Iftikhar Hussain Khalil
Iftikhar Hussain Khalil
Ph.D and MS (OSU, USA), Post-doc (UoS-Australia, UoM-MY), Professor, Department of Plant Breeding
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Density and planting date influence phenological development assimilate partitioning and dry matter production of faba bean
SK Khalil, A Wahab, A Rehman, F Muhammad, S Wahab, AZ Khan, ...
Pakistan Journal of Botany 42 (6), 3831-3838, 2010
Genotypic variability for morphological and reproductive traits among exoticmaize hybrids
H Ihsan, IH Khalil, N Hidayat-ur-Rahman
Sarhad Journal of Agriculture (Pakistan) 21 (4), 2005
Genetic trends in winter wheat yield and test weight under dual‐purpose and grain‐only management systems
IH Khalil, BF Carver, EG Krenzer, CT MacKown, GW Horn
Crop Science 42 (3), 710-715, 2002
Dual purpose wheat for forage and grain yield in response to cutting, seed rate and nitrogen
SK Khalil, F Khan, A Rehman, F Muhammad, KAZ Amanullah, MK Shah, ...
Pak. J. bot 43 (2), 937-947, 2011
Heterosis for flower and fruit traits in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)
R Gul, H Rahman, IH Khalil, SMA Shah, A Ghafoor
African journal of Biotechnology 9 (27), 4144-4151, 2010
Combining ability in the f~ 1 generations of diallel cross for yield and yield components in wheat
G Hassan, F Mohammad, SS Afridi, IH Khalil
Sarhad Journal of Agriculture 23 (4), 937, 2007
Genetic variation for yield and yield components in rice
IH Jamal, A Bari, S Khan, I Zada
Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science 4 (6), 60-64, 2009
Breeding winter wheat for a dual-purpose management system
BF Carver, I Khalil, EG Krenzer, CT MacKown
Euphytica 119, 231-234, 2001
Phenology and yield of sweet corn landraces influenced by planting dates
ZH Khan, SK Khalil, S Nigar, I Khalil, I Haq, I Ahmad, A Ali, MY Khan
Sarhad J. Agric 25 (2), 153-157, 2009
Path analysis of the coefficients of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrids
Farhatullah, F Azam, IH Khalil
International Journal of Agriculture and Biology 8 (5), 621-625, 2006
Evaluation of maize hybrids for grain yield stability in north-west of Pakistan
IA Khalil, H Rahman, NU Rehman, M Arif, IH Khalil, M Iqbal, H Ullah, ...
Sarhad J. Agric 27 (2), 213-218, 2011
Seed priming and phosphorus application enhance phenology and dry matter production of wheat
SK Khalil, S Khan, A Rahman, AZ Khan, IH Khalil, WS Amanullah, ...
Pak. J. Bot 42 (3), 1849-1856, 2010
Genotypic and phenotypic correlation among yield components in bread wheat under normal and late plantings
B Ahmad, IH Khalil, M Iqbal, HU Rahman
Sarhad J. Agric 26 (2), 259-265, 2010
Soybean mother plant exposure to temperature stress and its effect on germination under osmotic stress
SK Khalil, JG Mexal, A Rehman, AZ Khan, S Wahab, M Zubair, IH Khalil, ...
Pak. J. Bot 42 (1), 213-225, 2010
Phenology, leaf area index and grain yield of rainfed wheat influenced by organic and inorganic fertilizer
S Rehman, SK Khalil, F Muhammad, A Rehman, AZ Khan, AR Amanullah, ...
Pak. J. Bot 42 (5), 3671-3685, 2010
Tillage and herbicides impact on weed control and wheat yield under rice-wheat cropping system in Northwestern Pakistan
K Usman, SK Khalil, AZ Khan, IH Khalil, MA Khan
Soil Till. Res 110 (1), 101-110, 2010
Heterosis for morphological traits in subtropical maize (Zea mays L).
M Iqbal, K Khan, H Rahman, IH Khalil, H Sher, J Bakht
Maydica 55 (1), 41, 2010
Genetic divergence and association for yield and related traits in mash bean.
MD Khan, IH Khalil, MA Khan
Sarhad J. Agric 20, 555-561, 2004
Phenotypic correlation analysis of elite F3:4 brassica populations for quantitative and qualitative traits
IHK S. Khan, Farhatullah
J. Agric. Bio. Sci. 3, 38-42, 2008
Molecular characterization of genetic diversity and similarity centers of safflower accessions with ISSR markers
F Ali, MA Nadeem, E Habyarimana, A Yılmaz, MA Nawaz, IH Khalil, ...
Brazilian Journal of Botany 43, 109-121, 2020
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