Frank Groenewoud
Frank Groenewoud
Sustainability researcher, RaboResearch Rabobank
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Predation risk drives social complexity in cooperative breeders
F Groenewoud, JG Frommen, D Josi, H Tanaka, A Jungwirth, M Taborsky
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (15), 4104-4109, 2016
Group-size-dependent punishment of idle subordinates in a cooperative breeder where helpers pay to stay
S Fischer, M Zöttl, F Groenewoud, B Taborsky
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 281 (1789), 20140184, 2014
Meerkat helpers buffer the detrimental effects of adverse environmental conditions on fecundity, growth and survival
F Groenewoud, T Clutton‐Brock
Journal of Animal Ecology 90 (3), 641-652, 2021
Higher temperature extremes exacerbate negative disease effects in a social mammal
M Paniw, C Duncan, F Groenewoud, JA Drewe, M Manser, A Ozgul, ...
Nature Climate Change 12 (3), 284-290, 2022
Subordinate females in the cooperatively breeding Seychelles warbler obtain direct benefits by joining unrelated groups
F Groenewoud, SA Kingma, M Hammers, HL Dugdale, T Burke, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 87 (5), 1251-1263, 2018
Foreign egg retention by avian hosts in repeated brood parasitism: why do rejecters accept?
C Moskát, ME Hauber, Z Elek, M Gommers, M Bán, F Groenewoud, ...
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 68, 403-413, 2014
Experimentally induced antipredator responses are mediated by social and environmental factors
F Groenewoud, SA Kingma, K Bebbington, DS Richardson, J Komdeur
Behavioral Ecology 30 (4), 986-992, 2019
Extra-pair mating opportunities mediate parenting and mating effort trade-offs in a songbird
L Lv, Z Zhang, F Groenewoud, SA Kingma, J Li, M van der Velde, ...
Behavioral Ecology 31 (2), 421-431, 2020
Experimental food supplementation at African wintering sites allows for earlier and faster fuelling and reveals large flexibility in spring migration departure in Pied Flycatchers
J Ouwehand, AA Asso, B Johnston, S Bot, W Bil, F Groenewoud, C Both
Ardea 111 (1), 343-370, 2023
Data from: experimentally induced anti-predator responses are mediated by social and environmental factors
F Groenewoud, SA Kingma, K Bebbington, DS Richardson, J Komdeur
Dryad Digital Repository, 2019
Pregnancy reduces concurrent pup care behaviour in meerkats, generating differences between dominant and subordinate females
S Rotics, F Groenewoud, M Manser, T Clutton‐Brock
Journal of Animal Ecology 92 (7), 1431-1441, 2023
Box A
SA Kingma, KL Bebbington, M Hammers, F Groenewoud, H Dugdale, ...
Better Together, 125, 2018
Better together: Cooperative Breeding Under Environmental Heterogeneity
F Groenewoud
University of Groningen / University of Bern, 2018
Research Report 2: Group size and helping behavior are dependent on environmental conditions in the cooperatively breeding cichlid Neolamprologus pulcher
F Groenewoud, M Taborsky, A Jungwirth, PP Brena, H Tanaka, ...
Faculty of Science and Engineering, 2013
Essay: Costs, Constraints and Cooperation: individual expression of helping strategies in a cooperative breeder
F Groenewoud
Faculty of Science and Engineering, 2013
The Effect of Small Scale Habitat Variation on Parental Provisioning Rates in Response to Short-term Brood Size Manipulations
F Groenewoud
Faculty of Science and Engineering, 2012
Promiscuity and the evolution of cooperative behavior: subordinate provisioning effort as a proximate explanation for improved reproductive success
F Groenewoud
Faculty of Science and Engineering, 2011
The trade-off between paternal care and pursuing additional matings is mediated by direct opportunities for extra-pair mating in a socially monogamous bird
L Lv, Z Zhang, F Groenewoud
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Articles 1–18