Manuel Espino
Manuel Espino
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An introduction to Mediterranean deep-sea biology
F Sardà, M Canals, A Tselepides, A Calafat, MM Flexas, M Espino, A Tursi
CSIC-Instituto de Ciencias del Mar (ICM), 2004
The XIOM: 20 years of a regional coastal observatory in the Spanish Catalan coast
R Bolanos, G Jorda, J Cateura, J Lopez, J Puigdefabregas, J Gomez, ...
Journal of Marine Systems 77 (3), 237-260, 2009
A management system for accidental water pollution risk in a harbour: the Barcelona case study
M Grifoll, G Jordà, M Espino, J Romo, M García-Sotillo
Journal of Marine Systems 88 (1), 60-73, 2011
Particle fluxes dynamics in Blanes submarine canyon (Northwestern Mediterranean)
D Zúñiga, MM Flexas, A Sanchez-Vidal, J Coenjaerts, A Calafat, G Jordà, ...
Progress in Oceanography 82 (4), 239-251, 2009
A field study of the behaviour of an anticyclonic eddy on the Catalan continental shelf (NW Mediterranean)
A Rubio, PA Arnau, M Espino, M del Mar Flexas, G Jorda, J Salat, ...
Progress in Oceanography 66 (2-4), 142-156, 2005
Relationship between environment and the occurrence of the deep-water rose shrimp Aristeus antennatus (Risso, 1816) in the Blanes submarine canyon (NW Mediterranean)
F Sardà, JB Company, N Bahamón, G Rotllant, MM Flexas, JD Sánchez, ...
Progress in Oceanography 82 (4), 227-238, 2009
A new risk assessment method for water quality degradation in harbour domains, using hydrodynamic models
M Grifoll, G Jordà, Á Borja, M Espino
Marine pollution bulletin 60 (1), 69-78, 2010
Mesoscale variability in the Bransfield Strait region (Antarctica) during Austral summer
MA García, O López, J Sospedra, M Espino, V Gracia, G Morrison, ...
Annales Geophysicae 12, 856-867, 1994
Wave energy balance in wave models (SWAN) for semi-enclosed domains–Application to the Catalan coast
E Pallares, A Sánchez-Arcilla, M Espino
Continental Shelf Research 87, 41-53, 2014
Water renewal and risk assessment of water pollution in semi-enclosed domains: Application to Bilbao Harbour (Bay of Biscay)
M Grifoll, A Del Campo, M Espino, J Mader, M González, Á Borja
Journal of Marine Systems 109, S241-S251, 2013
Origin and dynamics of mesoscale eddies in the Catalan Sea (NW Mediterranean): Insight from a numerical model study
A Rubio, B Barnier, G Jordá, M Espino, P Marsaleix
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 114 (C6), 2009
Circulation over a submarine canyon in the NW Mediterranean
MM Flexas, DL Boyer, M Espino, J Puigdefàbregas, A Rubio, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 113 (C12), 2008
Sea level and Eddy Kinetic Energy variability in the Bay of Biscay, inferred from satellite altimeter data
A Caballero, A Pascual, G Dibarboure, M Espino
Journal of Marine Systems 72 (1-4), 116-134, 2008
Un modelo numérico en Elementos Finitos para la corriente inducida por la marea. Aplicaciones al Estrecho de Gibraltar
MA García, M González, M Espino Infantes, A Sánchez-Arcilla Conejo
Plankton metabolic balance at two North Atlantic seamounts
J Arístegui, A Mendonça, JC Vilas, M Espino, I Polo, MF Montero, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 56 (25), 2646-2655, 2009
Seamounts and organic matter—Is there an effect? The case of Sedlo and Seine Seamounts: Part 1. Distributions of dissolved and particulate organic matter
JC Vilas, J Arístegui, K Kiriakoulakis, GA Wolff, M Espino, I Polo, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 56 (25), 2618-2630, 2009
The structure of planktonic communities under variable coastal upwelling conditions off Cape Ghir (31 N) in the Canary Current System (NW Africa)
V Anabalón, J Arístegui, CE Morales, I Andrade, M Benavides, ...
Progress in Oceanography 120, 320-339, 2014
Simulating the migration of drifters deployed in the Bay of Biscay, during the Prestige crisis
A Caballero, M Espino, Y Sagarminaga, L Ferrer, A Uriarte, M González
Marine Pollution Bulletin 56 (3), 475-482, 2008
3D hydrodynamic characterisation of a meso-tidal harbour: The case of Bilbao (northern Spain)
M Grifoll, A Fontán, L Ferrer, J Mader, M González, M Espino
Coastal Engineering 56 (9), 907-918, 2009
Coastal ocean forecasting in Spanish ports: the SAMOA operational service
MG Sotillo, P Cerralbo, P Lorente, M Grifoll, M Espino, A Sanchez-Arcilla, ...
Journal of Operational Oceanography 13 (1), 37-54, 2020
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