Laura Zavattaro
Laura Zavattaro
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Cited by
Effect of crop residue incorporation on soil organic carbon and greenhouse gas emissions in European agricultural soils
T Lehtinen, N Schlatter, A Baumgarten, L Bechini, J Krüger, C Grignani, ...
Soil use and management 30 (4), 524-538, 2014
Pig slurry treatment modifies slurry composition, N2O, and CO2 emissions after soil incorporation
C Bertora, F Alluvione, L Zavattaro, JW van Groenigen, G Velthof, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 40 (8), 1999-2006, 2008
Permanent grasslands in Europe: Land use change and intensification decrease their multifunctionality
RLM Schils, C Bufe, CM Rhymer, RM Francksen, VH Klaus, M Abdalla, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 330, 107891, 2022
Nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide emissions following green manure and compost fertilization in corn
F Alluvione, C Bertora, L Zavattaro, C Grignani
Soil Science Society of America Journal 74 (2), 384-395, 2010
Indirect estimation of near-saturated hydraulic conductivity from readily available soil information
NJ Jarvis, L Zavattaro, K Rajkai, WD Reynolds, PA Olsen, M McGechan, ...
Geoderma 108 (1-2), 1-17, 2002
Production, nitrogen and carbon balance of maize-based forage systems
C Grignani, L Zavattaro, D Sacco, S Monaco
European Journal of Agronomy 26 (4), 442-453, 2007
Chemically and biologically-mediated fertilizing value of manure-derived biochar
R Subedi, N Taupe, I Ikoyi, C Bertora, L Zavattaro, A Schmalenberger, ...
Science of the Total Environment 550, 924-933, 2016
Agronomic effects of bovine manure: A review of long-term European field experiments
L Zavattaro, L Bechini, C Grignani, FK Van Evert, J Mallast, H Spiegel, ...
European journal of agronomy 90, 127-138, 2017
Stakeholder perceptions of manure treatment technologies in Denmark, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain
Y Hou, GL Velthof, SDC Case, M Oelofse, C Grignani, P Balsari, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 172, 1620-1630, 2018
Options to reduce N loss from maize in intensive cropping systems in Northern Italy
L Zavattaro, S Monaco, D Sacco, C Grignani
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 147, 24-35, 2012
Nutrient balance as a sustainability indicator of different agro-environments in Italy
M Bassanino, D Sacco, L Zavattaro, C Grignani
Ecological Indicators 11 (2), 715-723, 2011
European long‐term field experiments: knowledge gained about alternative management practices
T Sandén, H Spiegel, HP Stüger, N Schlatter, HP Haslmayr, L Zavattaro, ...
Soil Use and Management 34 (2), 167-176, 2018
Soil organic matter dynamics and losses in manured maize-based forage systems
C Bertora, L Zavattaro, D Sacco, S Monaco, C Grignani
European Journal of Agronomy 30 (3), 177-186, 2009
Simple, efficient and robust techniques for automatic multi-objective function parameterisation: Case studies of local and global optimisation using APSIM
MT Harrison, PP Roggero, L Zavattaro
Environmental Modelling & Software 117, 109-133, 2019
Short-term crop and soil response to C-friendly strategies in two contrasting environments
F Alluvione, N Fiorentino, C Bertora, L Zavattaro, M Fagnano, ...
European Journal of Agronomy 45, 114-123, 2013
Effect of agronomic management on risk of suspended solids and phosphorus losses from soil to waters
T Borda, L Celi, L Zavattaro, D Sacco, E Barberis
Journal of Soils and Sediments 11, 440-451, 2011
Adoption of non-inversion tillage across Europe: Use of a behavioural approach in understanding decision making of farmers
J Bijttebier, G Ruysschaert, R Hijbeek, M Werner, AA Pronk, L Zavattaro, ...
Land use policy 78, 460-471, 2018
Genotypic variability enhances the reproducibility of an ecological study
A Milcu, R Puga-Freitas, AM Ellison, M Blouin, S Scheu, GT Freschet, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 2 (2), 279-287, 2018
Crop response to soils amended with biochar: expected benefits and unintended risks
R Subedi, C Bertora, L Zavattaro, C Grignani
Italian Journal of Agronomy 12 (2), 161-173, 2017
An assessment of policies affecting Sustainable Soil Management in Europe and selected member states
N Turpin, H Ten Berge, C Grignani, G Guzmán, K Vanderlinden, ...
Land Use Policy 66, 241-249, 2017
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Articles 1–20