Maria Stager
Maria Stager
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Divergence and functional degradation of a sex chromosome-like supergene
EM Tuttle, AO Bergland, ML Korody, MS Brewer, DJ Newhouse, P Minx, ...
Current Biology 26 (3), 344-350, 2016
Impacts of changing rainfall regime on the demography of tropical birds
JD Brawn, TJ Benson, M Stager, ND Sly, CE Tarwater
Nature Climate Change 7 (2), 133-136, 2017
Ecological mismatches are moderated by local conditions for two populations of a long‐distance migratory bird
NR Senner, M Stager, BK Sandercock
Oikos 126 (1), 61-72, 2017
High-altitude shorebird migration in the absence of topographical barriers: avoiding high air temperatures and searching for profitable winds
NR Senner, M Stager, MA Verhoeven, ZA Cheviron, T Piersma, W Bouten
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 285 (1881), 20180569, 2018
Regulatory mechanisms of metabolic flexibility in the dark-eyed junco (Junco hyemalis)
M Stager, DL Swanson, ZA Cheviron
The Journal of experimental biology 218 (5), 767-777, 2015
Disentangling environmental drivers of metabolic flexibility in birds: the importance of temperature extremes versus temperature variability
M Stager, HS Pollock, PM Benham, ND Sly, JD Brawn, ZA Cheviron
Ecography, 2016
High migratory survival and highly variable migratory behavior in black-tailed godwits
NR Senner, MA Verhoeven, JM Abad-Gómez, JA Alves, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7, 96, 2019
Latitudinal variation in clutch size–lay date regressions in Tachycineta swallows: effects of food supply or demography?
DW Winkler, KM Ringelman, PO Dunn, L Whittingham, DJT Hussell, ...
Ecography 37 (7), 670-678, 2014
Spatial and temporal heterogeneity in climate change limits species' dispersal capabilities and adaptive potential
NR Senner, M Stager, ZA Cheviron
Ecography, 10.1111/ecog.03234, 2017
Full lifetime perspectives on the costs and benefits of lay‐date variation in tree swallows
DW Winkler, KK Hallinger, TM Pegan, CC Taff, MA Verhoeven, ...
Ecology 101 (9), e03109, 2020
Signatures of natural selection in the mitochondrial genomes of Tachycineta swallows and their implications for latitudinal patterns of the ‘pace of life’
M Stager, DJ Cerasale, R Dor, DW Winkler, ZA Cheviron
Gene 546 (1), 104-111, 2014
Temperature heterogeneity correlates with intraspecific variation in physiological flexibility in a small endotherm
M Stager, NR Senner, DL Swanson, MD Carling, DK Eddy, TJ Greives, ...
Nature Communications 12 (1), 4401, 2021
Body temperature maintenance acclimates in a winter-tenacious songbird
M Stager, NR Senner, BW Tobalske, ZA Cheviron
Journal of Experimental Biology 223 (12), jeb221853, 2020
Is there a role for sarcolipin in avian facultative thermogenesis in extreme cold?
M Stager, ZA Cheviron
Biology Letters 16 (6), 20200078, 2020
Reproductive biology of a narrowly endemic Tachycineta swallow in dry, seasonal forest in coastal Peru
M Stager, E Lopresti, FA Pratolongo, DR Ardia, D Caceres, CB Cooper, ...
Ornitol. Neotrop 23, 95-112, 2012
Botfly infections impair the aerobic performance and survival of montane populations of deer mice, Peromyscus maniculatus rufinus
LR Wilde, CJ Wolf, SM Porter, M Stager, ZA Cheviron, NR Senner
Functional ecology 33 (4), 608-618, 2019
Evidence for a maintenance cost for birds maintaining highly flexible basal, but not summit, metabolic rates
DL Swanson, M Stager, F Vézina, JS Liu, AE McKechnie, RG Amirkhiz
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 8968, 2023
Assessing the evidence for treating developmental plasticity and phenotypic flexibility as different phenomena
M Stager, JP Velotta, ZA Cheviron, NR Senner
Functional Ecology, 2024
Sarcolipin relates to fattening, but not sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase uncoupling, in captive migratory gray catbirds
CR Elowe, M Stager, AR Gerson
Journal of Experimental Biology 227 (1), jeb246897, 2024
Haemosporidian infection does not alter aerobic performance in Junco hyemalis (Dark-eyed Junco)
M Stager, DK Eddy, CR Elowe, ZA Cheviron, MD Carling
Ornithology, ukae065, 2024
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Articles 1–20