Robin C. Whytock
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Cited by
Tritrophic phenological match–mismatch in space and time
MD Burgess, KW Smith, KL Evans, D Leech, JW Pearce-Higgins, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 2 (6), 970-975, 2018
Ecological time lags and the journey towards conservation success
K Watts, RC Whytock, KJ Park, E Fuentes-Montemayor, NA Macgregor, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 4 (3), 304-311, 2020
Solo: an open source, customizable and inexpensive audio recorder for bioacoustic research
RC Whytock, J Christie
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 8 (3), 308-312, 2017
Trade of threatened vultures and other raptors for fetish and bushmeat in West and Central Africa
R Buij, G Nikolaus, R Whytock, DJ Ingram, D Ogada
Oryx 50 (4), 606-616, 2016
Robust ecological analysis of camera trap data labelled by a machine learning model
RC Whytock, J Świeżewski, JA Zwerts, T Bara‐Słupski, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 12 (6), 1080-1092, 2021
Long-term collapse in fruit availability threatens Central African forest megafauna
ER Bush, RC Whytock, L Bahaa-El-Din, S Bourgeois, N Bunnefeld, ...
Science 370 (6521), 1219-1222, 2020
Bird‐community responses to habitat creation in a long‐term, large‐scale natural experiment
RC Whytock, E Fuentes‐Montemayor, K Watts, P Barbosa De Andrade, ...
Conservation Biology 32 (2), 345-354, 2018
Do large birds experience previously undetected levels of hunting pressure in the forests of Central and West Africa?
RC Whytock, R Buij, MZ Virani, BJ Morgan
Oryx 50 (1), 76-83, 2016
Pangolins and bats living together in underground burrows in Lopé National Park, Gabon
D Lehmann, ML Halbwax, L Makaga, R Whytock, LLN Malata, WB Mouele, ...
African journal of ecology 58 (3), 540, 2020
Quantifying the scale and socioeconomic drivers of bird hunting in Central African forest communities
RC Whytock, BJ Morgan, T Awa II, Z Bekokon, EA Abwe, R Buij, M Virani, ...
Biological Conservation 218, 18-25, 2018
Real‐time alerts from AI‐enabled camera traps using the Iridium satellite network: A case‐study in Gabon, Central Africa
RC Whytock, T Suijten, T van Deursen, J Świeżewski, H Mermiaghe, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 14 (3), 867-874, 2023
Regional land-use and local management create scale-dependent ‘landscapes of fear’for a common woodland bird
RC Whytock, E Fuentes-Montemayor, K Watts, NA Macgregor, E Call, ...
Landscape ecology 35, 607-620, 2020
Changes in the area of optimal tree cover of a declining Afro‐Palaearctic migrant across the species’ wintering range
GM Buchanan, JW Mallord, CJ Orsman, JT Roberts, K Boafo, RQ Skeen, ...
Ibis 162 (1), 175-186, 2020
Mammal distribution and trends in the threatened Ebo'intact forest landscape', Cameroon
RC Whytock, EE Abwe, DM Mfossa, ME Ketchen, AE Abwe, ...
Global Ecology and Conservation 31, e01833, 2021
Invasion legacy effects versus sediment deposition as drivers of riparian vegetation
Z Pattison, R Whytock, N Willby
Biological Invasions, 1-10, 2017
The commercial trade in bushmeat potentially threatens raptor populations in the Ebo forest, Cameroon
RC Whytock, BJ Morgan
Gabar 21, 1-7, 2010
Habitat characteristics of wintering Wood Warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix in the Centre Region of Cameroon: conservation implications
T Awa, TA Evaristus, RC Whytock, T Guilain, J Mallord
Ostrich 89 (1), 19-24, 2018
The Avifauna of the Ebo Forest, Cameroon
RC Whytock, BJ Morgan
Malimbus 32, 22-32, 2010
Wood Warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix nest provisioning rates are correlated with seasonal caterpillar availability in British Oak Quercus woodlands
RC Whytock, D Davis, RT Whytock, MD Burgess, J Minderman, ...
Bird Study 62 (3), 339-347, 2015
Assessing motivations for the illegal killing of Lesser White-fronted Geese at key sites in Kazakhstan
IL Jones, RC Whytock, N Bunnefeld
AEWA Lesser White-fronted Goose International Working Group Report Series, 2017
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Articles 1–20