Mario Coiro
Mario Coiro
Department of Paleontology, University of Vienna
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The ancestral flower of angiosperms and its early diversification
H Sauquet, M Von Balthazar, S Magallón, JA Doyle, PK Endress, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 1-10, 2017
PROTEIN TARGETING TO STARCH is required for localising GRANULE-BOUND STARCH SYNTHASE to starch granules and for normal amylose synthesis in Arabidopsis
D Seung, S Soyk, M Coiro, BA Maier, S Eicke, SC Zeeman
PLoS biology 13 (2), e1002080, 2015
How deep is the conflict between molecular and fossil evidence on the age of angiosperms?
M Coiro, JA Doyle, J Hilton
New Phytologist 223 (1), 83-99, 2019
The velamen protects photosynthetic orchid roots against UV‐B damage, and a large dated phylogeny implies multiple gains and losses of this function during the C enozoic
G Chomicki, LPR Bidel, F Ming, M Coiro, X Zhang, Y Wang, Y Baissac, ...
New Phytologist 205 (3), 1330-1341, 2015
Evolution and ecology of plant architecture: integrating insights from the fossil record, extant morphology, developmental genetics and phylogenies
G Chomicki, M Coiro, SS Renner
Annals of Botany 120 (6), 855-891, 2017
The Starch Granule-Associated Protein EARLY STARVATION1 Is Required for the Control of Starch Degradation in Arabidopsis thaliana Leaves
D Feike, D Seung, A Graf, S Bischof, T Ellick, M Coiro, S Soyk, S Eicke, ...
The Plant Cell 28 (6), 1472-1489, 2016
The evolution of functional complexity within the β-amylase gene family in land plants
M Thalmann, M Coiro, T Meier, T Wicker, SC Zeeman, D Santelia
BMC evolutionary biology 19, 1-18, 2019
A Time-Calibrated Species Tree Phylogeny of the New World Cycad Genus Zamia L. (Zamiaceae, Cycadales)
M Calonje, AW Meerow, MP Griffith, D Salas-Leiva, AP Vovides, M Coiro, ...
International Journal of Plant Sciences 180 (4), 286-314, 2019
OCTOPUS‐LIKE 2, a novel player in Arabidopsis root and vascular development, reveals a key role for OCTOPUS family genes in root metaphloem sieve tube differentiation
R Sola, M Aguila, M Coiro, S Crivelli, SC Zeeman, ...
New Phytologist 216 (4), 1191-1204, 2017
Reconciling fossils with phylogenies reveals the origin and macroevolutionary processes explaining the global cycad biodiversity
M Coiro, R Allio, N Mazet, LJ Seyfullah, FL Condamine
New Phytologist 240 (4), 1616-1635, 2023
Experimental signal dissection and method sensitivity analyses reaffirm the potential of fossils and morphology in the resolution of the relationship of angiosperms and Gnetales
M Coiro, G Chomicki, JA Doyle
Paleobiology 44 (3), 490-510, 2018
Eobowenia gen. nov. from the Early Cretaceous of Patagonia: indication for an early divergence of Bowenia?
M Coiro, C Pott
BMC Evolutionary Biology 17, 1-14, 2017
Epidermal micromorphology in Dioon: did volcanism constrain Dioon evolution?
MR Barone Lumaga, M Coiro, E Truernit, B Erdei, P De Luca
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 179 (2), 236-254, 2015
Geo-Climatic Changes and Apomixis as Major Drivers of Diversification in the Mediterranean Sea Lavenders (Limonium Mill.)
K Koutroumpa, BH Warren, S Theodoridis, M Coiro, MM Romeiras, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 11, 612258, 2021
Mismatch of the morphology model is mostly unproblematic in total-evidence dating: insights from an extensive simulation study
S Klopfstein, R Ryser, M Coiro, T Spasojevic
bioRxiv, 679084, 2019
Evidence for an extinct lineage of angiosperms from the Early Cretaceous of Patagonia and implications for the early radiation of flowering plants
M Coiro, LCA Martínez, GR Upchurch, JA Doyle
New Phytologist 228 (1), 344-360, 2020
Aperture evolution in Nymphaeaceae: insights from a micromorphological and ultrastructural investigation
M Coiro, MR Barone Lumaga
Grana 52 (3), 192-201, 2013
Disentangling historical signal and pollinator selection on the micromorphology of flowers: an example from the floral epidermis of the Nymphaeaceae
M Coiro, MR Barone Lumaga
Plant Biology 20 (5), 902-915, 2018
Ecophysiological strategy switch through development in heteroblastic species of mediterranean ecosystems–an example in the African Restionaceae
M Ehmig, M Coiro, HP Linder
Annals of botany 123 (4), 611-623, 2019
Xylem characterization using improved pseudo-Schiff propidium iodide staining of whole mount samples and confocal laser-scanning microscopy
M Coiro, E Truernit
Xylem: Methods and Protocols, 127-132, 2017
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Articles 1–20