Heng Cai
Cited by
Cited by
A synthesis of disaster resilience measurement methods and indices
H Cai, NSN Lam, Y Qiang, L Zou, RM Correll, V Mihunov
International journal of disaster risk reduction 31, 844-855, 2018
Mining Twitter data for improved understanding of disaster resilience
L Zou, NSN Lam, H Cai, Y Qiang
Annals of the American Association of Geographers 108 (5), 1422-1441, 2018
Social and geographical disparities in Twitter use during Hurricane Harvey
L Zou, NSN Lam, S Shams, H Cai, MA Meyer, S Yang, K Lee, SJ Park, ...
Social Sensing and Big Data Computing for Disaster Management, 103-121, 2020
Assessing Community Resilience to Coastal Hazards in the Lower Mississippi River Basin
H Cai, N Lam, L Zou, Y Qiang, K Li
Water 8 (2), 2016
VictimFinder: Harvesting rescue requests in disaster response from social media with BERT
B Zhou, L Zou, A Mostafavi, B Lin, M Yang, N Gharaibeh, H Cai, J Abedin, ...
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 95, 101824, 2022
Effects of landscape fragmentation on land loss
NSN Lam, W Cheng, L Zou, H Cai
Remote sensing of environment 209, 253-262, 2018
Changes in exposure to flood hazards in the United States
Y Qiang, NSN Lam, H Cai, L Zou
Annals of the American Association of Geographers 107 (6), 1332-1350, 2017
Evaluating land subsidence rates and their implications for land loss in the lower Mississippi River basin
L Zou, J Kent, NSN Lam, H Cai, Y Qiang, K Li
Water 8 (1), 10, 2015
A cyberGIS-enabled multi-criteria spatial decision support system: A case study on flood emergency management
Z Zhang, H Hu, D Yin, S Kashem, R Li, H Cai, D Perkins, S Wang
Social Sensing and Big Data Computing for Disaster Management, 167-184, 2020
Modeling the dynamics of community resilience to coastal hazards using a Bayesian network
H Cai, NSN Lam, L Zou, Y Qiang
Annals of the American Association of Geographers 108 (5), 1260-1279, 2018
Social media for emergency rescue: An analysis of rescue requests on Twitter during Hurricane Harvey
L Zou, D Liao, NSN Lam, MA Meyer, NG Gharaibeh, H Cai, B Zhou, D Li
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 85, 103513, 2023
Understanding the Mississippi River Delta as a coupled natural-human system: Research methods, challenges, and prospects
NSN Lam, YJ Xu, K Liu, DE Dismukes, M Reams, RK Pace, Y Qiang, ...
Water 10 (8), 1054, 2018
A cyberinfrastructure for community resilience assessment and visualization
K Li, NSN Lam, Y Qiang, L Zou, H Cai
Cartography and Geographic Information Science 42 (sup1), 34-39, 2015
Economics over risk: Flooding is not the only driving factor of migration considerations on a vulnerable coast
RM Correll, NSN Lam, VV Mihunov, L Zou, H Cai
Annals of the American Association of Geographers 111 (1), 300-315, 2021
Extending resilience assessment to dynamic system modeling: perspectives on human dynamics and climate change research
NSN Lam, Y Qiang, K Li, H Cai, L Zou, V Mihunov#
Journal of Coastal Research, 1401-1405, 2018
Revealing the linguistic and geographical disparities of public awareness to Covid-19 outbreak through social media
B Lin, L Zou, N Duffield, A Mostafavi, H Cai, B Zhou, J Tao, M Yang, ...
International Journal of Digital Earth 15 (1), 868-889, 2022
Global detection of large lunar craters based on the CE-1 digital elevation model
L Luo, L Mu, X Wang, C Li, W Ji, J Zhao, H Cai
Frontiers of Earth Science 7, 456-464, 2013
Power outage and environmental justice in Winter Storm Uri: an analytical workflow based on nighttime light remote sensing
J Xu, Y Qiang, H Cai, L Zou
International Journal of Digital Earth 16 (1), 2259-2278, 2023
Improving social media use for disaster resilience: challenges and strategies
NSN Lam, M Meyer, M Reams, S Yang, K Lee, L Zou, V Mihunov, K Wang, ...
International Journal of Digital Earth 16 (1), 3023-3044, 2023
Cratering process and morphological features of the Xiuyan impact crater in Northeast China
XY Wang, L Luo, HD Guo, LL Mu, C Li, W Ji, H Cai
Science China Earth Sciences 56, 1629-1638, 2013
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Articles 1–20