Joseph J Hamman
Joseph J Hamman
CTO at Earthmover
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Cited by
xarray: ND labeled arrays and datasets in Python
S Hoyer, J Hamman
Journal of Open Research Software 5 (1), 10-10, 2017
The Variable Infiltration Capacity model version 5 (VIC-5): Infrastructure improvements for new applications and reproducibility
JJ Hamman, B Nijssen, TJ Bohn, DR Gergel, Y Mao
Geoscientific Model Development 11 (8), 3481-3496, 2018
Systematic over‐crediting in California's forest carbon offsets program
G Badgley, J Freeman, JJ Hamman, B Haya, AT Trugman, ...
Global Change Biology 28 (4), 1433-1445, 2022
How do modeling decisions affect the spread among hydrologic climate change projections? Exploring a large ensemble of simulations across a diversity of hydroclimates
OS Chegwidden, B Nijssen, DE Rupp, JR Arnold, MP Clark, JJ Hamman, ...
Earth's Future 7 (6), 623-637, 2019
Future climate risks from stress, insects and fire across US forests
WRL Anderegg, OS Chegwidden, G Badgley, AT Trugman, D Cullenward, ...
Ecology Letters 25 (6), 1510-1520, 2022
Cloud-native repositories for big scientific data
RP Abernathey, T Augspurger, A Banihirwe, CC Blackmon-Luca, ...
Computing in Science & Engineering 23 (2), 26-35, 2021
California’s forest carbon offsets buffer pool is severely undercapitalized
G Badgley, F Chay, OS Chegwidden, JJ Hamman, J Freeman, ...
Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 5, 930426, 2022
Economic and biophysical limits to seaweed farming for climate change mitigation
J DeAngelo, BT Saenz, IB Arzeno-Soltero, CA Frieder, MC Long, ...
Nature plants 9 (1), 45-57, 2023
Development of the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM): Near-surface atmospheric climate sensitivity
JJ Cassano, A DuVivier, A Roberts, M Hughes, M Seefeldt, M Brunke, ...
Journal of Climate 30 (15), 5729-5753, 2017
Land surface climate in the regional Arctic system model
J Hamman, B Nijssen, M Brunke, J Cassano, A Craig, A DuVivier, ...
Journal of Climate 29 (18), 6543-6562, 2016
The coastal streamflow flux in the Regional Arctic System Model
J Hamman, B Nijssen, A Roberts, A Craig, W Maslowski, R Osinski
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 122 (3), 1683-1701, 2017
MetSim: A Python package for estimation and disaggregation of meteorological data
AR Bennett, JJ Hamman, B Nijssen
Journal of Open Source Software 5 (47), 2042, 2020
The PANGEO Big Data Ecosystem and its use at CNES
G Eynard-Bontemps, R Abernathey, J Hamman, A Ponte, W Rath
Big Data from Space (BiDS'19).... Turning Data into insights... 19-21 …, 2019
Combined Effects of Projected Sea Level Rise, Storm Surge, and Peak River Flows on Water Levels in the Skagit Floodplain
RFEEG Joseph J. Hamman, Alan F. Hamlet, Se-Yeun Lee
Northwest Science 90 (1), 57-78, 2016
Winter atmospheric buoyancy forcing and oceanic response during strong wind events around southeastern Greenland in the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM) for 1990–2010
AK DuVivier, JJ Cassano, A Craig, J Hamman, W Maslowski, B Nijssen, ...
Journal of Climate 29 (3), 975-994, 2016
Pangeo: a big-data ecosystem for scalable earth system science
J Hamman, M Rocklin, R Abernathy
EGU General Assembly conference abstracts, 12146, 2018
DOs and DON'Ts for using climate change information for water resource planning and management: guidelines for study design
JA Vano, JR Arnold, B Nijssen, MP Clark, AW Wood, ED Gutmann, ...
Climate Services 12, 1-13, 2018
Pangeo forge: crowdsourcing analysis-ready, cloud optimized data production
C Stern, R Abernathey, J Hamman, R Wegener, C Lepore, S Harkins, ...
Frontiers in Climate 3, 782909, 2022
Comparing downscaled LOCA and BCSD CMIP5 climate and hydrology projections-release of downscaled LOCA CMIP5 hydrology
J Vano, J Hamman, E Gutmann, A Wood, N Mizukami, M Clark, ...
Livermore, CA Lawrence Liveremore Natl. Labs, 2020
Unpacking ton-year accounting
F Chay, G Badgley, K Martin, J Freeman, J Hamman, D Cullenward
Carbon Plan https://carbonplan. org/research/ton-year-explainer, 2022
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Articles 1–20