James Bence
Cited by
Cited by
Temporal and spatial variation in environmental impact assessment
A Stewart-Oaten, JR Bence
Ecological monographs 71 (2), 305-339, 2001
Assessing effects of unreplicated perturbations: no simple solutions
A Stewart-Oaten, JR Bence, CW Osenberg
Ecology 73 (4), 1396-1404, 1992
Dynamics of the Lake Michigan food web, 1970 2000
CP Madenjian, GL Fahnenstiel, TH Johengen, TF Nalepa, ...
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 59 (4), 736-753, 2002
Analysis of short time series: correcting for autocorrelation
JR Bence
Ecology 76 (2), 628-639, 1995
A review of harvest policies: understanding relative performance of control rules
JJ Deroba, JR Bence
Fisheries Research 94 (3), 210-223, 2008
Abundance, biomass, and production
DB Hayes, JR Bence, TJ Kwak, BE Thompson
Analysis and interpretation of freshwater fisheries data. American Fisheries …, 2007
Prey size selection by the mosquitofish: relation to optimal diet theory
JR Bence, WW Murdoch
Ecology 67 (2), 324-336, 1986
Ecology of the Lake Huron fish community, 1970-1999
NE Dobiesz, DA McLeish, RL Eshenroder, JR Bence, LC Mohr, ...
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62 (6), 1432-1451, 2005
General predators and unstable prey populations
WW Murdoch, J Bence
Predation: direct and indirect impacts on aquatic communities, 17-30, 1987
Space‐limited recruitment in open systems: the importance of time delays
JR Bence, RM Nisbet
Ecology 70 (5), 1434-1441, 1989
Detecting the ecological effects of environmental impacts: a case study of kelp forest invertebrates
SC Schroeter, JD Dixon, J Kastendiek, RO Smith, JR Bence
Ecological Applications 3 (2), 331-350, 1993
Prey selection by freshwater predators with different foraging strategies
SD Cooper, DW Smith, JR Bence
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 42 (11), 1720-1732, 1985
Indirect effects and biological control of mosquitoes by mosquitofish
JR Bence
Journal of Applied Ecology 25 (2), 505-521, 1988
Recruitment variability of alewives in Lake Michigan
CP Madenjian, TO Höök, ES Rutherford, DM Mason, TE Croley, EB Szalai, ...
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 134 (1), 218-230, 2005
Lake trout mortality and abundance in southern Lake Huron
SP Sitar, JR Bence, JE Johnson, MP Ebener, WW Taylor
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 19 (4), 881-900, 1999
Sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) parasite-host interactions in the Great Lakes
JR Bence, RA Bergstedt, GC Christie, PA Cochran, MP Ebener, ...
Journal of Great Lakes Research 29, 253-282, 2003
Coupling age-structured stock assessment and fish bioenergetics models: a system of time-varying models for quantifying piscivory patterns during the rapid trophic shift in the …
JX He, JR Bence, CP Madenjian, SA Pothoven, NE Dobiesz, DG Fielder, ...
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 72 (1), 7-23, 2015
Yellow perch dynamics in southwestern Lake Michigan during 1986–2002
MJ Wilberg, JR Bence, BT Eggold, D Makauskas, DF Clapp
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 25 (3), 1130-1152, 2005
Estimating angling effort and catch from Michigan roving and access site angler survey data
RN Lockwood, DM Benjamin, JR Bence
Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Fisheries Division, 1999
An overview of recreational fisheries of the Great Lakes
JR Bence, KD Smith
Great Lakes fisheries policy and management: a binational perspective, 259-306, 1999
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Articles 1–20