Mario Morellon Marteles
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The Medieval Climate Anomaly in the Iberian Peninsula reconstructed from marine and lake records
A Moreno, A Pérez, J Frigola, V Nieto-Moreno, M Rodrigo-Gámiz, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 43, 16-32, 2012
Palaeolimnological evidence for an east–west climate see-saw in the Mediterranean since AD 900
N Roberts, A Moreno, BL Valero-Garcés, JP Corella, M Jones, S Allcock, ...
Global and Planetary Change 84, 23-34, 2012
Lateglacial and Holocene palaeohydrology in the western Mediterranean region: the Lake Estanya record (NE Spain)
M Morellon, B Valero-Garces, T Vegas-Vilarrubia, P Gonzalez-Samperiz, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 28 (25-26), 2582-2599, 2009
Patterns of human occupation during the early Holocene in the Central Ebro Basin (NE Spain) in response to the 8.2 ka climatic event
P González-Sampériz, P Utrilla, C Mazo, B Valero-Garcés, MC Sopena, ...
Quaternary Research 71 (2), 121-132, 2009
Climate changes and human activities recorded in the sediments of Lake Estanya (NE Spain) during the Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age
M Morellón, B Valero-Garcés, P González-Sampériz, T Vegas-Vilarrúbia, ...
Journal of Paleolimnology 46, 423-452, 2011
Holocene climate variability, vegetation dynamics and fire regime in the central Pyrenees: the Basa de la Mora sequence (NE Spain)
A Pérez-Sanz, P González-Sampériz, A Moreno, B Valero-Garcés, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 73, 149-169, 2013
Environmental and climate change in the southern Central Pyrenees since the Last Glacial Maximum: A view from the lake records
P González-Sampériz, J Aranbarri, A Pérez-Sanz, G Gil-Romera, ...
Catena 149, 668-688, 2017
The last deglaciation in the Picos de Europa national park (cantabrian mountains, northern Spain)
A Moreno, BL Valero‐Garcés, M Jiménez‐Sánchez, ...
Journal of Quaternary Science 25 (7), 1076-1091, 2010
Northern Iberian abrupt climate change dynamics during the last glacial cycle: a view from lacustrine sediments
A Moreno, P González-Sampériz, M Morellón, BL Valero-Garcés, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 36, 139-153, 2012
Rapid climatic changes and resilient vegetation during the Lateglacial and Holocene in a continental region of south-western Europe
J Aranbarri, P González-Sampériz, B Valero-Garcés, A Moreno, ...
Global and Planetary Change 114, 50-65, 2014
Vegetation changes and hydrological fluctuations in the Central Ebro Basin (NE Spain) since the Late Glacial period: Saline lake records
P González-Sampériz, BL Valero-Garcés, A Moreno, M Morellón, A Navas, ...
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 259 (2-3), 157-181, 2008
Holocene palaeohydrology and climate variability in northeastern Spain: the sedimentary record of Lake Estanya (Pre-Pyrenean range)
M Morellon, B Valero-Garcés, A Moreno, P González-Sampériz, P Mata, ...
Quaternary International 181 (1), 15-31, 2008
A multi-proxy perspective on millennium-long climate variability in the Southern Pyrenees
M Morellón, A Pérez-Sanz, JP Corella, U Büntgen, J Catalán, ...
Climate of the Past 8 (2), 683-700, 2012
The 1.5-ka varved record of Lake Montcortès (southern Pyrenees, NE Spain)
JP Corella, A Brauer, C Mangili, V Rull, T Vegas‐Vilarrúbia, M Morellón, ...
Quaternary Research 78 (2), 323-332, 2012
Climate and human impact on a meromictic lake during the last 6,000 years (Montcortès Lake, Central Pyrenees, Spain)
JP Corella, A Moreno, M Morellón, V Rull, S Giralt, MT Rico, A Pérez-Sanz, ...
Journal of Paleolimnology 46, 351-367, 2011
Vegetation changes in the southern Pyrenean flank during the last millennium in relation to climate and human activities: the Montcortès lacustrine record
V Rull, P González-Sampériz, JP Corella, M Morellón, S Giralt
Journal of Paleolimnology 46, 387-404, 2011
The Taravilla lake and tufa deposits (Central Iberian Range, Spain) as palaeohydrological and palaeoclimatic indicators
BLV Garcés, A Moreno, A Navas, P Mata, J Machín, AD Huertas, ...
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 259 (2-3), 136-156, 2008
Lacustrine carbonates of Iberian Karst Lakes: sources, processes and depositional environments
B Valero-Garcés, M Morellón, A Moreno, JP Corella, C Martín-Puertas, ...
Sedimentary Geology 299, 1-29, 2014
Human–climate interactions in the central Mediterranean region during the last millennia: The laminated record of Lake Butrint (Albania)
M Morellón, FS Anselmetti, D Ariztegui, B Brushulli, G Sinopoli, B Wagner, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 136, 134-152, 2016
Early Holocene humidity patterns in the Iberian Peninsula reconstructed from lake, pollen and speleothem records
M Morellón, J Aranbarri, A Moreno, P González-Sampériz, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 181, 1-18, 2018
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Articles 1–20