Michael Eisenring
Michael Eisenring
Swiss Federal Insitute of Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, WSL
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Habitat requirements and ecological niche of two cryptic amphipod species at landscape and local scales
M Eisenring, F Altermatt, AM Westram, J Jokela
Ecosphere 7 (5), e01319, 2016
Differential impact of herbivores from three feeding guilds on systemic secondary metabolite induction, phytohormone levels and plant-mediated herbivore interactions
M Eisenring, G Glauser, M Meissle, J Romeis
Journal of chemical ecology 44, 1178-1189, 2018
Cotton defense induction patterns under spatially, temporally and quantitatively varying herbivory levels
M Eisenring, M Meissle, S Hagenbucher, SE Naranjo, F Wettstein, ...
Frontiers in plant science 8, 234, 2017
Spatial, genetic and biotic factors shape within‐crown leaf trait variation and herbivore performance in a foundation tree species
M Eisenring, SB Unsicker, RL Lindroth
Functional Ecology 35 (1), 54-66, 2021
Multitrophic Cry-protein flow in a dual-gene Bt-cotton field
M Eisenring, J Romeis, SE Naranjo, M Meissle
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 247, 283-289, 2017
Interaction of transgenic and natural insect resistance mechanisms against Spodoptera littoralis in cotton
S Hagenbucher, M Eisenring, M Meissle, J Romeis
Pest management science 73 (8), 1670-1678, 2017
Host searching and host preference of resident pupal parasitoids of Drosophila suzukii in the invaded regions
S Wolf, E Barmettler, M Eisenring, J Romeis, J Collatz
Pest Management Science, 2020
Constitutive and induced insect resistance in RNAi-mediated ultra-low gossypol cottonseed cotton
S Hagenbucher, M Eisenring, M Meissle, KS Rathore, J Romeis
BMC plant biology 19, 1-10, 2019
Reduced caterpillar damage can benefit plant bugs in Bt cotton
M Eisenring, SE Naranjo, S Bacher, A Abbott, M Meissle, J Romeis
Scientific reports 9 (1), 2727, 2019
Plant size, latitude, and phylogeny explain within-population variability in herbivory
Herbivory Variability Network*†, ML Robinson, PG Hahn, BD Inouye, ...
Science 382 (6671), 679-683, 2023
Genotypic variation rather than ploidy level determines functional trait expression in a foundation tree species in the presence and absence of environmental stress
M Eisenring, RL Lindroth, A Flansburg, N Giezendanner, KE Mock, ...
Annals of Botany 131 (1), 229-242, 2023
Genetic divergence along a climate gradient shapes chemical plasticity of a foundation tree species to both changing climate and herbivore damage
M Eisenring, RJ Best, MR Zierden, HF Cooper, M Norstrem, TG Whitham, ...
Global Change Biology, 2022
A glimmer of hope–ash genotypes with increased resistance to ash dieback pathogen show cross‐resistance to emerald ash borer
MM Gossner, A Perret‐Gentil, E Britt, V Queloz, G Glauser, T Ladd, ...
New Phytologist 240 (3), 1219-1232, 2023
Effects of habitat age and disturbance intensity on the biodiversity of three trophic levels in Central Kenya
M Eisenring, J Beck, B Agwanda, E Kioko, M Curran
African Journal of Ecology 54 (2), 225-234, 2016
Plant size, latitude, and phylogeny explain within-population variability in herbivory.
HV Network, ML Robinson, PG Hahn, BD Inouye, N Underwood, ...
Science 382 (6671), 2023
The diversity of nocturnal Macrolepidoptera and plants in two Fagus forests differently affected by the 1999 storm Lothar in northern Switzerland
M Eisenring
Journal of the Swiss Entomological Society 86, 89-108, 2011
Legacy effects of premature defoliation in response to an extreme drought event modulate phytochemical profiles with subtle consequences for leaf herbivory in European beech
M Eisenring, A Gessler, ER Frei, G Glauser, B Kammerer, M Moor, ...
New Phytologist 242 (6), 2495-2509, 2024
Transcriptome profiling of Fraxinus excelsior genotypes infested by emerald ash borer
JM Doonan, C Kosawang, M Eisenring, T Ladd, AD Roe, KB Budde, ...
Scientific Data 10 (1), 680, 2023
Plant size, latitude, and phylogeny explain within-population variability in herbivory
W Wetzel, P Hahn, B Inouye, N Underwood, S Whitehead, K Abbott, ...
Plant size, latitude, and phylogeny explain within-population variability in …, 2023
Parasitoids of Agrilus spp. in Europe: Anticipating the arrival of Agrilus planipennis
M Kenis, M Eisenring, MM Gossner, ML Seehausen
Biological Control, 105655, 2024
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Articles 1–20