Francisco Hortas
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Cited by
The American brine shrimp as an exotic invasive species in the western Mediterranean
L Capdevila-Argüelles, B Zilletti, F Amat, F Hontoria, O Ruiz, AJ Green, ...
Issues in Bioinvasion Science: EEI 2003: a Contribution to the Knowledge on …, 2005
Dispersal of invasive and native brine shrimps Artemia (Anostraca) via waterbirds
AJ Green, MI Sánchez, F Amat, J Figuerola, F Hontoria, O Ruiz, F Hortas
Limnology and Oceanography 50 (2), 737-742, 2005
Ecological analysis in a polluted area of Algeciras Bay (Southern Spain): external ‘versus’ internal outfalls and environmental implications
FJ Estacio, EM García-Adiego, DA Fa, JC García-Gómez, JL Daza, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 34 (10), 780-793, 1997
Responses of talitrid amphipods to a gradient of recreational pressure caused by beach urbanization
VG Veloso, G Neves, M Lozano, A Perez‐Hurtado, CG Gago, F Hortas, ...
Marine Ecology 29, 126-133, 2008
Faecal microbiota and antibiotic resistance genes in migratory waterbirds with contrasting habitat use
D Jarma, MI Sánchez, AJ Green, JM Peralta-Sánchez, F Hortas, ...
Science of the Total Environment 783, 146872, 2021
Comparing the potential for dispersal via waterbirds of a native and an invasive brine shrimp
MI Sánchez, F Hortas, J Figuerola, AJ Green
Freshwater Biology 57 (9), 1896-1903, 2012
Spatial patterns of weed dispersal by wintering gulls within and beyond an agricultural landscape
V Martín‐Vélez, CHA van Leeuwen, MI Sánchez, F Hortas, ...
Journal of Ecology, 2021
Importancia de la Bahía de Cádiz para las poblaciones de limícolas invernantes e influencia de las transformaciones humanas
A Perez-Hurtado, F Hortas, J Ruiz, F Solis
Ardeola 40 (2), 133-142, 1993
Sandpipers select red brine shrimps rich in both carotenoids and parasites
MI Sanchez, F Hortas, J Figuerola, AJ Green
Ethology 115 (2), 196-200, 2009
Interannual variations in feeding frequencies and food quality of greater flamingo chicks (Phoenicopterus roseus): evidence from plasma chemistry and effects on body condition
JA Amat, F Hortas, GM Arroyo, MA Rendón, JM Ramírez, ...
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative …, 2007
Geographical segregation in Dunlin Calidris alpina populations wintering along the East Atlantic migratory flyway – evidence from mitochondrial DNA analysis
RJ Lopes, F Hortas, L Wennerberg
Diversity and Distributions 14 (5), 732-741, 2008
Actividad trófica de limícolas invernantes en salinas y cultivos piscícolas de la Bahía de Cádiz
A Pérez-Hurtado, F Hortas
Doñana Acta Vertebrata 20, 103-122, 1993
Spatial variation and biovectoring of metals in gull faeces
MI Martín-Vélez, V., Hortas, F., Taggart, M. A., Green, A.J., ÓHanlon, N.J ...
Ecological Indicators 125, 107534, 2021
Larval helminths in the invasive American brine shrimp Artemia franciscana throughout its annual cycle
BB Georgiev, A Angelov, GP Vasileva, MI Sánchez, F Hortas, ...
Acta Parasitologica 59, 380-389, 2014
Cádiz Bay, south-west Spain as a potential Ramsar site: its importance for wintering waders
A Pérez-Hurtado, F Hortas
Wader Study Group Bulletin 72 (1), 19, 1992
How threatened are large branchiopods (Crustacea, Branchiopoda) in the Iberian Peninsula?
G García-de-Lomas, J., Sala, J., Barrios, V., Prunier, F., Camacho, A ...
Hydrobiología 801 (1), 99-116, 2017
Dispersal of aquatic invertebrates by lesser black‑backed gulls and white storks within and between inland habitats
V Martín-Vélez, MI Sánchez, Á Lovas-Kiss, F Hortas, AJ Green
Aquatic Sciences 84, 10, 2022
Information about the habitat use of salines and fishponds by wintering waders in Cadiz Bay
A Perez-Hurtado, F Hortas
Wader Study Group Bulletin 66, 48-53, 1991
Evolución de la comunidad de aves limícolas (Orden Charadriiformes) en salinas del suroeste de España. Estructura espacio-temporal de las poblaciones y uso del hábitat
F Hortas
Universidad de Cádiz, 1997
Migracion de Aves Limicolas en el suroeste iberico, via de vuelo del Mediterraneo occidental y Africa
F Hortas
Las aves limícolas en España, 77-116, 1997
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Articles 1–20