Eudenilson L. Albuquerque
Eudenilson L. Albuquerque
Professor of Physics and Biophysics, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
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Theory of elementary excitations in quasiperiodic structures
EL Albuquerque, MG Cottam
Physics reports 376 (4-5), 225-337, 2003
Polaritons in periodic and quasiperiodic structures
EL Albuquerque, MG Cottam
Elsevier, 2004
Spin waves in a magnetic superlattice
EL Albuquerque, P Fulco, EF Sarmento, DR Tilley
Solid state communications 58 (1), 41-44, 1986
Structural, Optoelectronic, Infrared and Raman spectra of orthorhombic SrSnO3 from DFT calculations
E Moreira, JM Henriques, DL Azevedo, EWS Caetano, VN Freire, ...
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 184, 921, 2011
Optical localization in quasi-periodic multilayers
MS Vasconcelos, EL Albuquerque, AM Mariz
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 10 (26), 5839, 1998
DNA-based nanobiostructured devices: The role of quasiperiodicity and correlation effects
EL Albuquerque, UL Fulco, VN Freire, EWS Caetano, ML Lyra, ...
Physics Reports 535 (4), 139-209, 2014
The boundary element method applied to time dependent problems in anisotropic materials
EL Albuquerque, P Sollero, MH Aliabadi
International Journal of Solids and Structures 39 (5), 1405-1422, 2002
Nucleotide correlations and electronic transport of DNA sequences
EL Albuquerque, MS Vasconcelos, ML Lyra, F de Moura
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 71 (2 …, 2005
Plasmon-polariton fractal spectra in quasiperiodic multilayers
MS Vasconcelos, EL Albuquerque
Physical Review B 57 (5), 2826, 1998
Explaining statin inhibition effectiveness of HMG-CoA reductase by quantum biochemistry computations
RF da Costa, VN Freire, EM Bezerra, BS Cavada, EWS Caetano, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 14 (4), 1389-1398, 2012
Graphene nanoflakes: thermal stability, infrared signatures, and potential applications in the field of spintronics and optical nanodevices
AM Silva, MS Pires, VN Freire, EL Albuquerque, DL Azevedo, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114 (41), 17472-17485, 2010
Transmission fingerprints in quasiperiodic dielectric multilayers
MS Vasconcelos, EL Albuquerque
Physical Review B 59 (17), 11128, 1999
Phase diagram of the Ising model on a Cayley tree in the presence of competing interactions and magnetic field
AM Mariz, C Tsallis, EL Albuquerque
Journal of statistical physics 40, 577-592, 1985
Superlattice plasmon-polaritons
EL Albuquerque, MG Cottam
Physics Reports 233 (2), 67-135, 1993
Dual boundary element method for anisotropic dynamic fracture mechanics
EL Albuquerque, P Sollero, MH Aliabadi
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 59 (9), 1187-1205, 2004
Dual reciprocity boundary element method in Laplace domain applied to anisotropic dynamic crack problems
EL Albuquerque, P Sollero, P Fedelinski
Computers & structures 81 (17), 1703-1713, 2003
First-principles calculations of structural, electronic, and optical absorption properties of CaCO3 Vaterite
SK Medeiros, EL Albuquerque, FF Maia Jr, EWS Caetano, VN Freire
Chemical Physics Letters 435 (1-3), 59-64, 2007
Boundary element analysis of anisotropic Kirchhoff plates
EL Albuquerque, P Sollero, WS Venturini, MH Aliabadi
International Journal of Solids and Structures 43 (14-15), 4029-4046, 2006
Structural and electronic properties of SrxBa1− xSnO3 from first principles calculations
E Moreira, JM Henriques, DL Azevedo, EWS Caetano, VN Freire, ...
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 187, 186-194, 2012
Structural and optoelectronic properties, and infrared spectrum of cubic BaSnO3 from first principles calculations
E Moreira, JM Henriques, DL Azevedo, EWS Caetano, VN Freire, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 112 (4), 2012
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Articles 1–20