Jinhua Li
Jinhua Li
Professor of Geobiology & Biogeomagnetism, Institute of Geology and Geophysics
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Cited by
Two-billion-year-old volcanism on the Moon from Chang’e-5 basalts
QL Li, Q Zhou, Y Liu, Z Xiao, Y Lin, JH Li, HX Ma, GQ Tang, S Guo, ...
Nature 600 (7887), 54-58, 2021
Intracellular Ca-carbonate biomineralization is widespread in cyanobacteria
K Benzerara, F Skouri-Panet, J Li, C Férard, M Gugger, T Laurent, ...
Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 111 (30), 10933-10938, 2014
Resolving the origin of pseudo‐single domain magnetic behavior
AP Roberts, TP Almeida, NS Church, RJ Harrison, D Heslop, Y Li, J Li, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 122 (12), 9534-9558, 2017
The link between biomineralization and fossilization of bacteria: insights from field and experimental studies
J Li, K Benzerara, S Bernard, O Beyssac
Chemical Geology 359, 49-69, 2013
Biomineralization, crystallography and magnetic properties of bullet-shaped magnetite magnetosomes in giant rod magnetotactic bacteria
J Li, Y Pan, Q Liu, K Yu-Zhang, N Menguy, R Che, H Qin, W Lin, W Wu, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 293 (3-4), 368-376, 2010
Isolation and characterization of a marine magnetotactic spirillum axenic culture QH-2 from an intertidal zone of the China Sea
K Zhu, H Pan, J Li, K Yu-Zhang, SD Zhang, WY Zhang, K Zhou, H Yue, ...
Research in Microbiology 161 (4), 276-283, 2010
Millennial-scale Asian summer monsoon variations in South China since the last deglaciation
X Wang, G Chu, M Sheng, S Zhang, J Li, Y Chen, L Tang, Y Su, J Pei, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 451, 22-30, 2016
Magnetic anisotropy, magnetostatic interactions and identification of magnetofossils
J Li, W Wu, Q Liu, Y Pan
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 13 (12), 2012
Massive cranium from Harbin in northeastern China establishes a new Middle Pleistocene human lineage
X Ni, Q Ji, W Wu, Q Shao, Y Ji, C Zhang, L Liang, J Ge, Z Guo, J Li, Q Li, ...
The Innovation 2 (3), 2021
Magnetite magnetosome and fragmental chain formation of Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1: Transmission electron microscopy and magnetic observations
J Li, Y Pan, G Chen, Q Liu, L Tian, W Lin
Geophysical Journal International 177 (1), 33-42, 2009
Magnetic domain state diagnosis using hysteresis reversal curves
X Zhao, AP Roberts, D Heslop, GA Paterson, Y Li, J Li
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 122 (7), 4767-4789, 2017
Diversity analysis of magnetotactic bacteria in Lake Miyun, northern China, by restriction fragment length polymorphism
W Lin, J Li, D Schüler, C Jogler, Y Pan
Systematic and Applied Microbiology 32 (5), 342-350, 2009
Formation of single domain magnetite by green rust oxidation promoted by microbial anaerobic nitrate-dependent iron oxidation
J Miot, J Li, K Benzerara, MT Sougrati, G Ona-Nguema, S Bernard, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 139, 327-343, 2014
Deletion of the ftsZ-Like Gene Results in the Production of Superparamagnetic Magnetite Magnetosomes in Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense
Y Ding, J Li, J Liu, J Yang, W Jiang, J Tian, Y Li, Y Pan, J Li
Journal of bacteriology 192 (4), 1097-1105, 2010
Magnetic properties related to thermal treatment of pyrite
L Wang, YX Pan, JH Li, HF Qin
Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences 51 (8), 1144-1153, 2008
Widespread occurrence of silicate‐hosted magnetic mineral inclusions in marine sediments and their contribution to paleomagnetic recording
L Chang, AP Roberts, D Heslop, A Hayashida, J Li, X Zhao, W Tian, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 121 (12), 8415-8431, 2016
Crystal growth of bullet-shaped magnetite in magnetotactic bacteria of the Nitrospirae phylum
J Li, N Menguy, C Gatel, V Boureau, E Snoeck, G Patriarche, E Leroy, ...
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 12 (103), 20141288, 2015
Newly isolated but uncultivated magnetotactic bacterium of the phylum Nitrospirae from Beijing, China
W Lin, J Li, Y Pan
Applied and environmental microbiology 78 (3), 668-675, 2012
Formation of low-T hydrated silicates in modern microbialites from Mexico and implications for microbial fossilization
N Zeyen, K Benzerara, J Li, A Groleau, E Balan, JL Robert, I Estève, ...
Frontiers in Earth Science 3, 64, 2015
Environmental factors affect magnetite magnetosome synthesis in Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1: implications for biologically controlled mineralization
J Li, Y Pan
Geomicrobiology Journal 29 (4), 362-373, 2012
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Articles 1–20