chromosomal evolution in Alstroemeria (Alstroemeriaceae)
J Chacón, A Sousa, CM Baeza, SS Renner
American Journal of Botany 99 (9), 1501-1512, 2012
Molecular phylogenetics of Oreobolus (Cyperaceae) and the origin and diversification of the American species
J Chacón, S Madriñán, MW Chase, JJ Bruhl
Taxon 55 (2), 359-366, 2006
Phylogenetic patterns in the genus Manihot (Euphorbiaceae) inferred from analyses of nuclear and chloroplast DNA regions
J Chacón, S Madriñán, D Debouck, F Rodriguez, J Tohme
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 49 (1), 260-267, 2008
Assessing model sensitivity in ancestral area reconstruction using Lagrange: a case study using the Colchicaceae family
J Chacón, SS Renner
Journal of biogeography 41 (7), 1414-1427, 2014
Biogeographic events are not correlated with diaspore dispersal modes in Boraginaceae
J Chacón, F Luebert, M Weigend
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 5, 26, 2017
Phylogenetic placement of environmental sequences using taxonomically reliable databases helps to rigorously assess dinophyte biodiversity in Bavarian lakes (Germany)
M Gottschling, J Chacón, A Žerdoner Čalasan, S Neuhaus, ...
Freshwater Biology 65 (2), 193-208, 2020
Leaf fossils of Luzuriaga and a monocot flower with in situ pollen of Liliacidites contortus Mildenh. & Bannister sp. nov. (Alstroemeriaceae) from the Early Miocene
JG Conran, JM Bannister, DC Mildenhall, DE Lee, J Chacón, SS Renner
American Journal of Botany 101 (1), 141-155, 2014
Phylogeny and historical biogeography of Lithospermeae (Boraginaceae): Disentangling the possible causes of Miocene diversifications
J Chacón, F Luebert, F Selvi, L Cecchi, M Weigend
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 141, 106626, 2019
No longer shipwrecked—Selkirkia (Boraginaceae) back on the mainland with generic rearrangements in South American “Omphalodes” based on molecular data
N Holstein, J Chacon, HH Hilger, M Weigend
Phytotaxa 270 (4), 231–251-231–251, 2016
The evolution of Colchicaceae, with a focus on chromosome numbers
J Chacón, N Cusimano, SS Renner
Systematic Botany 39 (2), 415-427, 2014
Towards a monophyletic Omphalodes—or an expansion of North American Mimophytum
N Holstein, J Chacon, A Otero, P JIMÉNEZ-MEJÍAS, M Weigend
Phytotaxa 288 (2), 131–144-131–144, 2016
Dawn of the dinophytes: A first attempt to date origin and diversification of harmful algae
J Chacón, M Gottschling
Harmful algae 97, 101871, 2020
Fossil nutlets of Boraginaceae from the continental Eocene of Hamada of Méridja (southwestern Algeria): The first fossil of the Borage family in Africa
SA Hammouda, M Weigend, F Mebrouk, J Chacón, M Bensalah, ...
American journal of botany 102 (12), 2108-2115, 2015
Spatial fragmentation in the distribution of diatom endosymbionts from the taxonomically clarified dinophyte Kryptoperidinium triquetrum (= Kryptoperidinium foliaceum …
U Tillmann, S Wietkamp, J Kretschmann, J Chacón, M Gottschling
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 8593, 2023
Dwarves on the roof of the world: a taxonomic revision of the Himalayan Lasiocaryeae Weigend (Boraginaceae).
J Chacon, M Siwakoti, HH Hilger, M Weigend
The second most abundant dinophyte in the ponds of a botanical garden is a species new to science
A Müller, M Stark, S Schottenhammel, U John, J Chacón, A Klingl, ...
Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 71 (2), e13015, 2024
Dinastridium verrucosum Baumeister from Bavaria (Germany) is a borghiellacean dinophyte († Suessiales)
J Knechtel, J Kretschmann, J Chacón, M Gottschling
Protist 171 (4), 125741, 2020
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Articles 1–20