Branko Milosavljević
Branko Milosavljević
Professor of Computer Science, University of Novi Sad
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Cited by
A blockchain solution for securing real property transactions: a case study for Serbia
G Sladić, B Milosavljević, S Nikolić, D Sladić, A Radulović
ISPRS international journal of geo-information 10 (1), 35, 2021
Automatic extraction of metadata from scientific publications for CRIS systems
A Kovačević, D Ivanović, B Milosavljević, Z Konjović, D Surla
Program 45 (4), 376-396, 2011
A CERIF‐compatible research management system based on the MARC 21 format
D Ivanović, G Milosavljević, B Milosavljević, D Surla
Program 44 (3), 229-251, 2010
A library circulation system for city and special libraries
D Tešendić, B Milosavljević, D Surla
The Electronic Library 27 (1), 162-186, 2009
Retrieval of bibliographic records using Apache Lucene
B Milosavljević, D Boberić, D Surla
The Electronic Library 28 (4), 525-539, 2010
XML schema for UNIMARC and MARC 21
B Dimić, B Milosavljević, D Surla
The Electronic Library 28 (2), 245-262, 2010
A case study IoT and blockchain powered healthcare
M Simić, G Sladić, B Milosavljević
Proc. ICET, 1-4, 2017
Mining methodologies from NLP publications: A case study in automatic terminology recognition
A Kovačević, Z Konjović, B Milosavljević, G Nenadic
Computer Speech & Language 26 (2), 105-126, 2012
Automated construction of the user interface for a CERIF‐compliant research management system
G Milosavljević, D Ivanović, D Surla, B Milosavljević
The Electronic Library 29 (5), 565-588, 2011
Automatic code generation for database-oriented web applications
B Milosavljević, M Vidaković, Z Konjović
Proceedings of the inaugural conference on the Principles and Practice of …, 2002
A framework for teaching security design analysis using case studies and the hybrid flipped classroom
N Luburić, G Sladić, J Slivka, B Milosavljević
ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE) 19 (3), 1-19, 2019
Modelling and implementation of catalogue cards using FreeMarker
J Radjenovic, B Milosavljevic, D Surla
Program 43 (1), 62-76, 2009
Software architecture of distributed client/server library circulation system
B Milosavljević, D Tešendić
The Electronic Library 28 (2), 286-299, 2010
UML profile for specifying user interfaces of business applications
B Perišić, G Milosavljević, I Dejanović, B Milosavljević
Computer Science and Information Systems, 405-426, 2011
Towards edge computing as a service: Dynamic formation of the micro data-centers
M Simić, I Prokić, J Dedeić, G Sladić, B Milosavljević
IEEE Access 9, 114468-114484, 2021
A content-dependent naturalness-preserving daltonization method for dichromatic and anomalous trichromatic color vision deficiencies
N Milić, M Hoffmann, T Tómács, D Novaković, B Milosavljević
Journal of Imaging Science and Technology 59 (1), 10504-1-10504-10, 2015
Context-sensitive access control model for government services
S Gostojić, G Sladić, B Milosavljević, Z Konjović
Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce 22 (2), 184-213, 2012
Software architecture of distributed client/server library circulation system
B Milosavljevic, D Tešendic
The Electronic Library 28 (2), 286-299, 2010
Access control framework for XML document collections
G Sladić, B Milosavljević, Z Konjović, M Vidaković
Computer Science and Information Systems, 591-609, 2011
Developing microservice-based applications using the silvera domain-specific language
A Suljkanović, B Milosavljević, V Inđić, I Dejanović
Applied Sciences 12 (13), 6679, 2022
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Articles 1–20