J. Arie Vonk
J. Arie Vonk
Freshwater and Marine Ecology, University of Amsterdam (UvA)
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Cited by
Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Reservoir Water Surfaces: A New Global Synthesis
BR Deemer, JA Harrison, S Li, JJ Beaulieu, T DelSontro, N Barros, ...
BioScience 66 (11), 949-964, 2016
How to assess exposure of aquatic organisms to manufactured nanoparticles?
JTK Quik, JA Vonk, SF Hansen, A Baun, D Van De Meent
Environment international 37 (6), 1068-1077, 2011
A belowground perspective on Dutch agroecosystems: how soil organisms interact to support ecosystem services
C Mulder, A Boit, M Bonkowski, PC De Ruiter, G Mancinelli, ...
Advances in ecological research 44, 277-357, 2011
Dissolved organic nitrogen uptake by seagrasses
JA Vonk, JJ Middelburg, J Stapel, TJ Bouma
Limnology and Oceanography 53 (2), 542-548, 2008
The biology of Thalassia: paradigms and recent advances in research
BI Tussenbroek, JA Vonk, J Stapel, PLA Erftemeijer, JJ Middelburg, ...
Seagrasses: Biology, Ecologyand Conservation, 409-439, 2007
Networking our way to better ecosystem service provision
Quintessence Consortium
Trends in ecology & evolution 31 (2), 105-115, 2016
Redefining the trophic importance of seagrasses for fauna in tropical Indo-Pacific meadows
JA Vonk, MJA Christianen, J Stapel
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 79 (4), 653-660, 2008
Ecotoxicogenomics: Bridging the gap between genes and populations
A Fedorenkova, JA Vonk, HJR Lenders, NJ Ouborg, AM Breure, ...
Environmental science & technology 44 (11), 4328-4333, 2010
Abundance, edge effect, and seasonality of fauna in mixed-species seagrass meadows in southwest Sulawesi, Indonesia
JA Vonk, MJA Christianen, J Stapel
Marine Biology Research 6 (3), 282-291, 2010
1 Distributional (In) Congruence of Biodiversity-Ecosystem Functioning
C Mulder, A Boit, S Mori, J Arie Vonk, SD Dyer, L Faggiano, S Geisen, ...
Advances in Ecological Research 46, 1, 2012
Early warning indicators for river nutrient and sediment loads in tropical seagrass beds: A benchmark from a near-pristine archipelago in Indonesia
MM Van Katwijk, MEW Van der Welle, E Lucassen, JA Vonk, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 62 (7), 1512-1520, 2011
Eutrophication decreases distance decay of similarity in diatom communities
A Goldenberg Vilar, H van Dam, EE van Loon, JA Vonk, ...
Freshwater Biology 59 (7), 1522-1531, 2014
10 years later: revisiting priorities for science and society a decade after the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
C Mulder, EM Bennett, DA Bohan, M Bonkowski, SR Carpenter, ...
Advances in Ecological Research 53, 1-53, 2015
Shrimp burrow in tropical seagrass meadows: an important sink for litter
JA Vonk, D Kneer, J Stapel, H Asmus
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 79 (1), 79-85, 2008
Herbicide exposure and toxicity to aquatic primary producers
JA Vonk, MHS Kraak
Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 250, 119-171, 2020
Megaherbivores may impact expansion of invasive seagrass in the Caribbean
MJA Christianen, FOH Smulders, MS Engel, MI Nava, S Willis, AO Debrot, ...
Journal of Ecology 107 (1), 45-57, 2019
Release of isothiocyanates does not explain the effects of biofumigation with Indian mustard cultivars on nematode assemblages
MTW Vervoort, JA Vonk, KM Brolsma, W Schütze, CW Quist, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 68, 200-207, 2014
SSU ribosomal DNA-based monitoring of nematode assemblages reveals distinct seasonal fluctuations within evolutionary heterogeneous feeding guilds
MTW Vervoort, JA Vonk, PJW Mooijman, SJJ Van den Elsen, ...
PLoS One 7 (10), e47555, 2012
Nematode traits and environmental constraints in 200 soil systems: scaling within the 60–6000 μm body size range
C Mulder, JA Vonk
Ecology 92 (10), 2004-2004, 2011
Expansion and fragment settlement of the non-native seagrass Halophila stipulacea in a Caribbean bay
FOH Smulders, JA Vonk, MS Engel, MJA Christianen
Marine Biology Research 13 (9), 967-974, 2017
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Articles 1–20