Michael G. Neubert
Cited by
Cited by
Demography and dispersal: calculation and sensitivity analysis of invasion speed for structured populations
MG Neubert, H Caswell
Ecology 81 (6), 1613-1628, 2000
Alternatives to resilience for measuring the responses of ecological systems to perturbations
MG Neubert, H Caswell
Ecology 78 (3), 653-665, 1997
Habitat destruction, fragmentation, and disturbance promote invasion by habitat generalists in a multispecies metapopulation
M Marvier, P Kareiva, MG Neubert
Risk Analysis: An International Journal 24 (4), 869-878, 2004
Dispersal and pattern formation in a discrete-time predator-prey model
MG Neubert, M Kot, MA Lewis
Theoretical population biology 48 (1), 7-43, 1995
Invasion theory and biological control
WF Fagan, MA Lewis, MG Neubert, P Van Den Driessche
Ecology letters 5 (1), 148-157, 2002
Marine reserves and optimal harvesting
MG Neubert
Ecology Letters 6 (9), 843-849, 2003
Complexity in ecology and conservation: mathematical, statistical, and computational challenges
JL Green, A Hastings, P Arzberger, FJ Ayala, KL Cottingham, ...
BioScience 55 (6), 501-510, 2005
Projecting rates of spread for invasive species
MG Neubert, IM Parker
Risk Analysis: An International Journal 24 (4), 817-831, 2004
Integrodifference equations, Allee effects, and invasions
MH Wang, M Kot, MG Neubert
Journal of Mathematical Biology 44 (2), 150-168, 2002
Density-dependent vital rates and their population dynamic consequences
MG Neubert, H Caswell
Journal of Mathematical Biology 41 (2), 103-121, 2000
Invasion speeds in fluctuating environments
MG Neubert, M Kot, MA Lewis
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2000
Demography and dispersal: life table response experiments for invasion speed
H Caswell, R Lensink, MG Neubert
Ecology 84 (8), 1968-1978, 2003
The subcritical collapse of predator populations in discrete-time predator-prey models
MG Neubert, M Kot
Mathematical biosciences 110 (1), 45-66, 1992
Physiological and ecological drivers of early spring blooms of a coastal phytoplankter
KR Hunter-Cevera, MG Neubert, RJ Olson, AR Solow, A Shalapyonok, ...
Science 354 (6310), 326-329, 2016
Transient dynamics and pattern formation: reactivity is necessary for Turing instabilities
MG Neubert, H Caswell, JD Murray
Mathematical biosciences 175 (1), 1-11, 2002
Growth rates of coastal phytoplankton from time‐series measurements with a submersible flow cytometer
HM Sosik, RJ Olson, MG Neubert, A Shalapyonok, AR Solow
Limnology and Oceanography 48 (5), 1756-1765, 2003
When can herbivores slow or reverse the spread of an invading plant? A test case from Mount St. Helens
WF Fagan, M Lewis, MG Neubert, C Aumann, JL Apple, JG Bishop
The American Naturalist 166 (6), 669-685, 2005
Exploring the ecology of deep-sea hydrothermal vents in a metacommunity framework
LS Mullineaux, A Metaxas, SE Beaulieu, M Bright, S Gollner, BM Grupe, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 5, 49, 2018
Sex-biased dispersal and the speed of two-sex invasions
TEX Miller, AK Shaw, BD Inouye, MG Neubert
The American Naturalist 177 (5), 549-561, 2011
Reactivity and transient dynamics of discrete-time ecological systems
H Caswell, MG Neubert
Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 11 (4-5), 295-310, 2005
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Articles 1–20