Scott McCoy
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Applying TAM across cultures: the need for caution
S McCoy, DF Galletta, WR King
European Journal of Information Systems 16 (1), 81-90, 2007
Web site delays: How tolerant are users?
DF Galletta, R Henry, S McCoy, P Polak
Journal of the Association for Information Systems 5 (1), 1-28, 2004
The effects of online advertising
S McCoy, A Everard, P Polak, DF Galletta
Communications of the ACM 50 (3), 84-88, 2007
Integrating national culture into IS research: The need for current individual level measures
S McCoy, DF Galletta, WR King
Communications of the Association for Information Systems 15 (1), 12, 2005
The most important issues in knowledge management
WR King, PV Marks Jr, S McCoy
Communications of the ACM 45 (9), 93-97, 2002
An examination of the technology acceptance model in Uruguay and the US: A focus on culture
S Mccoy, A Everard, BM Jones
Journal of Global Information Technology Management 8 (2), 27-45, 2005
When the wait isn’t so bad: The interacting effects of website delay, familiarity, and breadth
DF Galletta, RM Henry, S McCoy, P Polak
Information Systems Research 17 (1), 20-37, 2006
An experimental study of antecedents and consequences of online ad intrusiveness
S McCoy, A Everard, P Polak, DF Galletta
Intl. Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 24 (7), 672-699, 2008
Telemedicine diffusion in a developing country: the case of India (March 2004)
A Pal, VWA Mbarika, F Cobb-Payton, P Datta, S McCoy
IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 9 (1), 59-65, 2005
Here we go again! The impact of website ad repetition on recall, intrusiveness, attitudes, and site revisit intentions
S McCoy, A Everard, DF Galletta, GD Moody
Information & Management 54 (1), 14-24, 2017
Sharing knowledge
P Marks, P Polak, S McCoy, D Galletta
Communications of the ACM 51 (2), 60-65, 2008
Web site accessibility: an online sector analysis
E Loiacono, S McCoy
Information Technology & People 17 (1), 87-101, 2004
The state of corporate website accessibility
ET Loiacono, NC Romano Jr, S McCoy
Communications of the ACM 52 (9), 128-132, 2009
A study of the effects of online advertising: A focus on pop-up and in-line ads
S McCoy, A Everard, D Galletta, P Polak
The effects of infrastructure and policy on e-business in Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa
C Okoli, VWA Mbarika, S McCoy
European Journal of Information Systems 19 (1), 5-20, 2010
September 11, 2001: Two quasi-experiments on the influence of threats on cultural values and cosmopolitanism
MR Olivas-Luján, AW Harzing, S McCoy
International Journal of Cross Cultural Management 4 (2), 211-228, 2004
Online ads in familiar and unfamiliar sites: Effects on perceived website quality and intention to reuse
S McCoy, A Everard, ET Loiacono
Information Systems Journal 19 (4), 437-458, 2009
Website accessibility: a cross-sector comparison
ET Loiacono, S McCoy
Universal access in the information society 4, 393-399, 2006
Chasing John Snow: data analytics in the COVID-19 era
J Pietz, S McCoy, JH Wilck
European Journal of Information Systems 29 (4), 388-404, 2020
The effect of national culture dimensions on the acceptance of information and technology: A trait based approach
S McCoy
University of Pittsburgh, 2002
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