Li Song
Li Song
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Understanding abiotic stress tolerance mechanisms in soybean: A comparative evaluation of soybean response to drought and flooding stress
RN Mutava, SJK Prince, NH Syed, L Song, B Valliyodan, W Chen, ...
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 86, 109-120, 2015
Soybean (Glycine max) SWEET gene family: insights through comparative genomics, transcriptome profiling and whole genome re-sequence analysis
G Patil, B Valliyodan, R Deshmukh, S Prince, B Nicander, M Zhao, ...
Bmc Genomics 16, 1-16, 2015
Genetic diversity and genomic strategies for improving drought and waterlogging tolerance in soybeans
B Valliyodan, H Ye, L Song, MK Murphy, JG Shannon, HT Nguyen
Journal of experimental botany 68 (8), 1835-1849, 2017
Landscape of genomic diversity and trait discovery in soybean
B Valliyodan, D Qiu, G Patil, P Zeng, J Huang, L Dai, C Chen, Y Li, T Joshi, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 23598, 2016
Identification and comparative analysis of differential gene expression in soybean leaf tissue under drought and flooding stress revealed by RNA-Seq
W Chen, Q Yao, GB Patil, G Agarwal, RK Deshmukh, L Lin, B Wang, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 7, 1044, 2016
Genome-wide transcriptome analysis of soybean primary root under varying water-deficit conditions
L Song, S Prince, B Valliyodan, T Joshi, JV Maldonado dos Santos, ...
BMC genomics 17, 1-17, 2016
Drought stress causes a reduction in the biosynthesis of ascorbic acid in soybean plants
A Seminario, L Song, A Zulet, HT Nguyen, EM González, E Larrainzar
Frontiers in plant science 8, 1042, 2017
Genetic variants in root architecture-related genes in a Glycine soja accession, a potential resource to improve cultivated soybean
SJ Prince, L Song, D Qiu, JV Maldonado dos Santos, C Chai, T Joshi, ...
BMC genomics 16, 1-20, 2015
A major natural genetic variation associated with root system architecture and plasticity improves waterlogging tolerance and yield in soybean
H Ye, L Song, H Chen, B Valliyodan, P Cheng, L Ali, T Vuong, C Wu, ...
Plant, Cell & Environment 41 (9), 2169-2182, 2018
Genomic-assisted phylogenetic analysis and marker development for next generation soybean cyst nematode resistance breeding
S Kadam, TD Vuong, D Qiu, CG Meinhardt, L Song, R Deshmukh, G Patil, ...
Plant Science 242, 342-350, 2016
Identification of novel QTL governing root architectural traits in an interspecific soybean population
LP Manavalan, SJ Prince, TA Musket, J Chaky, R Deshmukh, TD Vuong, ...
PLoS One 10 (3), e0120490, 2015
Brassinosteroids regulate the differential growth of Arabidopsis hypocotyls through auxin signaling components IAA19 and ARF7
XY Zhou, L Song, HW Xue
Molecular plant 6 (3), 887-904, 2013
The importance of slow canopy wilting in drought tolerance in soybean
H Ye, L Song, WT Schapaugh, ML Ali, TR Sinclair, MK Riar, RN Mutava, ...
Journal of Experimental Botany 71 (2), 642-652, 2020
Whole‐genome re‐sequencing reveals the impact of the interaction of copy number variants of the rhg1 and Rhg4 genes on broad‐based resistance to soybean …
GB Patil, N Lakhssassi, J Wan, L Song, Z Zhou, M Klepadlo, TD Vuong, ...
Plant Biotechnology Journal 17 (8), 1595-1611, 2019
Phospholipase Dζ2 drives vesicular secretion of auxin for its polar cell-cell transport in the transition zone of the root apex
S Mancuso, AM Marras, S Mugnai, M Schlicht, V Žárský, G Li, L Song, ...
Plant Signaling & Behavior 2 (4), 240-244, 2007
Genome-wide analysis revealed the complex regulatory network of brassinosteroid effects in photomorphogenesis
LI Song, XY Zhou, LI Li, LJ Xue, XI Yang, HW Xue
Molecular Plant 2 (4), 755-772, 2009
Characterization of the XTH Gene Family: New Insight to the Roles in Soybean Flooding Tolerance
L Song, B Valliyodan, S Prince, J Wan, HT Nguyen
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 19 (9), 2705, 2018
Core clock, SUB1, and ABAR genes mediate flooding and drought responses via alternative splicing in soybean
NH Syed, SJ Prince, RN Mutava, G Patil, S Li, W Chen, V Babu, T Joshi, ...
Journal of experimental botany 66 (22), 7129-7149, 2015
Membrane steroid-binding protein 1 (MSBP1) negatively regulates brassinosteroid signaling by enhancing the endocytosis of BAK1
L Song, QM Shi, XH Yang, ZH Xu, HW Xue
Cell research 19 (7), 864-876, 2009
Comparative analysis of the drought-responsive transcriptome in soybean lines contrasting for canopy wilting
SJ Prince, T Joshi, RN Mutava, N Syed, MSJ Vitor, G Patil, L Song, ...
Plant Science 240, 65-78, 2015
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