Sora Lee Kim
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Cited by
Methods to collect, preserve, and prepare elasmobranch tissues for stable isotope analysis
SL Kim, PL Koch
Environmental Biology of Fishes 95, 53-63, 2012
Using stable isotope analysis to understand the migration and trophic ecology of northeastern Pacific white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias)
AB Carlisle, SL Kim, BX Semmens, DJ Madigan, SJ Jorgensen, CR Perle, ...
PloS one 7 (2), e30492, 2012
Isotopic incorporation rates for shark tissues from a long-term captive feeding study
SL Kim, CM del Rio, D Casper, PL Koch
Journal of Experimental Biology 215 (14), 2495-2500, 2012
Ontogenetic and among-individual variation in foraging strategies of northeast Pacific white sharks based on stable isotope analysis
SL Kim, MT Tinker, JA Estes, PL Koch
Public Library of Science 7 (9), e45068, 2012
Carbon and nitrogen discrimination factors for elasmobranch soft tissues based on a long-term controlled feeding study
SL Kim, DR Casper, F Galván-Magaña, R Ochoa-Díaz, ...
Environmental Biology of Fishes 95, 37-52, 2012
Amino acid 15N trophic enrichment factors of four large carnivorous fishes
DK Hoen, SL Kim, NE Hussey, NJ Wallsgrove, JC Drazen, BN Popp
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 453, 76-83, 2014
Unifying latitudinal gradients in range size and richness across marine and terrestrial systems
A Tomašových, JD Kennedy, TJ Betzner, NB Kuehnle, S Edie, S Kim, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 283 (1830), 20153027, 2016
Trophic position of Otodus megalodon and great white sharks through time revealed by zinc isotopes
J McCormack, ML Griffiths, SL Kim, K Shimada, M Karnes, H Maisch, ...
Nature Communications 13 (1), 2980, 2022
Isotopic niche and resource sharing among young sharks (Carcharodon carcharias and Isurus oxyrinchus) in Baja California, Mexico
E Tamburin, SL Kim, FR Elorriaga-Verplancken, DJ Madigan, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 613, 107-124, 2019
Amino acid isotope discrimination factors for a carnivore: physiological insights from leopard sharks and their diet
JP Whiteman, SL Kim, KW McMahon, PL Koch, SD Newsome
Oecologia 188, 977-989, 2018
Cenozoic megatooth sharks occupied extremely high trophic positions
ER Kast, ML Griffiths, SL Kim, ZC Rao, K Shimada, MA Becker, ...
Science Advances 8 (25), eabl6529, 2022
Discrimination factors and incorporation rates for organic matrix in shark teeth based on a captive feeding study
SS Zeichner, AS Colman, PL Koch, C Polo-Silva, F Galván-Magaña, ...
Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 90 (2), 257-272, 2017
Integrating multiple chemical tracers to elucidate the diet and habitat of Cookiecutter Sharks
AB Carlisle, EA Allan, SL Kim, L Meyer, J Port, S Scherrer, J O’Sullivan
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 11809, 2021
Evidence from shark teeth for a brackish Arctic Ocean in the Eocene greenhouse
SL Kim, JJ Eberle, DM Bell, DA Fox, A Padilla
Geology 42 (8), 695-698, 2014
Endothermic physiology of extinct megatooth sharks
ML Griffiths, RA Eagle, SL Kim, RJ Flores, MA Becker, HM Maisch IV, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (27), e2218153120, 2023
Bridging the gap between chondrichthyan paleobiology and biology
ECS Whitenack, Lisa B., Sora L. Kim
Biology of Sharks and Their Relatives, 1-29, 2022
A record of the δ44/40Ca and [Sr] of seawater over the last 100 million years from fossil elasmobranch tooth enamel
AA Akhtar, LM Santi, ML Griffiths, M Becker, RA Eagle, S Kim, L Kocsis, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 543, 116354, 2020
Intraguild predation is increased in areas of low prey diversity in a generalist predator community
SF Uiterwaal, AJ Squires, BA Grappone, B Dillard, A Castaneda, SL Kim, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 92 (4), 901-912, 2023
Probing the Ecology and Climate of the Eocene Southern Ocean With Sand Tiger Sharks Striatolamia macrota
SL Kim, SS Zeichner, AS Colman, HD Scher, J Kriwet, T Mörs, M Huber
Paleoceanography and paleoclimatology 35 (12), e2020PA003997, 2020
Evaluating the efficacy of collagen isolation using stable isotope analysis and infrared spectroscopy
RB Trayler, PV Landa, SL Kim
Journal of Archaeological Science 151, 105727, 2023
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