Ane T. Laugen
Ane T. Laugen
Professor, Department of Natural Sciences, Centre for Coastal Research, University
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Latitudinal countergradient variation in the common frog (Rana temporaria) development rates–evidence for local adaptation
AT Laugen, A Laurila, K Räsänen, J Merilä
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 16 (5), 996-1005, 2003
Latitudinal divergence of common frog (Rana temporaria) life history traits by natural selection: evidence from a comparison of molecular and quantitative genetic data
JU Palo, RB O'Hara, AT Laugen, A Laurila, CR Primmer, J Merilä
Molecular Ecology 12 (7), 1963-1978, 2003
Rainfall during parental care reduces reproductive and survival components of fitness in a passerine bird
M Öberg, D Arlt, T Pärt, AT Laugen, S Eggers, M Low
Ecology and evolution 5 (2), 345-356, 2015
Evolutionary impact assessment: accounting for evolutionary consequences of fishing in an ecosystem approach to fisheries management
AT Laugen, GH Engelhard, R Whitlock, R Arlinghaus, DJ Dankel, ...
Fish and Fisheries 15 (1), 65-96, 2014
Plasticity in age and size at metamorphosis in Rana temporaria‐comparison of high and low latitude populations
J Merilä, A Laurila, AT Laugen, K Räsänen, M Pahkala
Ecography 23 (4), 457-465, 2000
Midgut bacterial dynamics in Aedes aegypti
O Terenius, JM Lindh, K Eriksson‐Gonzales, L Bussière, AT Laugen, ...
FEMS microbiology ecology 80 (3), 556-565, 2012
Can fisheries-induced evolution shift reference points for fisheries management?
M Heino, L Baulier, DS Boukal, B Ernande, FD Johnston, FM Mollet, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 70 (4), 707-721, 2013
Maternal and genetic contributions to geographical variation in Rana temporaria larval life‐history traits
AT Laugen, A Laurila, J MERILÄ
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 76 (1), 61-70, 2002
Do common frogs (Rana temporaria) follow Bergmann's rule?
AT Laugen, A Laurila, KI Jonsson, F Soderman, J Merila
Evolutionary Ecology Research 7 (5), 717, 2005
Antipredator defenses along a latitudinal gradient in Rana temporaria
A Laurila, B Lindgren, AT Laugen
Ecology 89 (5), 1399-1413, 2008
Latitudinal and temperature-dependent variation in embryonic development and growth in Rana temporaria
AT Laugen, A Laurila, J Merilä
Oecologia 135 (4), 548-554, 2003
Adaptive phenotypic plasticity in timing of metamorphosis in the common frog Rana temporaria
J Merilae, A Laurila, M Pahkala, K Raesaenen, A Timenes Laugen
Ecoscience 7 (1), 18-24, 2000
Allen’s rule revisited: quantitative genetics of extremity length in the common frog along a latitudinal gradient
JS Alho, G Herczeg, AT Laugen, K Räsänen, A Laurila, J Merilä
Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 2010
Quantitative genetics of larval life-history traits in Rana temporaria in different environmental conditions
AT Laugen, LEB Kruuk, A Laurila, K RÄSÄNen, J Stone, J MerilÄ
Genetical research 86 (03), 161-170, 2005
Decomposing the seasonal fitness decline
M Öberg, T Pärt, D Arlt, AT Laugen, M Low
Oecologia 174, 139-150, 2014
The Pacific Oyster (Crassostrea gigas) invasion in Scandinavian coastal waters in a changing climate: impact on local ecosystem services
AT Laugen, J Hollander, M Obst, Å Strand
Biological invasions in aquatic and terrestrial systems: biogeography …, 2015
Endophilic Anopheles mosquitoes in Guinea Bissau, west Africa, in relation to human housing conditions
K Pålsson, TGT Jaenson, F Dias, AT Laugen, A Björkman
Journal of medical entomology 41 (4), 746-752, 2004
Prognostic value of using bee and hive debris samples for the detection of American foulbrood disease in honey bee colonies
E Forsgren, AT Laugen
Apidologie 45, 10-20, 2014
Forty questions of importance to the policy and practice of native oyster reef restoration in Europe
PSE Zu Ermgassen, K Bonačić, P Boudry, CA Bromley, TC Cameron, ...
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 30 (11), 2038-2049, 2020
Spatial variation in growth, maturation schedules and reproductive investment of female sole Solea solea in the Northeast Atlantic
FM Mollet, GH Engelhard, A Vainikka, AT Laugen, AD Rijnsdorp, ...
Journal of Sea Research 84, 109-121, 2013
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Articles 1–20