Sandy Gifford
Sandy Gifford
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Cited by
Longing to belong: Social inclusion and wellbeing among youth with refugee backgrounds in the first three years in Melbourne, Australia
I Correa-Velez, SM Gifford, AG Barnett
Social science & medicine 71 (8), 1399-1408, 2010
The sources of stress experienced by professional Australian footballers
AJ Noblet, SM Gifford
Journal of applied sport psychology 14 (1), 1-13, 2002
Place-making, settlement and well-being: The therapeutic landscapes of recently arrived youth with refugee backgrounds
R Sampson, SM Gifford
Health & place 16 (1), 116-131, 2010
The meaning of lumps: a case study of the ambiguities of risk
SM Gifford
Anthropology and epidemiology: interdisciplinary approaches to the study of …, 1986
Compliance with Universal/Standard Precautions among health care workers in rural north India
M Kermode, D Jolley, B Langkham, MS Thomas, W Holmes, SM Gifford
American journal of infection control 33 (1), 27-33, 2005
Negotiating family, navigating resettlement: Family connectedness amongst resettled youth with refugee backgrounds living in Melbourne, Australia
C McMichael, SM Gifford, I Correa-Velez
Journal of Youth Studies 14 (2), 179-195, 2011
‘He hath the French pox’: stigma, social value and social exclusion
DD Reidpath, KY Chan, SM Gifford, P Allotey
Sociology of health & illness 27 (4), 468-489, 2005
Working invisibly: health workers talk about capacity-building in health promotion
P Hawe, L King, M Noort, SM Gifford, B Lloyd
Health Promotion International 13 (4), 285-295, 1998
HIV-related knowledge, attitudes & risk perception amongst nurses, doctors & other healthcare workers in rural India
M Kermode, W Holmes, B Langkham, MS Thomas, S Gifford
Indian Journal of Medical Research 122 (3), 258, 2005
The persistence of predictors of wellbeing among refugee youth eight years after resettlement in Melbourne, Australia
I Correa-Velez, SM Gifford, C McMichael
Social Science & Medicine 142, 163-168, 2015
Meaning or measurement? Researching the social contexts of health and settlement among newly-arrived refugee youth in Melbourne, Australia
SM Gifford, C Bakopanos, I Kaplan, I Correa-Velez
Journal of refugee studies 20 (3), 414-440, 2007
Resettled refugee families and their children’s futures: Coherence, hope and support
R Atwell, SM Gifford, B McDonald-Wilmsen
Journal of comparative family studies 40 (5), 677-697, 2009
Safe sex or safe love: competing discourses?
D Rosenthal, S Gifford, S Moore
Aids care 10 (1), 35-47, 1998
Trying to keep a balance: the meaning of health and diabetes in an urban Aboriginal community
SJ Thompson, SM Gifford
Social science & medicine 51 (10), 1457-1472, 2000
Working for a better life: Longitudinal evidence on the predictors of employment among recently arrived refugee migrant men living in Australia
I Correa‐Velez, AG Barnett, S Gifford
International Migration 53 (2), 321-337, 2015
Anthropology and epidemiology: Interdisciplinary approaches to the study of health and disease
C Janes, R Stall, SM Gifford
Springer Science & Business Media, 1986
Digital escapes? ICTs, settlement and belonging among Karen youth in Melbourne, Australia
SM Gifford, R Wilding
Journal of Refugee Studies 26 (4), 558-575, 2013
Good starts for recently arrived youth with refugee backgrounds: Promoting wellbeing in the first three years of settlement in Melbourne, Australia
S Gifford, I Correa-Velez, R Sampson
Swinburne, 2009
The social and cultural context of risk and prevention: food and physical activity in an urban Aboriginal community
SJ Thompson, SM Gifford, L Thorpe
Health Education & Behavior 27 (6), 725-743, 2000
The impact of injecting drug use status on hepatitis C-related referral and treatment
MA Stoove, SM Gifford, GJ Dore
Drug and alcohol dependence 77 (1), 81-86, 2005
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