Jianbo Shen
Cited by
Cited by
Phosphorus dynamics: from soil to plant
J Shen, L Yuan, J Zhang, H Li, Z Bai, X Chen, W Zhang, F Zhang
Plant physiology 156 (3), 997-1005, 2011
Improving intercropping: a synthesis of research in agronomy, plant physiology and ecology
RW Brooker, AE Bennett, WF Cong, TJ Daniell, TS George, PD Hallett, ...
New Phytologist 206 (1), 107-117, 2015
Improving crop productivity and resource use efficiency to ensure food security and environmental quality in China
M Fan, J Shen, L Yuan, R Jiang, X Chen, WJ Davies, F Zhang
Journal of experimental botany 63 (1), 13-24, 2012
Closing yield gaps in China by empowering smallholder farmers
W Zhang, G Cao, X Li, H Zhang, C Wang, Q Liu, X Chen, Z Cui, J Shen, ...
Nature 537 (7622), 671-674, 2016
P for two, sharing a scarce resource: soil phosphorus acquisition in the rhizosphere of intercropped species
P Hinsinger, E Betencourt, L Bernard, A Brauman, C Plassard, J Shen, ...
Plant physiology 156 (3), 1078-1086, 2011
The critical soil P levels for crop yield, soil fertility and environmental safety in different soil types
Z Bai, H Li, X Yang, B Zhou, X Shi, B Wang, D Li, J Shen, Q Chen, W Qin, ...
Plant and Soil 372, 27-37, 2013
Integrated nutrient management for food security and environmental quality in China
F Zhang, Z Cui, X Chen, X Ju, J Shen, Q Chen, X Liu, W Zhang, G Mi, ...
Advances in agronomy 116, 1-40, 2012
Acquisition or utilization, which is more critical for enhancing phosphorus efficiency in modern crops?
X Wang, J Shen, H Liao
Plant science 179 (4), 302-306, 2010
Long-term accumulation and transport of anthropogenic phosphorus in three river basins
SM Powers, TW Bruulsema, TP Burt, NI Chan, JJ Elser, PM Haygarth, ...
Nature Geoscience 9 (5), 353-356, 2016
Rhizosphere processes and management for improving nutrient use efficiency and crop productivity: implications for China
F Zhang, J Shen, J Zhang, Y Zuo, L Li, X Chen
Advances in agronomy 107, 1-32, 2010
Maximizing root/rhizosphere efficiency to improve crop productivity and nutrient use efficiency in intensive agriculture of China
J Shen, C Li, G Mi, L Li, L Yuan, R Jiang, F Zhang
Journal of experimental botany 64 (5), 1181-1192, 2013
Tradeoffs among root morphology, exudation and mycorrhizal symbioses for phosphorus‐acquisition strategies of 16 crop species
Z Wen, H Li, Q Shen, X Tang, C Xiong, H Li, J Pang, MH Ryan, H Lambers, ...
New Phytologist 223 (2), 882-895, 2019
Integrated soil and plant phosphorus management for crop and environment in China. A review
H Li, G Huang, Q Meng, L Ma, L Yuan, F Wang, W Zhang, Z Cui, J Shen, ...
Plant and Soil 349, 157-167, 2011
Crop yields, soil fertility and phosphorus fractions in response to long-term fertilization under the rice monoculture system on a calcareous soil
J Shen, R Li, F Zhang, J Fan, C Tang, Z Rengel
Field Crops Research 86 (2-3), 225-238, 2004
Integrating legacy soil phosphorus into sustainable nutrient management strategies for future food, bioenergy and water security
H Rowe, PJA Withers, P Baas, NI Chan, D Doody, J Holiman, B Jacobs, ...
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 104, 393-412, 2016
Localized application of phosphorus and ammonium improves growth of maize seedlings by stimulating root proliferation and rhizosphere acidification
J Jing, Y Rui, F Zhang, Z Rengel, J Shen
Field Crops Research 119 (2-3), 355-364, 2010
Nitric oxide is involved in phosphorus deficiency‐induced cluster‐root development and citrate exudation in white lupin
BL Wang, XY Tang, LY Cheng, AZ Zhang, WH Zhang, FS Zhang, JQ Liu, ...
New Phytologist 187 (4), 1112-1123, 2010
Increased soil phosphorus availability induced by faba bean root exudation stimulates root growth and phosphorus uptake in neighbouring maize
D Zhang, C Zhang, X Tang, H Li, F Zhang, Z Rengel, WR Whalley, ...
New Phytologist 209 (2), 823-831, 2016
Carbon footprint of grain production in China
D Zhang, J Shen, F Zhang, Y Li, W Zhang
Scientific reports 7 (1), 4126, 2017
Sustainable phosphorus management and the need for a long-term perspective: The legacy hypothesis
PM Haygarth, HP Jarvie, SM Powers, AN Sharpley, JJ Elser, J Shen, ...
Environmental science & technology 48 (15), 8417-8419, 2014
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Articles 1–20