Albert J. Meier
Albert J. Meier
Professor of Biology, Western Kentucky University, Director: Green River Preserve
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Do Appalachian herbaceous understories ever recover from clearcutting?
DC Duffy, AJ Meier
Conservation Biology 6 (2), 196-201, 1992
Possible ecological mechanisms for loss of vernal‐herb diversity in logged eastern deciduous forests
AJ Meier, SP Bratton, DC Duffy
Ecological Applications 5 (4), 935-946, 1995
Eastern old-growth forests: prospects for rediscovery and recovery.
MD Davis
Soil properties in fire-consumed log burnout openings in a Missouri oak savanna
CC Rhoades, AJ Meier, AJ Rebertus
Forest Ecology and Management 192 (2-3), 277-284, 2004
The appalachians
J Pickering, R Kays, A Meier, S Andrew, R Yatskievych
Wilderness Earth’s Last Wild Places. Conservation International, Washington, DC, 2003
GIS and artificial neural network–based water quality model for a stream network in the Upper Green River Basin, Kentucky, USA
J Anmala, OW Meier, AJ Meier, S Grubbs
Journal of Environmental Engineering 141 (5), 04014082, 2015
Allozyme variation and systematics of the Nerodia fasciata-Nerodia clarkii complex of water snakes (Serpentes: Colubridae)
R Lawson, AJ Meier, PG Frank, PE Moler
Copeia, 638-659, 1991
Blowdown dynamics in oak-hickory forests of the Missouri Ozarks
AJ Rebertus, AJ Meier
Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society, 362-369, 2001
The recent vegetation disturbance history of the Chattooga River watershed
SP Bratton, AJ Meier
Castanea, 372-381, 1998
Reproduction and behavior of western mud snakes (Farancia abacura reinwardtii) in American alligator nests
PM Hall, AJ Meier
Copeia 1993 (1), 219-222, 1993
Longitudinal patterns of fish assemblages in small unregulated subbasins: evaluating reach-and watershed-scale parameters
SA Grubbs, OW Meier, AJ Meier
Hydrobiologia 592, 211-223, 2007
Biodiversity in the herbaceous layer and salamanders in Appalachian primary forests
AJ Meier, SP Bratton, DC Duffy
Eastern old-growth forests: prospects for rediscovery and recovery. Edited …, 1996
Algal biomass accrual in relation to nutrient availability and limitation along a longitudinal gradient of a karst riverine system
MD Penick, SA Grubbs, AJ Meier
International Aquatic Research 4, 1-13, 2012
Pervaporation for the recovery of MEK and other solvents using organophilic membranes
KM Devaine, AJ Meier, CS Slater
7th International Conference on Pervaporation Process in the Chemical …, 1995
Population status and notes on the biology and behavior of the St. Croix ground lizard on Green Cay (St. Croix, US Virgin Islands)
AJ Meier, RE Noble, SL Rathbun
Caribbean Journal of Science 29 (3-4), 147-152, 1993
Restoring wildflowers and salamanders in southeastern deciduous forests
SP Bratton, AJ Meier
Ecological Restoration 16 (2), 158-165, 1998
The birds of Desecheo Island, Puerto Rico, including a new record for Puerto Rican territory
AJ Meier, RE Noble, HA Raffaele
Caribbean Journal of Science 25 (1-2), 24-29, 1989
Observations on the nesting ecology of the White-cheeked Pintail
AJ Meier, RE Noble, PM McKenzie, PJ Zwank
Caribbean Journal of Science 25, 92-93, 1989
Notes on the status and habits of the Desecheo gecko, Sphaerodactylus levinsi
AJ Meier, RE Noble
Journal of Herpetology 24 (4), 426-428, 1990
Genetic Diversity in Cymophyllus fraserianus (Cyperaceae), a Rare Monotypic Genus
MJW Godt, JL Hamrick, A Meier
Genetica 122, 207-215, 2004
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Articles 1–20