Karolien Denef
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A history of research on the link between (micro) aggregates, soil biota, and soil organic matter dynamics
J Six, H Bossuyt, S Degryze, K Denef
Soil and tillage research 79 (1), 7-31, 2004
The M icrobial E fficiency‐M atrix S tabilization (MEMS) framework integrates plant litter decomposition with soil organic matter stabilization: do labile plant inputs form …
MF Cotrufo, MD Wallenstein, CM Boot, K Denef, E Paul
Global change biology 19 (4), 988-995, 2013
Soil organic matter, biota and aggregation in temperate and tropical soils-Effects of no-tillage
J Six, C Feller, K Denef, S Ogle, JC de Moraes Sa, A Albrecht
Agronomie 22 (7-8), 755-775, 2002
Influence of dry–wet cycles on the interrelationship between aggregate, particulate organic matter, and microbial community dynamics
K Denef, J Six, H Bossuyt, SD Frey, ET Elliott, R Merckx, K Paustian
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 33 (12-13), 1599-1611, 2001
Influence of microbial populations and residue quality on aggregate stability
H Bossuyt, K Denef, J Six, SD Frey, R Merckx, K Paustian
Applied soil ecology 16 (3), 195-208, 2001
Carbon sequestration in microaggregates of no‐tillage soils with different clay mineralogy
K Denef, J Six, R Merckx, K Paustian
Soil Science Society of America Journal 68 (6), 1935-1944, 2004
Importance of macroaggregate dynamics in controlling soil carbon stabilization: short-term effects of physical disturbance induced by dry–wet cycles
K Denef, J Six, K Paustian, R Merckx
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 33 (15), 2145-2153, 2001
Biochar addition rate influences soil microbial abundance and activity in temperate soils
JD Gomez, K Denef, CE Stewart, J Zheng, MF Cotrufo
European Journal of Soil Science 65 (1), 28-39, 2014
Short-term effects of biological and physical forces on aggregate formation in soils with different clay mineralogy
K Denef, J Six, R Merckx, K Paustian
Plant and Soil 246, 185-200, 2002
Microaggregate-associated carbon as a diagnostic fraction for management-induced changes in soil organic carbon in two Oxisols
K Denef, L Zotarelli, RM Boddey, J Six
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 39 (5), 1165-1172, 2007
Clay mineralogy determines the importance of biological versus abiotic processes for macroaggregate formation and stabilization
K Denef, J Six
European journal of soil science 56 (4), 469-479, 2005
Microbial community composition and rhizodeposit-carbon assimilation in differently managed temperate grassland soils
K Denef, D Roobroeck, MCWM Wadu, P Lootens, P Boeckx
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 41 (1), 144-153, 2009
Community shifts and carbon translocation within metabolically-active rhizosphere microorganisms in grasslands under elevated CO2
K Denef, H Bubenheim, K Lenhart, J Vermeulen, O Van Cleemput, ...
Biogeosciences 4 (5), 769-779, 2007
Soil aggregation and soil organic carbon stabilization: effects of management in semiarid Mediterranean agroecosystems
J Álvaro-Fuentes, C Cantero-Martínez, MV López, K Paustian, K Denef, ...
Soil Science Society of America Journal 73 (5), 1519-1529, 2009
Does long-term center-pivot irrigation increase soil carbon stocks in semi-arid agro-ecosystems?
K Denef, CE Stewart, J Brenner, K Paustian
Geoderma 145 (1-2), 121-129, 2008
Controls and dynamics of biochar decomposition and soil microbial abundance, composition, and carbon use efficiency during long-term biochar-amended soil incubations
X Jiang, K Denef, CE Stewart, MF Cotrufo
Biology and Fertility of Soils 52, 1-14, 2016
Invasion by the Alien Tree Prunus serotina Alters Ecosystem Functions in a Temperate Deciduous Forest
R Aerts, M Ewald, M Nicolas, J Piat, S Skowronek, J Lenoir, T Hattab, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 8, 179, 2017
Contributions of incorporated residue and living roots to aggregate‐associated and microbial carbon in two soils with different clay mineralogy
K Denef, J Six
European Journal of Soil Science 57 (6), 774-786, 2006
Carbon sequestration and soil aggregation in center‐pivot irrigated and dryland cultivated farming systems
J Gillabel, K Denef, J Brenner, R Merckx, K Paustian
Soil Science Society of America Journal 71 (3), 1020-1028, 2007
Long-term reactive nitrogen loading alters soil carbon and microbial community properties in a subalpine forest ecosystem
CM Boot, EK Hall, K Denef, JS Baron
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 92, 211-220, 2016
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Articles 1–20