Herbivore‐induced plant volatiles and tritrophic interactions across spatial scales Y Aartsma, FJJA Bianchi, W van der Werf, EH Poelman, M Dicke New Phytologist 216 (4), 1054-1063, 2017 | 222 | 2017 |
Understanding insect foraging in complex habitats by comparing trophic levels: insights from specialist host-parasitoid-hyperparasitoid systems Y Aartsma, A Cusumano, MF de Bobadilla, Q Rusman, I Vosteen, ... Current Opinion in Insect Science 32, 54-60, 2019 | 64 | 2019 |
Intraspecific variation in herbivore‐induced plant volatiles influences the spatial range of plant–parasitoid interactions Y Aartsma, B Leroy, W van der Werf, M Dicke, EH Poelman, FJJA Bianchi Oikos 128 (1), 77-86, 2019 | 47 | 2019 |
Caught between parasitoids and predators–survival of a specialist herbivore on leaves and flowers of mustard plants D Lucas-Barbosa, EH Poelman, Y Aartsma, TAL Snoeren, JJA van Loon, ... Journal of Chemical Ecology 40, 621-631, 2014 | 43 | 2014 |
Health of the black soldier fly and house fly under mass-rearing conditions: innate immunity and the role of the microbiome M Vogel, PN Shah, A Voulgari-Kokota, S Maistrou, Y Aartsma, ... Journal of Insects as Food and Feed 8 (8), 857-878, 2022 | 31 | 2022 |
Endure and call for help: strategies of black mustard plants to deal with a specialized caterpillar D Lucas‐Barbosa, M Dicke, T Kranenburg, Y Aartsma, TA van Beek, ... Functional Ecology 31 (2), 325-333, 2017 | 15 | 2017 |
Variation in parasitoid attraction to herbivore-infested plants and alternative host plant cover mediate tritrophic interactions at the landscape scale Y Aartsma, Y Hao, M Dicke, W van Der Werf, EH Poelman, FJJA Bianchi Landscape Ecology 35, 907-919, 2020 | 13 | 2020 |
Spatial scale, neighbouring plants and variation in plant volatiles interactively determine the strength of host–parasitoid relationships Y Aartsma, S Pappagallo, W van der Werf, M Dicke, FJJA Bianchi, ... Oikos 129 (9), 1429-1439, 2020 | 12 | 2020 |
Development of sustainable business models for insect-fed poultry production: opportunities and risks HW Saatkamp, Y Aartsma, H Hogeveen, M Augustijn, A Baumann, ... Journal of Insects as Food and Feed 8 (12), 1469-1483, 2022 | 11 | 2022 |
Protein transition in Colombia: insects as feed in a circular agriculture M Dicke, Y Aartsma, KB Barragán-Fonseca Wageningen University & Research, 2020 | 4 | 2020 |
Herbivore-induced plant volatiles and tritrophic interactions: from local to landscape scale Y Aartsma PQDT-Global, 2018 | 4 | 2018 |
Potentieel van insecten voor een circulaire, duurzame productie van veevoeder: Vanuit het perspectief van beleidsmakers Y Aartsma, EM van de Zande, M Dicke Wageningen University & Research, 2024 | 2 | 2024 |
Data from: Intraspecific variation in herbivore-induced plant volatiles influences the spatial range of plant–parasitoid interactions.–Dryad Digital Repository Y Aartsma, B Leroy, M Dicke, EH Poelman, F Bianchi Farming Systems Ecology, Wageningen UR/CIMMYT, 2018 | 1 | 2018 |
Insectenkweek voor een circulaire, duurzame productie van diervoeder: kansen en uitdagingen voor investeerders Y Aartsma, EM van de Zande, M Dicke Wageningen University & Research, The Laboratory of Entomology, 2024 | | 2024 |
Potentieel van insecten voor een circulaire, duurzame productie van veevoeder Y Aartsma, EM van de Zande, M Dicke | | 2024 |
Plant functional traits drive landscape effects on biological pest control. Y Aartsma, Y Hao, M Dicke, W van der Werf, EH Poelman, FJJA Bianchi | | 2019 |
Role of HIPV’s on enhancing biological control at multiple spatial scales Y Aartsma, W van der Werf, MW Dicke, E Poelman, FJJA Bianchi Entomology 2017, 2017 | | 2017 |
Endure and call for help: Strategies of black mustard plants to deal with a specialized caterpillar D Lucas Gomes Marques Barbosa, M Dicke, T Kranenburg, Y Aartsma, ... | | |