Ecological role and services of tropical mangrove ecosystems: a reassessment SY Lee, JH Primavera, F Dahdouh‐Guebas, K McKee, JO Bosire, ... Global ecology and biogeography 23 (7), 726-743, 2014 | 947 | 2014 |
Oxygen Deficiency in Spartina alterniflora Roots: Metabolic Adaptation to Anoxia IA Mendelssohn, KL McKee, WH Patrick Jr Science 214 (4519), 439-441, 1981 | 575 | 1981 |
Drought, snails, and large-scale die-off of southern US salt marshes BR Silliman, J Van de Koppel, MD Bertness, LE Stanton, IA Mendelssohn Science 310 (5755), 1803-1806, 2005 | 506 | 2005 |
Mangrove sedimentation and response to relative sea-level rise CD Woodroffe, K Rogers, KL McKee, CE Lovelock, IA Mendelssohn, ... Annual review of marine science 8 (1), 243-266, 2016 | 491 | 2016 |
Mechanism for the hydrogen sulfide‐induced growth limitation in wetland macrophytes MS Koch, IA Mendelssohn, KL McKee Limnology and oceanography 35 (2), 399-408, 1990 | 481 | 1990 |
Oil Impacts on Coastal Wetlands: Implications for the Mississippi River Delta Ecosystem after the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill IA Mendelssohn, GL Andersen, DM Baltz, RH Caffey, KR Carman, ... BioScience 62 (6), 562-574, 2012 | 411 | 2012 |
Reexamination of pore water sulfide concentrations and redox potentials near the aerial roots of Rhizophora mangle and Avicennia germinans KL McKee, IA Mendelssohn, MW Hester american Journal of Botany 75 (9), 1352-1359, 1988 | 404 | 1988 |
Eco-Physiological Controls on the Productivity of Spartina Alterniflora Loisel IA Mendelssohn, JT Morris Concepts and controversies in tidal marsh ecology, 59-80, 2000 | 394 | 2000 |
Spartina alterniflora die-back in Louisiana: time-course investigation of soil waterlogging effects IA Mendelssohn, KL McKee The Journal of Ecology, 509-521, 1988 | 391 | 1988 |
Sulphide as a soil phytotoxin: differential responses in two marsh species MS Koch, IA Mendelssohn The Journal of Ecology, 565-578, 1989 | 312 | 1989 |
Response of a freshwater marsh plant community to increased salinity and increased water level KL McKee, IA Mendelssohn Aquatic Botany 34 (4), 301-316, 1989 | 305 | 1989 |
Impacts and Recovery of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on Vegetation Structure and Function of Coastal Salt Marshes in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Q Lin, IA Mendelssohn Environmental science & technology 46 (7), 3737-3743, 2012 | 298 | 2012 |
Acute salt marsh dieback in the Mississippi River deltaic plain: A drought‐induced phenomenon? KL McKee, IA Mendelssohn, M D. Materne Global Ecology and Biogeography 13 (1), 65-73, 2004 | 298 | 2004 |
The combined effects of phytoremediation and biostimulation in enhancing habitat restoration and oil degradation of petroleum contaminated wetlands Q Lin, IA Mendelssohn Ecological Engineering 10 (3), 263-274, 1998 | 276 | 1998 |
Species and population variation to salinity stress in Panicum hemitomon, Spartina patens, and Spartina alterniflora: morphological and physiological constraints MW Hester, IA Mendelssohn, KL McKee Environmental and Experimental Botany 46 (3), 277-297, 2001 | 259 | 2001 |
The influence of vegetation, salinity, and inundation on seed banks of oligohaline coastal marshes AH Baldwin, KL McKee, IA Mendelssohn American Journal of Botany 83 (4), 470-479, 1996 | 253 | 1996 |
Elemental analysis of deposits on the roots of Spartina alterniflora Loisel. IA Mendelssohn, MT Postek American Journal of Botany 69 (6), 904-912, 1982 | 243 | 1982 |
Effects of salinity and water level on coastal marshes: an experimental test of disturbance as a catalyst for vegetation change AH Baldwin, IA Mendelssohn Aquatic Botany 61 (4), 255-268, 1998 | 238 | 1998 |
Salt marsh dieback: an overview of recent events in the US M Alber, EM Swenson, SC Adamowicz, IA Mendelssohn Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 80 (1), 1-11, 2008 | 235 | 2008 |
Factors controlling the formation of oxidized root channels: a review IA Mendelssohn, BA Kleiss, JS Wakeley Wetlands 15, 37-46, 1995 | 234 | 1995 |