DeEtta K Mills
DeEtta K Mills
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Divergence in proteins, mitochondrial DNA, and reproductive compatibility across the Isthmus of Panama
N Knowlton, LA Weigt, LA Solorzano, DEK Mills, E Bermingham
Science 260 (5114), 1629-1632, 1993
A comparison of DNA profiling techniques for monitoring nutrient impact on microbial community composition during bioremediation of petroleum-contaminated soils
DEK Mills, K Fitzgerald, CD Litchfield, PM Gillevet
Journal of microbiological methods 54 (1), 57-74, 2003
Microbial Communities in the Surface Mucopolysaccharide Layer and the Black Band Microbial Mat of Black Band-Diseased Siderastrea siderea
R Sekar, DEK Mills, ER Remily, JD Voss, LL Richardson
Applied and environmental microbiology 72 (9), 5963-5973, 2006
The Systematic Importance of Color and Color Pattern: Evidence for Complexes of Sibling Species of Snapping Shrimp (Caridea: Alpheidae: Alpheus) from the Caribbean and Pacific …
PROCEEDINGS of the San Diego Society of Natural History 18, 1992
Culture and identification of Desulfovibrio spp. from corals infected by black band disease on Dominican and Florida Keys reefs
S Viehman, DK Mills, GW Meichel, LL Richardson
Diseases of Aquatic organisms 69 (1), 119-127, 2006
An interdisciplinary review of the thanatomicrobiome in human decomposition
GT Javan, SJ Finley, S Tuomisto, A Hall, ME Benbow, DE Mills
Forensic Science, Medicine and Pathology 15, 75-83, 2019
Influence of irrigated agriculture on soil microbial diversity
JA Entry, DE Mills, K Mathee, K Jayachandran, RE Sojka, G Narasimhan
Applied soil ecology 40 (1), 146-154, 2008
Black band disease microbial community variation on corals in three regions of the wider Caribbean
JD Voss, DEK Mills, JL Myers, ER Remily, LL Richardson
Microbial Ecology 54, 730-739, 2007
The application of amplicon length heterogeneity PCR (LH-PCR) for monitoring the dynamics of soil microbial communities associated with cadaver decomposition
LI Moreno, DE Mills, J Fetscher, K John-Williams, L Meadows-Jantz, ...
Journal of microbiological methods 84 (3), 388-393, 2011
Assessing microbial community diversity using amplicon length heterogeneity polymerase chain reaction
DEK Mills, JA Entry, PM Gillevet, K Mathee
Soil Science Society of America Journal 71 (2), 572-578, 2007
An assessment of the hypervariable domains of the 16S rRNA genes for their value in determining microbial community diversity: the paradox of traditional ecological indices
DEK Mills, JA Entry, JD Voss, PM Gillevet, K Mathee
FEMS microbiology ecology 57 (3), 496-503, 2006
Developmental Validation of the ParaDNAŽ Screening System-A presumptive test for the detection of DNA on forensic evidence items
N Dawnay, B Stafford-Allen, D Moore, S Blackman, P Rendell, EK Hanson, ...
Forensic Science International: Genetics 11, 73-79, 2014
Past, present, and future of DNA typing for analyzing human and non-human forensic samples
D Jordan, DE Mills
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9, 646130, 2021
Microbial metagenome profiling using amplicon length heterogeneity‐polymerase chain reaction proves more effective than elemental analysis in discriminating soil specimens
LI Moreno, DEK Mills, J Entry, RT Sautter, K Mathee
Journal of forensic sciences 51 (6), 1315-1322, 2006
Genetic individualization of Cannabis sativa by a short tandem repeat multiplex system
MA Mendoza, DEK Mills, H Lata, S Chandra, MA ElSohly, JR Almirall
Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 393, 719-726, 2009
Developmental validation of the ParaDNAŽ Intelligence System—A novel approach to DNA profiling
S Blackman, N Dawnay, G Ball, B Stafford-Allen, N Tribble, P Rendell, ...
Forensic Science International: Genetics 17, 137-148, 2015
Preliminary accuracy of COVID-19 odor detection by canines and HS-SPME-GC-MS using exhaled breath samples
J Mendel, K Frank, L Edlin, K Hall, D Webb, J Mills, HK Holness, ...
Forensic Science International: Synergy 3, 100155, 2021
An ecoinformatics tool for microbial community studies: Supervised classification of Amplicon Length Heterogeneity (ALH) profiles of 16S rRNA
C Yang, DE Mills, K Mathee, Y Wang, K Jayachandran, M Sikaroodi, ...
Journal of microbiological methods 65 (1), 49-62, 2006
Microbiota shifts in the surface mucopolysaccharide layer of corals transferred from natural to aquaria settings
ZA Pratte, LL Richardson, DEK Mills
Journal of invertebrate pathology 125, 42-44, 2015
HIV-positive patients differ from HIV-negative patients in indications for and type of UV therapy used
RS Sterna, DEK Millsb, K Krellb, BZ Zmudzkab, JZ Beerb
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 39 (1), 48-55, 1998
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