Matilda Šprung
Matilda Šprung
University of Split, Faculty of Science
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Phosphorylation of the mitochondrial autophagy receptor Nix enhances its interaction with LC3 proteins.
VV Rogov, H Suzuki, M Marinković, V Lang, R Kato, M Kawasaki, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 1131, 2017
Chemical Composition and Biological Activity of Allium cepa L. and Allium× cornutum (Clementi ex Visiani 1842) Methanolic Extracts
Ž Fredotović, M Šprung, B Soldo, I Ljubenkov, I Budić-Leto, T Bilušić, ...
Molecules 22 (3), 448, 2017
Expression analysis of the Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) pro-inflammatory cytokines, IL-1β, TNFα1 and TNFα2 in response to parasites Pseudocycnus appendiculatus …
IL Pleić, I Bušelić, Ž Trumbić, I Bočina, M Šprung, I Mladineo
Fish & shellfish immunology 45 (2), 946-954, 2015
Occurrence and antibiotic susceptibility profiles of Burkholderia cepacia complex in coastal marine environment
A Maravić, M Skočibušić, M Šprung, I Šamanić, J Puizina, ...
International journal of environmental health research 22 (6), 531-542, 2012
The A9 core sequence from NRPS adenylation domain is relevant for thioester formation
V Bučević‐Popović, M Šprung, B Soldo, M Pavela‐Vrančič
ChemBioChem 13 (13), 1913-1920, 2012
Substrate-Induced Conformational Changes of the Tyrocidine Synthetase 1 Adenylation Domain Probed by Intrinsic Trp Fluorescence
M Šprung, B Soldo, S Orhanović, V Bučević-Popović
The Protein Journal, 1-10, 2017
Flow Cytometer Monitoring of Bnip3-and Bnip3L/Nix-Dependent Mitophagy
M Sˇprung, I Dikic, I Novak
Evaluation of Olive Fruit Lipoxygenase Extraction Protocols on 9-and 13-Z, E-HPODE Formation
B Soldo, M Šprung, G Mušac, M Pavela-Vrančić, I Ljubenkov
Molecules 21 (4), 506, 2016
Influence of subunit interface mutations on kinetic and dynamic properties of alkaline phosphatase from E. coli
M Šprung, V Bučević-Popović, B Soldo, M Pavela-Vrančić, S Orhanović
Croatica chemica acta 86 (2), 165-170, 2013
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Articles 1–9