Anthony Lau
Anthony Lau
Assistant Professor, Science Unit, Lingnan University
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Multiscale Burrow Site Selection of Gopher Tortoises (Gopherus polyphemus) in Coastal Sand Dune Habitat
A Lau, CK Dodd Jr
Journal of Coastal Research 31 (2), 305-314, 2015
Population Structure and Body Size of the Suwannee Alligator Snapping Turtle (Macrochelys suwanniensis) in Northern Florida
GR Johnston, TM Thomas, E Suarez, A Lau, JC Mitchell
Chelonian Conservation and Biology 14 (1), 73-81, 2015
Harnessing smartphones for ecological education, research, and outreach
MJ Palumbo, SA Johnson, FM Mundim, A Lau, AC Wolf, S Arunachalam, ...
Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 93 (4), 390-393, 2012
Sex‐related differences in aging rate are associated with sex chromosome system in amphibians
H Cayuela, J Lemaître, J Léna, V Ronget, I Martínez‐Solano, E Muths, ...
Evolution 76 (2), 346-356, 2022
Introduction of Eleutherodactylus planirostris (Amphibia, Anura, Eleutherodactylidae) to Hong Kong
WH Lee, MWN Lau, A Lau, DQ Rao, YH Sung
Acta Herpetologica 11 (1), 85-89, 2016
Species list and distribution of non-native freshwater turtles in Hong Kong
YH Sung, WH Lee, MWN Lau, A Lau, PPY Wong, C Dingle, HY Yeung, ...
BioInvasions Records, 2021
Delineation of core terrestrial habitat for conservation of a tropical salamander: The Hong Kong Newt (Paramesotriton hongkongensis)
A Lau, NE Karraker, P Martelli, D Dudgeon
Biological Conservation 209, 76-82, 2017
Composition of a turtle assemblage in a northern Florida blackwater stream
GR Johnston, A Lau, YV Kornilev
Florida Scientist, 126-133, 2011
First record of the Australian redclaw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus (von Martens, 1868) in Hong Kong, China.
S Yau, A Lau
BioInvasions Record 10 (2), 369-377, 2021
The non-native freshwater fishes of Hong Kong: diversity, distributions, and origins.
JCF Chan, AHF Tsang, S Yau, TCH Hui, A Lau, HH Tan, BW Low, ...
Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 71, 2023
Spatial Ecology of the Introduced Chinese Water Dragon Physignathus cocincinus in Hong Kong
WH Chan, A Lau, P Martelli, D Tsang, WH Lee, YH Sung
Current Herpetology 39 (1), 55-65, 2020
Spatial Ecology of the Gopher Tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) in Coastal sand Dune Habitat: Burrow Site Selection, Home Range and Seasonal Activity Patterns
University of Florida, 2011
Does forest extent affect salamander survival? Evidence from a long‐term demographic study of a tropical newt
A Lau, NE Karraker, D Dudgeon
Ecology and evolution 7 (24), 10963-10973, 2017
Environmental factors and host sex influence the skin microbiota structure of Hong Kong newt (Paramesotriton hongkongensis) in a coldspot of chytridiomycosis in …
B Wan, G Chen, ESK Poon, HS Fung, A Lau, SYW Sin
Integrative Zoology, 2024
Occurrence of pathogenic chytrid fungi Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans and Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in the Hong Kong newt (Paramesotriton hongkongensis) and other wild …
G Chen, A Lau, B Wan, ESK Poon, HS Fung, WH Lee, YH Sung, SYW Sin
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 59 (4), 2023
Conservation and population biology of the Hong Kong newt (Paramesotriton hongkongensis)
Y Lau
HKU Theses Online (HKUTO), 2017
First record of bicephaly in Paramesotriton hongkongensis (Myers and Leviton, 1962) (Caudata: Salamandridae)
MFF Au, J Shen, P Martelli, A Lau
Herpetological Notes 13, 831-833, 2020
Development of Nine Microsatellite Markers for Paramesotriton hongkongensis (Hong Kong Newt) Through Shotgun Sequencing and Cross-species Amplification in Other Asian Salamandrids
A Lau, NE Karraker, D Dudgeon
Current herpetology 35 (2), 122-127, 2016
New Florida rule limits take and possession of freshwater turtles
A Lau
Reptiles & Amphibians 16 (3), 170-173, 2009
The First International eDNA Workshop in Hong Kong: A beginner's guide for the next‐generation eDNA researcher
M Seymour, I Guibert, GJ Jeunen, M Hellström, M Leray, V Elbrect, A Lau, ...
Environmental DNA 6 (3), e552, 2024
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Articles 1–20