Elizabeth Tibbetts
Elizabeth Tibbetts
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Individual recognition: it is good to be different
EA Tibbetts, J Dale
Trends in ecology & evolution 22 (10), 529-537, 2007
The biology of color
IC Cuthill, WL Allen, K Arbuckle, B Caspers, G Chaplin, ME Hauber, ...
Science 357 (6350), eaan0221, 2017
A socially enforced signal of quality in a paper wasp
EA Tibbetts, J Dale
Nature 432 (7014), 218-222, 2004
Visual signals of individual identity in the wasp Polistes fuscatus
EA Tibbetts
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2002
Specialized face learning is associated with individual recognition in paper wasps
MJ Sheehan, EA Tibbetts
science 334 (6060), 1272-1275, 2011
Molecular systematics of primary reptilian lineages and the tuatara mitochondrial genome
JS Rest, JC Ast, CC Austin, PJ Waddell, EA Tibbetts, JM Hay, DP Mindell
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 29 (2), 289-297, 2003
The establishment and maintenance of dominance hierarchies
EA Tibbetts, J Pardo-Sanchez, C Weise
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 377 (1845), 20200450, 2022
Polistes paper wasps: a model genus for the study of social dominance hierarchies
JM Jandt, EA Tibbetts, AL Toth
Insectes Sociaux 61, 11-27, 2014
Visual signals of status and rival assessment in Polistes dominulus paper wasps
EA Tibbetts, R Lindsay
Biology Letters 4 (3), 237-239, 2008
Complex social behaviour can select for variability in visual features: a case study in Polistes wasps
EA Tibbetts
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2004
Benefits of foundress associations in the paper wasp Polistes dominulus: increased productivity and survival, but no assurance of fitness returns
EA Tibbetts, HK Reeve
Behavioral Ecology 14 (4), 510-514, 2003
Robust long-term social memories in a paper wasp
MJ Sheehan, EA Tibbetts
Current Biology 18 (18), R851-R852, 2008
Social punishment of dishonest signalers caused by mismatch between signal and behavior
EA Tibbetts, A Izzo
Current Biology 20 (18), 1637-1640, 2010
The effect of juvenile hormone on temporal polyethism in the paper wasp Polistes dominulus
JR Shorter, EA Tibbetts
Insectes sociaux 56, 7-13, 2009
Rearing conditions influence quality signals but not individual identity signals in Polistes wasps
EA Tibbetts, TR Curtis
Behavioral Ecology 18 (3), 602-607, 2007
Selection for individual recognition and the evolution of polymorphic identity signals in Polistes paper wasps
MJ Sheehan, EA Tibbetts
Journal of evolutionary biology 23 (3), 570-577, 2010
Different axes of environmental variation explain the presence vs. extent of cooperative nest founding associations in Polistes paper wasps
MJ Sheehan, CA Botero, TA Hendry, BE Sedio, JM Jandt, S Weiner, ...
Ecology Letters 18 (10), 1057-1067, 2015
The Challenge Hypothesis in an Insect: Juvenile Hormone Increases during Reproductive Conflict following Queen Loss in Polistes Wasps
EA Tibbetts, ZY Huang
The American Naturalist 176 (2), 123-130, 2010
Evolution of identity signals: frequency-dependent benefits of distinctive phenotypes used for individual recognition
MJ Sheehan, EA Tibbetts
Evolution 63 (12), 3106-3113, 2009
Cuticular hydrocarbons correlate with fertility, not dominance, in a paper wasp, Polistes dominulus
A Izzo, M Wells, Z Huang, E Tibbetts
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 64, 857-864, 2010
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