Andrew Todd
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Cited by
Climate-change-driven deterioration of water quality in a mineralized watershed
AS Todd, AH Manning, PL Verplanck, C Crouch, DM McKnight, ...
Environmental science & technology 46 (17), 9324-9332, 2012
Using biotic ligand models to predict metal toxicity in mineralized systems
KS Smith, LS Balistrieri, AS Todd
Applied Geochemistry 57, 55-72, 2015
Robust, low‐cost data loggers for stream temperature, flow intermittency, and relative conductivity monitoring
TP Chapin, AS Todd, MP Zeigler
Water Resources Research 50 (8), 6542-6548, 2014
The past as prelude to the future for understanding 21st‐century climate effects on Rocky Mountain trout
DJ Isaak, CC Muhlfeld, AS Todd, R Al‐chokhachy, J Roberts, JL Kershner, ...
Fisheries 37 (12), 542-556, 2012
Links between climate change, water-table depth, and water chemistry in a mineralized mountain watershed
AH Manning, PL Verplanck, JS Caine, AS Todd
Applied geochemistry 37, 64-78, 2013
Development of new water temperature criteria to protect Colorado's fisheries
AS Todd, MA Coleman, AM Konowal, MK May, S Johnson, NKM Vieira, ...
Fisheries 33 (9), 433-443, 2008
Aquatic pollution increases use of terrestrial prey subsidies by stream fish
JM Kraus, JF Pomeranz, AS Todd, DM Walters, TS Schmidt, RB Wanty
Journal of Applied Ecology 53 (1), 44-53, 2016
Wildfire impacts on water quality, macroinvertebrate, and trout populations in the Upper Rio Grande
AJ Rust, J Randell, AS Todd, TS Hogue
Forest Ecology and Management 453, 117636, 2019
The potential influence of changing climate on the persistence of salmonids of the inland west
AL Haak, JE Williams, D Isaak, A Todd, CC Muhlfeld, JL Kershner, ...
Open-File Report, 2010
Upper thermal tolerances of Rio Grande cutthroat trout under constant and fluctuating temperatures
MP Zeigler, SF Brinkman, CA Caldwell, AS Todd, MS Recsetar, SA Bonar
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142 (5), 1395-1405, 2013
Evidence of recent climate change within the historic range of Rio Grande cutthroat trout: implications for management and future persistence
MP Zeigler, AS Todd, CA Caldwell
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 141 (4), 1045-1059, 2012
Effects of Acid Rock Drainage on Stocked Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss): An In-Situ, Caged Fish Experiment
AS Todd, DM McKnight, CL Jaros, TM Marchitto
Environmental monitoring and assessment 130, 111-127, 2007
Quantifying sources of increasing zinc from acid rock drainage in an alpine catchment under a changing hydrologic regime
CM Crouch, DM McKnight, AS Todd
Hydrological Processes 27 (5), 721-733, 2013
Predicting persistence of Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout populations in an uncertain future
MP Zeigler, KB Rogers, JJ Roberts, AS Todd, KD Fausch
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 39 (5), 819-848, 2019
Anticipated water quality changes in response to climate change and potential consequences for inland fishes
Y Chen, AS Todd, MH Murphy, G Lomnicky
Fisheries 41 (7), 413-416, 2016
An enriched stable‐isotope approach to determine the gill‐zinc binding properties of juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) during acute zinc exposures in …
AS Todd, S Brinkman, RE Wolf, PJ Lamothe, KS Smith, JF Ranville
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: An International Journal 28 (6 …, 2009
Abandoned mines, mountain sports, and climate variability: implications for the Colorado tourism economy
A Todd, D McKnight, L Wyatt
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 84 (38), 377-386, 2003
Water quality characteristics for the Snake River, North Fork of the Snake River, Peru creek, and Deer creek in Summit county, Colorado: 2001 to 2002
AS Todd, DM McKnight, SM Duren
University of Colorado, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, 2005
Measurement of total Zn and Zn isotope ratios by quadrupole ICP-MS for evaluation of Zn uptake in gills of brown trout (Salmo trutta) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
RE Wolf, AS Todd, S Brinkman, PJ Lamothe, KS Smith, JF Ranville
Talanta 80 (2), 676-684, 2009
MiniSipper: A new in situ water sampler for high-resolution, long-duration acid mine drainage monitoring
TP Chapin, AS Todd
Science of the total environment 439, 343-353, 2012
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Articles 1–20