Alexis Vizcaino
Alexis Vizcaino
Alexis Vizcaino Geophotography
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Holocene earthquake record offshore Portugal (SW Iberia): testing turbidite paleoseismology in a slow-convergence margin
E Gracia, A Vizcaino, C Escutia, A Asioli, A Rodes, R Pallas, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 29 (9-10), 1156-1172, 2010
Sediment instability on the Portuguese continental margin under abrupt glacial climate changes (last 60 kyr)
SM Lebreiro, AHL Voelker, A Vizcaino, FG Abrantes, U Alt-Epping, S Jung, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 28 (27-28), 3211-3223, 2009
A 6600 year earthquake history in the region of the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman subduction zone earthquake
JR Patton, C Goldfinger, AE Morey, K Ikehara, C Romsos, J Stoner, ...
Geosphere 11 (6), 2067-2129, 2015
Sedimentology, physical properties and age of mass transport deposits associated with the Marquês de Pombal Fault, Southwest Portuguese Margin
A Vizcaino, E Gràcia, R Pallàs, J Garcia-Orellana, C Escutia, D Casas, ...
Norwegian University Press, 2006
High-resolution seismic stratigraphy of the Galicia Bank Region and neighbouring abyssal plains (NW Iberian continental margin)
G Ercilla, S García-Gil, F Estrada, E Gràcia, A Vizcaino, JT Váquez, S Díaz, ...
Marine Geology 249 (1-2), 108-127, 2008
Identifying instrumental and historical earthquake records in the SW Iberian margin using 210Pb turbidite chronology
J Garcia‐Orellana, E Gracia, A Vizcaino, P Masqué, C Olid, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 33 (24), 2006
Tectonic evolution, geomorphology and influence of bottom currents along a large submarine canyon system: The São Vicente Canyon (SW Iberian margin)
CS Serra, S Martínez-Loriente, E Gràcia, R Urgeles, A Vizcaino, H Perea, ...
Marine Geology 426, 106219, 2020
Recent sedimentary processes in the Prestige site area (Galicia Bank, NW Iberian Margin) evidenced by high-resolution marine geophysical methods
FJ Hernández-Molina, E Llave, G Ercilla, A Maestro, T Medialdea, ...
Marine Geology 249 (1-2), 21-45, 2008
Gas hydrate disturbance fabrics of southern Hydrate Ridge sediments (ODP Leg 204): Relationship with texture and physical properties
E Piñero, E Gràcia, F Martínez-Ruiz, JC Larrasoaña, A Vizcaino, G Ercilla
Geo-Marine Letters 27, 279-288, 2007
data report: Grain-size and bulk and clay mineralogy of sediments from the summit and flanks of southern hydrate ridge, sites 1244-1250, ODP Leg 204
E Gràcia, FC Martínez Ruíz, E Piñero, JC Larrasoana, A Vizcaino, ...
Ocean Drilling Program, 2005
Characterizing Holocene paleoseismic record in the SW Portuguese Margin
A Vizcaino, E Gràcia, C Escutia, A Asioli, J García-Orellana, S Lebreiro, ...
Geophys. Res. Abstracts 8, 08469, 2006
Preservation of Fe/Mn‐redox fronts in sediments of an oligotrophic, oxygenated deep‐water lake (Lago Fagnano, Tierra del Fuego)
I Neugebauer, C Thomas, L Ordoñez, ND Waldmann, C Recasens, ...
Sedimentology 69 (4), 1841-1860, 2022
Isolation and characterization of 20 polymorphic microsatellite loci in Palaemon serratus and cross-amplification in Palaemon species by 454 pyrosequencing
A Perina, AM González-Tizón, A Vizcaíno, E González-Ortegón, ...
Conserv. Genet. Resour 8, 169-196, 2016
Geomorfologia glacial del tram final de la Noguera Pallaresa i Riu Flamicell (Els Pallars). Resúmenes XIII Reunion Nacional de Cuaternario, Andorra 2011
V Turu, J Ventura, X Ros, A Pèlachs, A Vizcaino, JM Soriano
Simposio de glaciarismo, 37-43, 2011
Geologia glacial de la Coma de Burg (Pirineu Central)
A Vizcaino
Trabajo final de carrera de Geología, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona …, 2003
Active tectonic and sedimentary processes along the São Vicente Canyon (SW Iberian Margin): high-resolution imaging
A Vizcaino, E Gràcia, R Pallàs, P Terrinha, S Diez, JJ Dañobeitia, ...
Instrumentation ViewPoint, 2005, Autumn, núm. 4, 2005
Caracterización geoquímica de los aportes terrígenos y urbanos en el área metropolitana de Barcelona
JI Díaz, A Palanques, A Maldonado
Pre-stack depth migration seismic imaging of the Coral Patch Ridge and adjacent Horseshoe and Seine Abyssal Plains (Gulf of Cadiz): tectonic implications
S Martínez-Loriente, E Gràcia, R Bartolomé, D Klaeschen, A Vizcaino, ...
Trabajos de geología, 2010
Sedimentología y magnetismo de sedimentos ricos en hidratos de gas de Hydrate Ridge (margen de Oregón-ODP LEG 204): aplicación en estudios paleodimáticos
E Piñero, E Gràcia, JC Larrasoaña, FC Martínez Ruíz, G Ercilla, ...
Sociedad Geológica Española, 2004
Rock magnetic signature of gas hydrates in sediments from southern Hydrate Ridge (Cascadia Margin)
E Gràcia, J Larrasoana, F Martinez-Ruiz, G Ercilla, A Vizcaino, M Garces
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2003, OS51C-0869, 2003
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Articles 1–20