Thierry Hance
Thierry Hance
Université Catholique de Louvain, Earth and Life institute, Biodiversity section
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Impact of extreme temperatures on parasitoids in a climate change perspective
T Hance, J van Baaren, P Vernon, G Boivin
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 52 (1), 107-126, 2007
A review of the major biological approaches to control the worldwide pest Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae) with special reference to natural pesticides: Biological …
S Attia, KL Grissa, G Lognay, E Bitume, T Hance, AC Mailleux
Journal of Pest Science 86, 361-386, 2013
Scientists' warning on climate change and insects
JA Harvey, K Tougeron, R Gols, R Heinen, M Abarca, PK Abram, Y Basset, ...
Ecological monographs 93 (1), e1553, 2023
Aphid parasitoids in biological control
G Boivin, T Hance, J Brodeur
Canadian Journal of Plant Science 92 (1), 1-12, 2012
L’agroécologie: trajectoire et potentiel pour une transition vers des systèmes alimentaires durables
PM Stassart, P Baret, JC Grégoire, T Hance, M Mormont, D Reheul, ...
Educagri, Dijon, France, 2012
Diversité des ravageurs des denrées et méthodes alternatives de lutte en milieu tropical
LST Ngamo, TH Hance
Tropicultura 25 (4), 215-220, 2007
Variation of DIMBOA and related compounds content in relation to the age and plant organ in maize
V Cambier, T Hance, E de Hoffmann
Phytochemistry 53 (2), 223-229, 2000
The impact of fluctuating thermal regimes on the survival of a cold‐exposed parasitic wasp, Aphidius colemani
H Colinet, D Renault, T Hance, P Vernon
Physiological Entomology 31 (3), 234-240, 2006
Host age and fitness‐related traits in a koinobiont aphid parasitoid
H Colinet, C Salin, G Boivin, TH Hance
Ecological Entomology 30 (4), 473-479, 2005
Density estimation for invertebrate predators in agroecosystems
KD Sunderland, GR De Snoo, A Dinter, T Hance, J Helenius, P Jepson, ...
Arthropod Natural Enemies in Arable Land. 1 Density, spatial heterogeneity …, 1995
Proteomic profiling of a parasitic wasp exposed to constant and fluctuating cold exposure
H Colinet, TTA Nguyen, C Cloutier, D Michaud, T Hance
Insect biochemistry and molecular biology 37 (11), 1177-1188, 2007
Water Relations, Fat Reserves, Survival, and Longevity of a Cold-exposed Parasitic Wasp Aphidius colemani (Hymenoptera: Aphidiinae)
H Colinet, T Hance, P Vernon
Environmental Entomology 35 (2), 228-236, 2006
Persistence of insecticidal activities of crude essential oils of three aromatic plants towards four major stored product insect pests
TSL Ngamo, I Ngatanko, MB Ngassoum, PM Mapongmestsem, T Hance
African Journal of Agricultural Research 2 (4), 173-177, 2007
Toxicity of some terpenoids of essential oils of Xylopia aethiopica from Cameroon against Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky
H Kouninki, T Hance, FA Noudjou, G Lognay, F Malaisse, MB Ngassoum, ...
Journal of applied Entomology 131 (4), 269-274, 2007
Manipulation of parasitoid size using the temperature-size rule: fitness consequences
H Colinet, G Boivin, T Hance
Oecologia 152, 425-433, 2007
The Formation of Collective Silk Balls in the Spider Mite Tetranychus urticae Koch
G Clotuche, AC Mailleux, A Astudillo Fernández, JL Deneubourg, ...
Plos one 6 (4), e18854, 2011
Consequences of Acclimation on Survival and Reproductive Capacities of Cold-Stored Mummies of Aphidius rhopalosiphi (Hymenoptera: Aphidiinae)
A Levie, P Vernon, T Hance
Journal of Economic Entomology 98 (3), 704-708, 2005
Is body size an influential parameter in determining the duration of survival at low temperatures in Alphitobius diaperinus Panzer (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae)?
D Renault, T Hance, G Vannier, P Vernon
Journal of Zoology 259 (4), 381-388, 2003
Proteomic investigation of aphid honeydew reveals an unexpected diversity of proteins
A Sabri, S Vandermoten, PD Leroy, E Haubruge, T Hance, P Thonart, ...
PloS one 8 (9), e74656, 2013
Interspecific variation in the response to low temperature storage in different aphid parasitoids
H Colinet, T Hance
Annals of Applied Biology 156 (1), 147-156, 2010
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Articles 1–20