Dominance of honey bees is negatively associated with wild bee diversity in commercial apple orchards regardless of management practices T Weekers, L Marshall, N Leclercq, TJ Wood, D Cejas, B Drepper, ... Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 323, 107697, 2022 | 47 | 2022 |
Unveiling introgression in bumblebee (Bombus terrestris) populations through mitogenome‐based markers D Cejas, A López‐López, I Muñoz, C Ornosa, P De la Rúa Animal Genetics 51 (1), 70-77, 2020 | 24 | 2020 |
An update and revision of the Andrena fauna of Morocco (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Andrenidae) with the description of eleven new North African species TJ Wood, D Michez, D Cejas, P Lhomme, P Rasmont ZooKeys 974, 31, 2020 | 18 | 2020 |
Searching for molecular markers to differentiate Bombus terrestris (Linnaeus) subspecies in the Iberian Peninsula D Cejas, C Ornosa, I Muñoz, P De la Rua Sociobiology 65 (4), 558-565, 2018 | 18 | 2018 |
A worthy conservation target? Revising the status of the rarest bumblebee of Europe G Ghisbain, B Martinet, TJ Wood, K Przybyla, D Cejas, M Gérard, ... Insect Conservation and Diversity, 2021 | 16 | 2021 |
The Holobiont as a Key to the Adaptation and Conservation of Wild Bees in the Anthropocene K Maebe, NJ Vereecken, N Piot, S Reverté, D Cejas, D Michez, ... Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9, 2021 | 14 | 2021 |
Spatial and temporal patterns of genetic diversity in Bombus terrestris populations of the Iberian Peninsula and their conservation implications D Cejas, P De la Rúa, C Ornosa, D Michez, I Muñoz Scientific Reports 11 (1), 1-12, 2021 | 7 | 2021 |
Assessment and conservation status of an endemic bee in a diversity hotspot (Hymenoptera, Melittidae, Dasypoda). G Ghisbain, VG Radchenko, D Cejas, FP Molina, D Michez Journal of Hymenoptera Research, 2021 | 6 | 2021 |
Ploidy determination in Bombus terrestris males: cost-efficiency comparison among different techniques L Bortolotti, F Fiorillo, R Dall’Olio, D Cejas, P De la Rúa, G Bogo Journal of Apicultural Research, 1-10, 2021 | 5 | 2021 |
Preliminary report on cross-species microsatellite amplification for bumblebee biodiversity and conservation studies D Cejas Acuña, C Ornosa Gallego, I Muñoz Gabaldón, P Rúa Tarín Archivos de zootecnia 68 (263), 428-432, 2019 | 5 | 2019 |
How to get rid of diploid bumblebee males‐variability in wing size and shape does not allow within‐colony ploidy discrimination G Bogo, D Cejas, P De la Rúa, L Bortolotti Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 2021 | 3 | 2021 |
Characterizing the Mitogenome of the Endemic Bumblebee Subspecies from the Canary Islands for Conservation Purposes C Ruiz, D Cejas, I Muñoz, P De la Rua Sociobiology 68 (3), e5910-e5910, 2021 | 2 | 2021 |
Comunicaciones Póster.-Validación de la amplificación de microsatélites en especies de abejorros (género Bombus Latreille, 1802) DM Cejas Acuna, C Ornosa, P De La Rúa, I Muñoz II Jornadas Doctorales de la Universidad de Murcia, 2020 | | 2020 |
Comunicaciones Póster.-Utilidad del barcoding para estudios de biogeografía de tres especies del género Bombus: B. soroeensis, B. lapidarius y B. lucorum. N Blasco Lavilla, C Ornosa, D Cejas, P De La Rúa II Jornadas Doctorales de la Universidad de Murcia, 2020 | | 2020 |
Utilidad del barcoding para estudios de biogeografía de tres especies del género Bombus: B. soroeensis, B. lapidarius y B. lucorum. NB Lavilla, C Ornosa, D Cejas, P De La Rúa II Jornadas Doctorales de la Universidad de Murcia, 2016 | | 2016 |