Alexander David McKinnon
Alexander David McKinnon
Retired scientist, ex Australian Institute of Marine Science
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The potential of tropical paracalanid copepods as live feeds in aquaculture
AD McKinnon, S Duggan, PD Nichols, MA Rimmer, G Semmens, ...
Aquaculture 223 (1-4), 89-106, 2003
The cycling and fate of terrestrially-derived sediments and nutrients in the coastal zone of the Great Barrier Reef shelf
DM Alongi, AD McKinnon
Marine Pollution Bulletin 51 (1-4), 239-252, 2005
Growth, mortality, and secondary production of the copepod Acartia tranteri in Westemport Bay, Australia1
WJ Kimmerer, AD McKinnon
Limnology and Oceanography 32 (1), 14-28, 1987
What determines the growth of tropical reef fish larvae in the plankton: food or temperature?
MG Meekan, JH Carleton, AD McKinnon, K Flynn, M Furnas
Marine Ecology Progress Series 256, 193-204, 2003
A synthesis of dominant ecological processes in intensive shrimp ponds and adjacent coastal environments in NE Australia
MA Burford, SD Costanzo, WC Dennison, CJ Jackson, AB Jones, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 46 (11), 1456-1469, 2003
Temporal and spatial patterns in primary production of a coral-reef epilithic algal community
DW Klumpp, AD McKinnon
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 131 (1), 1-22, 1989
Glimpse into guts: overview of the feeding of larvae of tropical shorefishes
A Sampey, AD McKinnon, MG Meekan, MI McCormick
Marine Ecology Progress Series 339, 243-257, 2007
Community structure, biomass and productivity of epilithic algal communities on the Great Barrier Reef: dynamics at different spatial scales
DW Klumpp, AD McKinnon
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 77-89, 1992
Motile cryptofauna of a coral reef: Abundance, distribution and trophic potential.
DW Klumpp, AD McKinnon, CN Mundy
Marine ecology progress series. Oldendorf 45 (1), 95-108, 1988
Developing a decision support system for sustainable cage aquaculture
H Halide, A Stigebrandt, M Rehbein, AD McKinnon
Environmental Modelling & Software 24 (6), 694-702, 2009
Primary production and nutrients in a tropical macrotidal estuary, Darwin Harbour, Australia
MA Burford, DM Alongi, AD McKinnon, LA Trott
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 79 (3), 440-448, 2008
Sex ratios, intersexuality and sex change in copepods
LFM Gusmão, AD McKinnon
Journal of plankton research 31 (9), 1101-1117, 2009
Wastewater treatment for land-based aquaculture: improvements and value-adding alternatives in model systems from Australia
SA Castine, AD McKinnon, NA Paul, LA Trott, R de Nys
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 4 (3), 285-300, 2013
Rapid changes in shelf waters and pelagic communities on the southern Northwest Shelf, Australia, following a tropical cyclone
AD McKinnon, MG Meekan, JH Carleton, MJ Furnas, S Duggan, ...
Continental Shelf Research 23 (1), 93-111, 2003
Zooplankton community structure and copepod egg production in coastal waters of the central Great Barrier Reef lagoon
AD McKinnon, SR Thorrold
Journal of Plankton Research 15 (12), 1387-1411, 1993
The Coral Sea: physical environment, ecosystem status and biodiversity assets
DM Ceccarelli, AD McKinnon, S Andréfouët, V Allain, J Young, ...
Advances in marine biology 66, 213-290, 2013
High mortality in a copepod population caused by a parasitic dinoflagellate
WJ Kimmerer, AD McKinnon
Marine Biology 107, 449-452, 1990
Vulnerability of open ocean food webs in the tropical Pacific to climate change
R Le Borgne, V Allain, SP Griffiths, RJ Matear, AD McKinnon, ...
Vulnerability of tropical Pacific fisheries and aquaculture to climate …, 2011
Does egg production represent adult female copepod growth? A call to account for body weight changes
AG Hirst, AD McKinnon
Marine Ecology Progress Series 223, 179-199, 2001
Zooplankton in a marine bay. II. Vertical migration to maintain horizontal distributions
WWJ Kimmerer, DAD McKinnon
Marine Ecology Progress Series-pages: 41: 53-60, 1987
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Articles 1–20