Christopher B. Forrest
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Cited by
Association of antibiotics in infancy with early childhood obesity
LC Bailey, CB Forrest, P Zhang, TM Richards, A Livshits, PA DeRusso
JAMA pediatrics 168 (11), 1063-1069, 2014
Comorbidity: implications for the importance of primary care in ‘case’management
B Starfield, KW Lemke, T Bernhardt, SS Foldes, CB Forrest, JP Weiner
The Annals of Family Medicine 1 (1), 8-14, 2003
Elementary school-aged children's reports of their health: a cognitive interviewing study
G Rebok, A Riley, C Forrest, B Starfield, B Green, J Robertson, E Tambor
Quality of life research 10, 59-70, 2001
Dropping the baton: specialty referrals in the United States
A Mehrotra, CB Forrest, CY Lin
The Milbank Quarterly 89 (1), 39-68, 2011
The validity of measures of socioeconomic status of adolescents
ME Ensminger, CB Forrest, AW Riley, M Kang, BF Green, B Starfield, ...
Journal of Adolescent Research 15 (3), 392-419, 2000
Primary care gatekeeping and referrals: effective filter or failed experiment?
CB Forrest
Bmj 326 (7391), 692-695, 2003
Primary care physician specialty referral decision making: patient, physician, and health care system determinants
CB Forrest, PA Nutting, S Von Schrader, C Rohde, B Starfield
Medical decision making 26 (1), 76-85, 2006
Adherence of low-income women to cancer screening recommendations: the roles of primary care, health insurance, and HMOs
AS O’Malley, CB Forrest, J Mandelblatt
Journal of general internal medicine 17, 144-154, 2002
Primary care safety-net delivery sites in the United States: A comparison of community health centers, hospital outpatient departments, and physicians' offices
CB Forrest, EM Whelan
Jama 284 (16), 2077-2083, 2000
Advances in patient-reported outcomes: the NIH PROMIS® measures
JE Broderick, EM DeWitt, N Rothrock, PK Crane, CB Forrest
Egems 1 (1), 2013
Child health services research: challenges and opportunities
CB Forrest, L Simpson, C Clancy
Jama 277 (22), 1787-1793, 1997
Coordination of specialty referrals and physician satisfaction with referral care
CB Forrest, GB Glade, AE Baker, A Bocian, S von Schrader, B Starfield
Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine 154 (5), 499-506, 2000
Entry into primary care and continuity: the effects of access.
CB Forrest, B Starfield
American journal of public health 88 (9), 1330-1336, 1998
The role of technical advances in the adoption and integration of patient-reported outcomes in clinical care
RE Jensen, NE Rothrock, EM DeWitt, B Spiegel, CA Tucker, HM Crane, ...
Medical care 53 (2), 153-159, 2015
Assessment of 135 794 pediatric patients tested for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 across the United States
LC Bailey, H Razzaghi, EK Burrows, HT Bunnell, PEF Camacho, ...
JAMA pediatrics 175 (2), 176-184, 2021
Childhood origins of adult health: a basis for life-course health policy
CB Forrest, AW Riley
Health Affairs 23 (5), 155-164, 2004
Handbook of life course health development
N Halfon, CB Forrest, RM Lerner, EM Faustman
Springer Nature, 2018
The child report form of the CHIP–child edition: reliability and validity
AW Riley, CB Forrest, GW Rebok, B Starfield, BF Green, JA Robertson, ...
Medical care 42 (3), 221-231, 2004
PEDSnet: a national pediatric learning health system
CB Forrest, PA Margolis, LC Bailey, K Marsolo, MA Del Beccaro, ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 21 (4), 602-606, 2014
Family Physicians' Referral Decisions.
CB Forrest, PA Nutting, B Starfield, S Von Schrader
Journal of Family Practice 51 (3), 2002
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Articles 1–20