Zsófia Horváth
Zsófia Horváth
Institute of Aquatic Ecology, HUN-REN Centre for Ecological Research, Hungary
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A process-based metacommunity framework linking local and regional scale community ecology
PL Thompson, LM Guzman, L De Meester, Z Horváth, R Ptacnik, ...
Ecology Letters 23 (9), 1314-1329, 2020
Freshwater salinisation: a research agenda for a saltier world
D Cunillera-Montcusí, M Beklioğlu, M Cańedo-Argüelles, E Jeppesen, ...
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 37 (5), 440-453, 2022
Habitat loss over six decades accelerates regional and local biodiversity loss via changing landscape connectance
Z Horváth, R Ptacnik, CF Vad, JM Chase
Ecology letters 22 (6), 1019-1027, 2019
Functional richness outperforms taxonomic richness in predicting ecosystem functioning in natural phytoplankton communities
A Abonyi, Z Horváth, R Ptacnik
Freshwater Biology 63 (2), 178-186, 2018
Salinity and ionic composition of the shallow astatic soda pans in the Carpathian Basin
E Boros, Z Horváth, G Wolfram, L Vörös
Annales de Limnologie-International Journal of Limnology 50 (1), 59-69, 2014
Plankton metacommunities in floodplain wetlands under contrasting hydrological conditions
G Chaparro, Z Horváth, I O'Farrell, R Ptacnik, T Hein
Freshwater Biology 63 (4), 380-391, 2018
Opposing patterns of zooplankton diversity and functioning along a natural stress gradient: when the going gets tough, the tough get going
Z Horváth, CF Vad, A Tóth, K Zsuga, E Boros, L Vörös, R Ptacnik
Oikos 123 (4), 461-471, 2014
Wartime scars or reservoirs of biodiversity? The value of bomb crater ponds in aquatic conservation
CF Vad, AL Péntek, NJ Cozma, A Földi, A Tóth, B Tóth, NA Böde, A Móra, ...
Biological Conservation 209, 253-262, 2017
The keystone role of anostracans and copepods in European soda pans during the spring migration of waterbirds
Freshwater Biology 58 (2), 430-440, 2013
Zooplankton of the European soda pans: Fauna and conservation of a unique habitat type
A Tóth, Z Horváth, CF Vad, K Zsuga, SA Nagy, E Boros
International Review of Hydrobiology 99 (3), 255-276, 2014
Wind dispersal results in a gradient of dispersal limitation and environmental match among discrete aquatic habitats
Z Horváth, CF Vad, R Ptacnik
Ecography 39 (8), 726-732, 2016
Multiple extreme environmental conditions of intermittent soda pans in the Carpathian Basin (Central Europe)
E Boros, V Katalin, L Vörös, Z Horváth
Limnologica 62, 38-46, 2017
Distribution and conservation status of fairy shrimps (Crustacea: Anostraca) in the astatic soda pans of the Carpathian basin: the role of local and spatial factors
Z Horváth, CF Vad, L Vörös, E Boros
Journal of Limnology 72 (1), 2013
Biogeography and Phylogenetic Position of a Warm-stenotherm Centric Diatom, Skeletonema potamos (C.I. Weber) Hasle and its Long-term Dynamics in the River …
M Duleba, L Ector, Z Horváth, KT Kiss, LF Molnár, Z Pohner, Z Szilágyi, ...
Protist 165 (5), 715-729, 2014
Invertebrate food sources for waterbirds provided by the reconstructed wetland of Nyirkai-Hany, northwestern Hungary
Z Horváth, M Ferenczi, A Móra, CF Vad, A Ambrus, L Forró, G Szövényi, ...
Hydrobiologia 697 (1), 59-72, 2012
Grazing resistance and poor food quality of a widespread mixotroph impair zooplankton secondary production
CF Vad, C Schneider, D Lukić, Z Horváth, MJ Kainz, H Stibor, R Ptacnik
Oecologia, 2020
Invasive mysids (Crustacea: Malacostraca: Mysida) in Hungary: distributions and dispersal mechanisms
P Borza, A Czirok, C Deák, M Ficsór, V Horvai, Z Horváth, P Juhász, ...
North-Western Journal of Zoology 7 (2), 222-228, 2011
Accounting for temporal change in multiple biodiversity patterns improves the inference of metacommunity processes
LM Guzman, PL Thompson, DS Viana, B Vanschoenwinkel, Z Horvath, ...
Ecology 103 (6), e3683, 2022
Eastern spread of the invasive Artemia franciscana in the Mediterranean Basin, with the first record from the Balkan Peninsula
Z Horváth, C Lejeusne, F Amat, J Sánchez-Fontenla, CF Vad, AJ Green
Hydrobiologia, 1-7, 2018
Grazing pressure-induced shift in planktonic bacterial communities with the dominance of acIII-A1 actinobacterial lineage in soda pans
A Szabo, K Korponai, B Somogyi, B Vajna, L Voros, Z Horvath, E Boros, ...
Scientific Reports 10, 19871, 2020
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Articles 1–20