Frida Piper
Frida Piper
Instituto de Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad de Talca
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A multi-species synthesis of physiological mechanisms in drought-induced tree mortality
HD Adams, MJB Zeppel, WRL Anderegg, H Hartmann, SM Landhäusser, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 1 (9), 1285-1291, 2017
Physiological mechanisms of drought-induced tree mortality are far from being resolved
A Sala, F Piper, G Hoch
The New Phytologist 186 (2), 274-281, 2010
Dynamics of non‐structural carbohydrates in terrestrial plants: a global synthesis
J Martínez‐Vilalta, A Sala, D Asensio, L Galiano, G Hoch, S Palacio, ...
Ecological monographs 86 (4), 495-516, 2016
Non-structural carbohydrates in woody plants compared among laboratories
AG Quentin, EA Pinkard, MG Ryan, DT Tissue, LS Baggett, HD Adams, ...
Tree physiology 35 (11), 1146-1165, 2015
Intraspecific trait variation and covariation in a widespread tree species (Nothofagus pumilio) in southern Chile
A Fajardo, FI Piper
New Phytologist 189 (1), 259-271, 2011
Drought induces opposite changes in the concentration of non-structural carbohydrates of two evergreen Nothofagus species of differential drought resistance
FI Piper
Annals of Forest Science 68, 415-424, 2011
Foliar habit, tolerance to defoliation and their link to carbon and nitrogen storage
FI Piper, A Fajardo
Journal of Ecology 102 (5), 1101-1111, 2014
Carbon sink limitation and frost tolerance control performance of the tree Kageneckia angustifolia D. Don (Rosaceae) at the treeline in central Chile
FI Piper, LA Cavieres, M Reyes-Díaz, LJ Corcuera
Plant Ecology 185, 29-39, 2006
The role of nonstructural carbohydrates storage in forest resilience under climate change
FI Piper, S Paula
Current Forestry Reports 6, 1-13, 2020
Extreme defoliation reduces tree growth but not C and N storage in a winter-deciduous species
FI Piper, MJ Gundale, A Fajardo
Annals of botany 115 (7), 1093-1103, 2015
Differential photosynthetic and survival responses to soil drought in two evergreen Nothofagus species
FI Piper, LJ Corcuera, M Alberdi, C Lusk
Annals of Forest Science 64 (4), 447-452, 2007
Single-provenance mature conifers show higher non-structural carbohydrate storage and reduced growth in a drier location
FI Piper, A Fajardo, G Hoch
Tree physiology 37 (8), 1001-1010, 2017
Low temperature responses of Nothofagus dombeyi and Nothofagus nitida, two evergreen species from south central Chile
M Reyes-Díaz, M Alberdi, F Piper, LA Bravo, LJ Corcuera
Tree physiology 25 (11), 1389-1398, 2005
Variation of mobile carbon reserves in trees at the alpine treeline ecotone is under environmental control
A Fajardo, FI Piper, L Pfund, C Körner, G Hoch
New Phytologist 195 (4), 794-802, 2012
Similar variation in carbon storage between deciduous and evergreen treeline species across elevational gradients
A Fajardo, FI Piper, G Hoch
Annals of Botany 112 (3), 623-631, 2013
Carbohydrate storage, survival, and growth of two evergreen Nothofagus species in two contrasting light environments
FI Piper, M Reyes-Díaz, LJ Corcuera, CH Lusk
Ecological research 24, 1233-1241, 2009
A multi-species synthesis of physiological mechanisms in drought-induced tree mortality. Nat Ecol Evol 1: 1285–1291
HD Adams, MJB Zeppel, WRL Anderegg, H Hartmann, SM Landhäusser, ...
Wind exposure and light exposure, more than elevation‐related temperature, limit tree line seedling abundance on three continents
EJB McIntire, FI Piper, A Fajardo
Journal of Ecology 104 (5), 1379-1390, 2016
Carbon dynamics of Acer pseudoplatanus seedlings under drought and complete darkness
FI Piper, A Fajardo
Tree Physiology 36 (11), 1400-1408, 2016
Disturbance regimes, gap‐demanding trees and seed mass related to tree height in warm temperate rain forests worldwide
PJ Grubb, PJ Bellingham, TS Kohyama, FI Piper, A Valido
Biological Reviews 88 (3), 701-744, 2013
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Articles 1–20