Guilhem Boéris
Guilhem Boéris
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Cited by
Feedback control of an exoskeleton for paraplegics: Toward robustly stable, hands-free dynamic walking
O Harib, A Hereid, A Agrawal, T Gurriet, S Finet, G Boeris, A Duburcq, ...
IEEE Control Systems Magazine 38 (6), 61-87, 2018
Towards restoring locomotion for paraplegics: Realizing dynamically stable walking on exoskeletons
T Gurriet, S Finet, G Boeris, A Duburcq, A Hereid, O Harib, M Masselin, ...
2018 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation (ICRA), 2804-2811, 2018
Mott transition for strongly interacting one-dimensional bosons in a shallow periodic potential
G Boéris, L Gori, MD Hoogerland, A Kumar, E Lucioni, L Tanzi, M Inguscio, ...
Physical Review A 93 (1), 011601, 2016
Universal superfluid transition and transport properties of two-dimensional dirty bosons
G Carleo, G Boéris, M Holzmann, L Sanchez-Palencia
Physical Review Letters 111 (5), 050406, 2013
Towards variable assistance for lower body exoskeletons
T Gurriet, M Tucker, A Duburcq, G Boeris, AD Ames
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 5 (1), 266-273, 2019
Tailoring chirp in spin-lasers
G Boéris, J Lee, K Výborný, I Žutić
Applied Physics Letters 100 (12), 2012
Online trajectory planning through combined trajectory optimization and function approximation: Application to the exoskeleton Atalante
A Duburcq, Y Chevaleyre, N Bredeche, G Boéris
2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 3756-3762, 2020
Reactive stepping for humanoid robots using reinforcement learning: Application to standing push recovery on the exoskeleton atalante
A Duburcq, F Schramm, G Boéris, N Bredeche, Y Chevaleyre
2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2022
Stabilization of exoskeletons through active ankle compensation
T Gurriet, M Tucker, C Kann, G Boeris, AD Ames
arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.11848, 2019
Versatile dynamic motion generation framework: Demonstration with a crutch-less exoskeleton on real-life obstacles at the cybathlon 2020 with a complete paraplegic person
V Huynh, G Burger, QV Dang, R Pelgé, G Boéris, JW Grizzle, AD Ames, ...
Frontiers in Robotics and AI 8, 723780, 2021
LECTURES ON THE PHYSICS OF STRONGLY CORRELATED SYSTEMS XI: Eleventh Training Course in the Physics of Strongly Correlated Systems, p. 284-288 (2007).
G Baym, C Pierleoni, KT Delaney, MA Morales, DM Ceperley, ...
Phys. Lett 199, 151, 1995
Method for moving an exoskeleton
F Risbourg, G Buondonno, R Molléro, S Brossette, G Boéris
US Patent App. 18/039,079, 2024
Methods for generating a trajectory of an exoskeleton and for setting the exoskeleton in motion
S Brossette, G Boeris
US Patent App. 17/796,008, 2023
Methods for Learning Parameters of a Neural Network, for Generating a Trajectory of an Exoskeleton and for Setting the Exoskeleton in Motion
A Duburcq, Y Chevaleyre, G Boeris
US Patent App. 17/760,895, 2022
2018 Index IEEE Control Systems Vol. 38
A Agrawal, A Alan, N Alibeji, K Aljanaideh, A Ames, R Anderson, ...
IEEE Control Systems Magazine 38 (6), 1, 2018
Spin Modulation: Teaching Lasers New Tricks
J Lee, G Boéris, R Oszwałdowski, K Výborný, C Gřthgen, I Žutić
Future Trends in Microelectronics: Frontiers and Innovations, 183-190, 2013
Universal Superfluid Transition and Transport Properties of Two-Dimensional Dirty Bosons (Poster)
G Carleo, G Boéris, M Holzmann, L Sanchez-Palencia
Conference" Cold atoms and quantum engineering", 2013
Dirty bosons in 1D: A quantum Monte Carlo study (Poster)
G Boéris, G Carleo, L Sanchez-Palencia
Conference" Disorder in condensed matter and ultracold atoms", 2013
Tailoring Chirp in Spin-Lasers
J Lee, G Boeris, K Vyborny, I Zutic
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2012, H14. 009, 2012
The Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in the presence of disorder
G Carleo, G Boéris, L Sanchez-Palencia
Conference on Disordered Quantum Systems, 2012
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Articles 1–20