Nina Marn
Cited by
Cited by
Physics of metabolic organization
M Jusup, T Sousa, T Domingos, V Labinac, N Marn, Z Wang, T Klanjšček
Physics of life reviews 20, 1-39, 2017
Quantifying impacts of plastic debris on marine wildlife identifies ecological breakpoints
N Marn, M Jusup, SALM Kooijman, T Klanjscek
Ecology Letters 23 (10), 1479-1487, 2020
Simulated growth and reproduction of green turtles (Chelonia mydas) under climate change and marine heatwave scenarios
JL Stubbs, N Marn, MA Vanderklift, S Fossette, NJ Mitchell
Ecological Modelling 431, 109185, 2020
Environmental effects on growth, reproduction, and life-history traits of loggerhead turtles
N Marn, M Jusup, T Legović, S Kooijman, T Klanjšček
Ecological Modelling 360, 163-178, 2017
Predicting perceived level of disturbance of visitors due to crowding in protected areas
J Klanjšček, S Geček, N Marn, T Legović, T Klanjšček
PloS one 13 (6), e0197932, 2018
Inferring physiological energetics of loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) from existing data using a general metabolic theory
N Marn, SALM Kooijman, M Jusup, T Legovic, T Klanjscek
Marine Environmental Research 126, 14-25, 2017
The energetic basis of population growth in animal kingdom
SALM Kooijman, K Lika, S Augustine, N Marn, BW Kooi
Ecological Modelling 428, 109055, 2020
Comparative physiological energetics of Mediterranean and North Atlantic loggerhead turtles
N Marn, M Jusup, S Catteau, S Kooijman, T Klanjšček
Journal of sea research 143, 100-118, 2019
Morphological evidence for hidden diversity in the threatened stone crayfish Austropotamobius torrentium (Schrank, 1803)(Decapoda: Astacoidea: Astacidae) in Croatia
I Maguire, N Marn, G Klobučar
J Crustacean Biol 37 (1), 7-15, 2017
Epigenetic drug 5-azacytidine impairs proliferation of rat limb buds in an organotypic modelsystem in vitro
V Mužić, A Katušić Bojanac, G Jurić-Lekić, M Himelreich, K Tupek, ...
Croatian medical journal 54 (5), 489-495, 2013
Dynamic energy budget of endemic and critically endangered bivalve Pinna nobilis: A mechanistic model for informed conservation
I Haberle, N Marn, S Geček, T Klanjšček
Ecological Modelling 434, 109207, 2020
A full life cycle Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) model for the green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) fitted to data on embryonic development
JL Stubbs, NJ Mitchell, N Marn, MA Vanderklift, RD Pillans, S Augustine
Journal of Sea Research 143, 78-88, 2019
Multidimensional scaling for animal traits in the context of dynamic energy budget theory
SALM Kooijman, K Lika, S Augustine, N Marn
Conservation Physiology 9 (1), coab086, 2021
The comparative energetics of the turtles and crocodiles
N Marn, SALM Kooijman
Ecology and Evolution 12 (6), e8996, 2022
Size scaling in western North Atlantic loggerhead turtles permits extrapolation between regions, but not life stages
N Marn, T Klanjscek, L Stokes, M Jusup
PloS one 10 (12), e0143747, 2015
Energetic basis for bird ontogeny and egg-laying applied to the bobwhite quail
N Marn, K Lika, S Augustine, B Goussen, M Ebeling, D Heckmann, ...
Conservation Physiology 10 (1), coac063, 2022
Investigating the Ability of Growth Models to Predict In Situ Vibrio spp. Abundances
M Purgar, D Kapetanović, S Geček, N Marn, I Haberle, BK Hackenberger, ...
Microorganisms 10 (9), 1765, 2022
Physiological performance of native and invasive crayfish species in a changing environment: insights from Dynamic Energy Budget models
N Marn, S Hudina, I Haberle, A Dobrović, T Klanjšček
Conservation Physiology 10 (1), coac031, 2022
The universality and the future prospects of physiological energetics: Reply to comments on “Physics of metabolic organization”
M Jusup, T Sousa, T Domingos, V Labinac, N Marn, Z Wang, T Klanjšček
Physics of life reviews 20, 78-84, 2017
Effects of climate change on gilthead seabream aquaculture in the Mediterranean
I Haberle, DK Hackenberger, T Djerdj, L Bavčević, S Geček, ...
Aquaculture 578, 740052, 2024
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