Braden R.B. Gregory
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Cited by
Practical guidelines and recent advances in the Itrax XRF core-scanning procedure
L Löwemark, M Bloemsma, I Croudace, JS Daly, RJ Edwards, P Francus, ...
Quaternary International 514, 16-29, 2019
Late-Holocene record of lagoon evolution, climate change, and hurricane activity from southeastern Cuba
M Peros, B Gregory, F Matos, E Reinhardt, J Desloges
The Holocene 25 (9), 1483-1497, 2015
Middle–late Holocene Caribbean aridity inferred from foraminifera and elemental data in sediment cores from two Cuban lagoons
BRB Gregory, M Peros, EG Reinhardt, JP Donnelly
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 426, 229-241, 2015
An evaluation of methodologies for calibrating Itrax X-ray fluorescence counts with ICP-MS concentration data for discrete sediment samples
BRB Gregory, RT Patterson, EG Reinhardt, JM Galloway, HM Roe
Chemical Geology 521, 12-27, 2019
Sequential sample reservoirs for Itrax-XRF analysis of discrete samples
BRB Gregory, EG Reinhardt, AL Macumber, NA Nasser, RT Patterson, ...
Journal of Paleolimnology 57, 287-293, 2017
An assessment of sub-meter scale spatial variability of Arcellinida (testate lobose amoebae) assemblages in a Temperate Lake: implications for limnological studies
RE Steele, NA Nasser, RT Patterson, BRB Gregory, HM Roe, ...
Microbial ecology 76, 680-694, 2018
The influence of morphology on sinkhole sedimentation at Little Salt Spring, Florida
BRB Gregory, EG Reinhardt, JA Gifford
Journal of Coastal Research 33 (2), 359-371, 2017
Intra-Lake Arcellinida (Testate Lobose Amoebae) response to winter de-icing contamination in an eastern canada road-side “salt belt” lake
CF Cockburn, BRB Gregory, NA Nasser, RT Patterson
Microbial ecology 80 (2), 366-383, 2020
Influence of late-Holocene climate change on the solid-phase speciation and long-term stability of arsenic in sub-Arctic lake sediments
CB Miller, MB Parsons, HE Jamieson, OH Ardakani, BRB Gregory, ...
Science of the Total Environment 709, 136115, 2020
The impact of cyclical, multi-decadal to centennial climate variability on arsenic sequestration in lacustrine sediments
BRB Gregory, RT Patterson, JM Galloway, EG Reinhardt
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 565, 110189, 2021
The iBox-FC: A new containment vessel for Itrax X-ray fluorescence core-scanning of freeze cores
BRB Gregory, RT Patterson, EG Reinhardt, JM Galloway
Quaternary International 514, 76-84, 2019
Are fur farms a potential source of persistent organic pollutants or mercury to nearby freshwater ecosystems?
BRB Gregory, JA Kissinger, C Clarkson, LE Kimpe, DC Eickmeyer, ...
Science of The Total Environment 833, 155100, 2022
Erugomicula, a new genus of Arcellinida (testate lobose amoebae)
NA Nasser, BRB Gregory, D Singer, RT Patterson, HM Roe
A novel protocol for mapping the spatial distribution of storm derived sediment in lakes
RT Patterson, V Mazzella, AL Macumber, BRB Gregory, CW Patterson, ...
SN Applied Sciences 2, 1-16, 2020
Evaluating the performance of calculated elemental measures in sediment archives
DW Dunnington, BRB Gregory, IS Spooner, CE White, GA Gagnon
Journal of Paleolimnology 64, 155-166, 2020
Arcellinida (testate lobose amoebae) as sensitive bioindicators of arsenic contamination in lakes
RT Patterson, NA Nasser, BRB Gregory, MJ Gavel, E Menard, ...
Exploring the Nexus of Geoecology, Geography, Geoarcheology and Geotourism …, 2019
Understanding the impact of millennial to sub-decadal climate and limnological change on the stability of As in lacustrine sediments
BRB Gregory
Carleton University, 2019
End‐Member Mixing Analysis as a Tool for the Detection of Major Storms in Lake Sediment Records
RT Patterson, NA Nasser, EG Reinhardt, CW Patterson, BRB Gregory, ...
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 37 (11), e2022PA004510, 2022
Lacustrine Arcellinida (testate lobose amoebae) as bioindicators of arsenic concentration within the Yellowknife City Gold Project, Northwest Territories, Canada
L Riou, NA Nasser, RT Patterson, BRB Gregory, JM Galloway, H Falck
Limnologica 87, 125862, 2021
Tracking pollution from fur farms using forensic paleolimnology
JA Kissinger, BRB Gregory, C Clarkson, N Libera, DC Eickmeyer, ...
Environmental Pollution 335, 122307, 2023
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Articles 1–20