Thamarai Selvi Somasundaram
Thamarai Selvi Somasundaram
Former Vice Chancellor, Thiruvalluvar University, Vellore
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Mastering cloud computing: foundations and applications programming
R Buyya, C Vecchiola, ST Selvi
Newnes, 2013
DDoS detection and analysis in SDN-based environment using support vector machine classifier
RT Kokila, ST Selvi, K Govindarajan
2014 sixth international conference on advanced computing (ICoAC), 205-210, 2014
Early detection of breast cancer using SVM classifier technique
Y Rejani, ST Selvi
arXiv preprint arXiv:0912.2314, 2009
Brain MRI slices classification using least squares support vector machine
H Selvaraj, ST Selvi, D Selvathi, L Gewali
International journal of intelligent computing in medical sciences & image …, 2007
CLOUDRB: A framework for scheduling and managing High-Performance Computing (HPC) applications in science cloud
TS Somasundaram, K Govindarajan
Future Generation Computer Systems 34, 47-65, 2014
Trust management system for grid and cloud resources
PD Manuel, ST Selvi, MI Abd-El Barr
2009 first international conference on advanced computing, 176-181, 2009
DDoS defense system for web services in a cloud environment
TV Vissers, TS Somasundaram, L Pieters, K G, P Hellinckx
Future Generation Computer Systems 37, 37-45, 2014
Semantic-based grid resource discovery and its integration with the grid service broker
TS Somasundaram, RA Balachandar, V Kandasamy, R Buyya, R Raman, ...
2006 International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications, 84-89, 2006
Lifecycle model of a negotiation agent: A survey of automated negotiation techniques
U Kiruthika, TS Somasundaram, SKS Raja
Group Decision and Negotiation 29 (6), 1239-1262, 2020
CARE Resource Broker: A framework for scheduling and supporting virtual resource management
TS Somasundaram, BR Amarnath, R Kumar, P Balakrishnan, K Rajendar, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 26 (3), 337-347, 2010
Thwarting DDoS attacks in grid using information divergence
P Varalakshmi, ST Selvi
Future Generation Computer Systems 29 (1), 429-441, 2013
Text categorization using Rocchio algorithm and random forest algorithm
ST Selvi, P Karthikeyan, A Vincent, V Abinaya, G Neeraja, R Deepika
Advanced Computing (ICoAC), 2016 Eighth International Conference on, 7-12, 2017
Semantic grid service discovery approach using clustering of service ontologies
S Rajagopal, ST Selvi
TENCON 2006-2006 IEEE Region 10 Conference, 1-4, 2006
Comparative study on Apriori algorithm and Fp growth algorithm with pros and cons
M Kavitha, ST Selvi
Int. J. Comput. Sci. Trends Technol 4 (4), 161-164, 2016
Ontology‐based Grid resource management
BR Amarnath, TS Somasundaram, M Ellappan, R Buyya
Software: Practice and Experience 39 (17), 1419-1438, 2009
Smart learning analytics
D Boulanger, J Seanosky, V Kumar, Kinshuk, K Panneerselvam, ...
Emerging issues in smart learning, 289-296, 2015
A novel trust management system for cloud computing IaaS providers
PD Manuel, MI Abd-El Barr, S Thamarai Selvi
JCMCC-Journal of Combinatorial Mathematicsand Combinatorial Computing 79 (3), 2011
Object-Oriented Programming with Java
R Buyya, ST Selvi, X Chu
McGraw Hill, 2011
Resource allocation issues and challenges in cloud computing
ST Selvi, C Valliyammai, VN Dhatchayani
2014 International Conference on Recent Trends in Information Technology, 1-6, 2014
MRI image segmentation using unsupervised clustering techniques
D Selvathi, A Arulmurgan, ST Selvi, S Alagappan
Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications, 2005. Sixth …, 2005
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Artículos 1–20