Laura Vandenbosch
Laura Vandenbosch
Associate Professor at the University of Leuven
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Love me Tinder: Untangling emerging adults’ motivations for using the dating application Tinder
SR Sumter, L Vandenbosch, L Ligtenberg
Telematics and informatics 34 (1), 67-78, 2017
Understanding sexual objectification: A comprehensive approach toward media exposure and girls' internalization of beauty ideals, self-objectification, and body surveillance
L Vandenbosch, S Eggermont
Journal of communication 62 (5), 869-887, 2012
Social media and body image: Recent trends and future directions
L Vandenbosch, J Fardouly, M Tiggemann
Current opinion in psychology 45, 101289, 2022
Dating gone mobile: Demographic and personality-based correlates of using smartphone-based dating applications among emerging adults
SR Sumter, L Vandenbosch
New media & society 21 (3), 655-673, 2019
The interrelated roles of mass media and social media in adolescents’ development of an objectified self-concept: A longitudinal study
L Vandenbosch, S Eggermont
Communication Research 43 (8), 1116-1140, 2016
Early adolescent boys’ exposure to Internet pornography: Relationships to pubertal timing, sensation seeking, and academic performance
I Beyens, L Vandenbosch, S Eggermont
The Journal of Early Adolescence 35 (8), 1045-1068, 2015
Sexualization of adolescent boys: Media exposure and boys’ internalization of appearance ideals, self-objectification, and body surveillance
L Vandenbosch, S Eggermont
Men and Masculinities 16 (3), 283-306, 2013
Introducing the Social Media Literacy (SMILE) model with the case of the positivity bias on social media
L Schreurs, L Vandenbosch
Journal of Children and Media 15 (3), 320-337, 2021
The relationship between online pornography and the sexual objectification of women: The attenuating role of porn literacy education
L Vandenbosch, JMF Van Oosten
Journal of Communication 67 (6), 1015-1036, 2017
Media and sustainable apparel buying intention
O de Lenne, L Vandenbosch
Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal 21 (4 …, 2017
Active public Facebook use and adolescents' feelings of loneliness: Evidence for a curvilinear relationship
K Wang, E Frison, S Eggermont, L Vandenbosch
Journal of adolescence 67, 35-44, 2018
Sexy online self-presentation on social network sites and the willingness to engage in sexting: A comparison of gender and age
JMF Van Oosten, L Vandenbosch
Journal of adolescence 54, 42-50, 2017
Adolescents' sexual media use and willingness to engage in casual sex: differential relations and underlying processes
JMF van Oosten, J Peter, L Vandenbosch
Human Communication Research 43 (1), 127-147, 2017
A conditional process analysis on the relationship between the use of social networking sites, attitudes, peer norms, and adolescents' intentions to consume alcohol
K Beullens, L Vandenbosch
Media Psychology 19 (2), 310-333, 2016
Picture-perfect lives on social media: A cross-national study on the role of media ideals in adolescent well-being
O de Lenne, L Vandenbosch, S Eggermont, K Karsay, J Trekels
Media psychology 23 (1), 52-78, 2020
Gender roles on social networking sites: Investigating reciprocal relationships between Dutch adolescents’ hypermasculinity and hyperfemininity and sexy online self-presentations
JMF Van Oosten, L Vandenbosch, J Peter
Journal of Children and Media 11 (2), 147-166, 2017
“I might get your heart racing in my skin-tight jeans”: Sexualization on music entertainment television
L Vandenbosch, D Vervloessem, S Eggermont
Communication Studies 64 (2), 178-194, 2013
The role of mass media in adolescents’ sexual behaviors: Exploring the explanatory value of the three-step self-objectification process
L Vandenbosch, S Eggermont
Archives of Sexual Behavior 44, 729-742, 2015
Sexually explicit websites and sexual initiation: Reciprocal relationships and the moderating role of pubertal status
L Vandenbosch, S Eggermont
Journal of Research on Adolescence 23 (4), 621-634, 2013
Playing a videogame with a sexualized female character increases adolescents' rape myth acceptance and tolerance toward sexual harassment
K Driesmans, L Vandenbosch, S Eggermont
Games for health journal 4 (2), 91-94, 2015
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Articles 1–20